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Thread: Brewery Taprooms

  1. #26

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Brianna Bailey had a good series of tweets this morning from the meeting from various folks: https://twitter.com/briOKC

    The financial hardship on those brewers who invested expecting this to pass cleanly is really tragic if this were to not pass as expected.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Yeah, Bruce Sanchez of Twisted Spike Brewery said that they've already invested $400,000 into their brewery, and just spend another $150,000 last week taking out a loan o expedite the build of their taproom in anticipation for the clean passing of 424.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Potentially stupid question: if they convene a special legislative session to do raises for teachers, could they not use the opportunity to clean up the language in this bill and make everyone happy? Considering what appears to be a very negative public perception of the state legislature's job performance of late, it seems like that would be quite the two-fer for them.

    (Unfortunately I don't think that's the way special sessions work. One can only dream of such efficiency, I guess.)

  4. #29

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    I am going to cross my fingers and chant.. and hope that upon taking another look this afternoon they rule to allow the sale of beer on site for consumption. I am just gonna put that out in the universe and hope it sticks..

  5. #30

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCinsomniac View Post
    Potentially stupid question: if they convene a special legislative session to do raises for teachers, could they not use the opportunity to clean up the language in this bill and make everyone happy? Considering what appears to be a very negative public perception of the state legislature's job performance of late, it seems like that would be quite the two-fer for them.

    (Unfortunately I don't think that's the way special sessions work. One can only dream of such efficiency, I guess.)
    It depends on how the special session is called. A special session must focus solely on the particular issue
    the governor identifies when calling the special session. So, if she calls a special session to deal with the $140 million in funds left over by their incompetent cutting, the legislature may not use that opportunity to address their other incompetencies, like clarifying the language in SB424.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I am going to cross my fingers and chant.. and hope that upon taking another look this afternoon they rule to allow the sale of beer on site for consumption. I am just gonna put that out in the universe and hope it sticks..
    Perhaps a better option is to call Scott Pruitt's office and ask him to uphold the intent of SB424 and allow taprooms to sell high point beer for their customers to drink. I did. 405-521-3921

  7. #32

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    For those interested in doing something now...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	TapLaw.jpg 
Views:	57 
Size:	87.8 KB 
ID:	12892

  8. #33

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms


    BREAKING: AG's office on selling high-point beer by the glass -- We expect a formal opinion prior to the law taking effect on Thursday.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Perhaps a better option is to call Scott Pruitt's office and ask him to uphold the intent of SB424 and allow taprooms to sell high point beer for their customers to drink. I did. 405-521-3921
    I did that as well actually. was just being silly.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    From https://twitter.com/tbrownOKC/status/768198290361896961

    .@AGScottPruitt gives OK for Okla. brewers to sell high-point beer on site. Opinion here: https://www.ok.gov/oag/documents/Att...n%202016-6.pdf
    And the opinion: https://www.ok.gov/oag/documents/Att...n%202016-6.pdf

    It is, therefore, the official Opinion of the Attorney General that:
    1. Senate Bill 424 permits a brewer licensee to sell beer it produces to
    consumers twenty-one years of age or older for consumption by that
    consumer on the licensed premises.
    2. Senate Bill 424 permits a brewer licensee to sell packaged beer it
    produces to consumers twenty-one years of age or older for consumption
    by that consumer off of the licensed premises.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Disregard. Was posting the link to the AG's opinion. However, hooray beer!
    Last edited by Timshel; 08-23-2016 at 04:44 PM. Reason: David beat me to posting the link.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms


  13. #38

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Great news!

  14. #39

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    What???? The state government did something right??? Que twilight zone music

    This is going to be awesome!!

  15. #40

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms


  16. #41

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by bille View Post
    In just over a week (Friday, August 26th) OK's first unprecedented alcohol law change will go into effect allowing our local breweries to sell their "strong" beer (beer in excess of 4% ABV). For those following the proposed changes, including those we'll be voting on in November, this change has been largely overshadowed but in regards to our local craft scene this change will have the largest affect.

    Several of our local breweries will be having specials on that day to celebrate. If you're a craft fan you should make plans to visit one <or more!> breweries next weekend to show your support. This will be quite the game changer for our craft beer scene, cheers!
    If you (or anyone else) knows of locals who will do growler refills please post the info. COOP is not offering this service and I am disappointed to say the least. I am not interested in pre-filed 32 oz cans.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    If you (or anyone else) knows of locals who will do growler refills please post the info. COOP is not offering this service and I am disappointed to say the least. I am not interested in pre-filed 32 oz cans.
    Last time I was at coop they were filling and sealing the cans/crowlers when you bought them. Have they stopped that?

  18. #43

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    I think they were filling growlers at Anthem before.

  19. Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Roughtail fills growlers. They have some pretty fancy looking ones, too.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    I worked at Belle Isle Brewery from 2000-2004 and we did growlers even back then.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    I've had growlers refilled at Mustang and Roughtail, pretty sure Anthem does them as well. Elk Valley at Mustang Brewery also does fills.
    Last edited by trousers; 08-29-2016 at 08:58 AM. Reason: added Elk Valley

  22. #47

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    How well does a good growler keep beer fresh?

    I know they hold 67 oz. which is about 5 pints.

    So, if you have a growler in your fridge and drink one pint every few days -- meaning it would be about 2-3 weeks before it was drained -- does the beer stay as fresh as canned or bottled beer?

  23. #48

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    ^ With a growler, I've had beer stay good for a few days, assuming you close the lid tightly. The whole growler vs crowler thing is interesting. From what I know, the crowlers were developed by Oskar Blues out of Colorado (and a recent addition to our state's selection of craft beer). There are advantages to each. Growlers are reusable, but folks may not get them cleaned or sterilized properly. Crowlers are single use, but are much cheaper for the brewery, and assumably, for the consumer. With growlers, you need to consume relatively quickly. Crowlers can be stored and kept for weeks and or months after purchase, potentially.

    There's a little history here - http://allaboutbeer.com/article/beer-crowlers/

    and more here - https://www.alcoholprofessor.com/blo...r-the-crowler/

  24. #49

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    I have a stainless steel refillable Growler.. it has a good cap that keeps beer pretty fresh but I think the Crowler is a much more efficient system. no cleaning ect.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Can you also buy kegs directly from Coop, Anthem, etc?

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