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Thread: Caffeinated Soap for your Shower

  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Caffeinated Soap for your Shower

    For those of you who have a problem waking up in the mornings, there is something on the market that is just for you. I may get this for Patrick on his birthday .

    Caffeinated soap perks up your shower

    Perfect gift for that smelly co-worker who sleeps in too much

    LONDON - Inventors have created a soap infused with caffeine which helps users wake up in the morning.

    The soap, called Shower Shock, supplies the caffeine equivalent of two cups of coffee per wash, with the stimulant absorbed naturally through the skin, manufacturers say.

    “Tired of waking up and having to wait for your morning java to brew? Are you one of those groggy early morning types that just needs the extra kick?” ask the makers, thinkgeek.com.

    Scented with peppermint oil, each bar is designed to provide a stimulant boost within five minutes for a clean buzz.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Caffeinated Soap for your Shower

    what I'd really like to see invented is a bed blanket that could emit skin absorbed caffeine at a preset time each morning ... maybe then getting the lads out the door to school would become a bit less of a chore. Good students once they are there, it's just the getting them up and out part could use just such a boost. 8^)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Caffeinated Soap for your Shower

    It's funny, I've been thinking of buying a similar product to see if it really work. This is the one I've been considering:

    ThinkGeek :: Shower Shock Caffeinated Soap

    ThinkGeek :: Shower Shock Caffeinated Body Wash

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