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Thread: Brewery Taprooms

  1. #1

    Default Brewery Taprooms

    In just over a week (Friday, August 26th) OK's first unprecedented alcohol law change will go into effect allowing our local breweries to sell their "strong" beer (beer in excess of 4% ABV). For those following the proposed changes, including those we'll be voting on in November, this change has been largely overshadowed but in regards to our local craft scene this change will have the largest affect.

    Several of our local breweries will be having specials on that day to celebrate. If you're a craft fan you should make plans to visit one <or more!> breweries next weekend to show your support. This will be quite the game changer for our craft beer scene, cheers!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Here's a post copied from a FB group that should have most of what's going on, that's at least public/current.

    On 8.26.16, breweries will be able to have a true tap room, sell cold strong beer and enjoy the privileges they should have had a long time ago.

    What have you heard, where are the events, and where are you going?

    Events will be posted below as they get added:
    ○ Roughtail - Taphouse open 4-9pm
    ○ COOP - Oktoberfest Release Details: https://goo.gl/qKbM3E
    ○ Elk Valley - TBD
    ○ Anthem - Food truck. New shirt. Beers. Saturday will be two food trucks, comedy show, more beers. Details: https://goo.gl/AN7Ki6 & https://goo.gl/iOOIyf

    ○ American Solera - Several beers on tap, & bottle releases. Details: https://goo.gl/YBjl2O
    ○ Marshall - Special Releases, Live Music, 12-8
    ○ Dead Armadillo - Tap Room 12-7 w/ special one offs

  3. #3

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Heh - I see someone else is a member of Oklahoma Lets Talk Craft Beer...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    When will I be able to fill a growler with F-5? Thx.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    When will I be able to fill a growler with F-5? Thx.
    Growlers are still up in the air, as far as I know.

  6. Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Growlers are still up in the air, as far as I know.
    Yeah, I think the language in the bill was a little wonky, so ABLE is working on interpreting it. Hopefully they're allowed.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Heh - I see someone else is a member of Oklahoma Lets Talk Craft Beer...
    I'm very passionate about beer and brewing so I try to be associated with every blog, group, etc in order to find out what's the latest news and whatnot.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    When will I be able to fill a growler with F-5? Thx.
    A decision is still out on growler/crowlers (we may hear something today though). Senator Bice says worst case is we can get it straightened out next legislative session if we're shut down by ABLE this year.

    That said you will be able to buy fresh cans (and kegs!) directly from the brewery starting next Friday. I'm not sure about COOP but Roughtail is going to have brewery only releases of fresh IPA and other hoppy beers. It's going to awesome!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by bille View Post
    I'm very passionate about beer and brewing so I try to be associated with every blog, group, etc in order to find out what's the latest news and whatnot.

  10. Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Looks like ABLE wants to not allow full strength beer by the glass at breweries. This would kill most of the taprooms, would it not? Either way, ugh.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Do you think this means most of these brewpubs like the recently announced Prairie will just call off their plans? Unless I am misinterpreting this, is there a point anymore?

    It's amazing how much dysfunction there are is in all these bureaucratic committees and agencies. In the end though, state lawmakers need to write laws specific enough (maybe they did, but I would assume not) so that ABLE isn't afforded such discretion.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Another ridiculous ruling by ABLE and another setback to the state and economic development. What else is new?

    If anyone wants to make their voice heard on this issue, ABLE is holding a public hearing this Friday. ABLE Commission meeting, scheduled for 10 a.m Friday at the agency, 3812 N. Santa Fe


  13. #13

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    F*ck ABLE. Bunch of bureaucrats getting off with their tiny slice of power.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
    Another ridiculous ruling by ABLE and another setback to the state and economic development. What else is new?

    If anyone wants to make their voice heard on this issue, ABLE is holding a public hearing this Friday. ABLE Commission meeting, scheduled for 10 a.m Friday at the agency, 3812 N. Santa Fe

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    F*ck ABLE. Bunch of bureaucrats getting off with their tiny slice of power.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    It seems like a lot of people are pretty angry about this ruling (not to sidetrack, but I wish people got this angry about the injustices in our schools!) so it seems an opportune time to mobilize political support against this decision... and then push hard for other alcohol laws. It starts with attending that ABLE meeting. Seize the moment, Okies.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    The bill's intent seems pretty damn clear:

    Section 521. A. A brewer license shall authorize the holder thereof: To manufacture, bottle, package, and store beer on licensed premises; to sell beer in this state to holders of Class B wholesaler licenses and retail licenses and to sell beer out of this state to qualified persons; to sell beer produced by the licensee to consumers twenty-one (21) years of age or older on the premises of the brewery; and to serve free samples of beer produced by the
    licensee to visitors twenty-one (21) years of age or older. For purposes of this section, no visitor may sample more than a total of

    It doesn't say that they only have the right to sell bottled or packaged beer to consumers (as it does for wholesalers, retailers and qualified persons), it generally says that they can sell beer produced at the brewery to consumers over 21. Not sure why ABLE believes it specifically has to say by the pint or glass.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    The bill's intent seems pretty damn clear:

    Section 521. A. A brewer license shall authorize the holder thereof: To manufacture, bottle, package, and store beer on licensed premises; to sell beer in this state to holders of Class B wholesaler licenses and retail licenses and to sell beer out of this state to qualified persons; to sell beer produced by the licensee to consumers twenty-one (21) years of age or older on the premises of the brewery; and to serve free samples of beer produced by the
    licensee to visitors twenty-one (21) years of age or older. For purposes of this section, no visitor may sample more than a total of

    It doesn't say that they only have the right to sell bottled or packaged beer to consumers (as it does for wholesalers, retailers and qualified persons), it generally says that they can sell beer produced at the brewery to consumers over 21. Not sure why ABLE believes it specifically has to say by the pint or glass.
    I think it's still ambiguous, as it doesn't specify the ability to consume on premises, only purchase. However, it can be fixed by the legislature, though it won't be until next session. Assuming, that is, the ABLE commission follows through with the ban on on-site consumption.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    This is the problem with leaving things ambiguous and in statues vs constitution. It leaves things open to interpretation or involvement from the state legislature.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Hoping to see some people at this meeting here shortly, 10AM. The ABLE Commission is located on the Northeast corner of 37th/38th and Santa Fe.
    Last edited by Andon; 08-19-2016 at 08:41 AM. Reason: Correction

  20. #20

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Does no one get with ABLE during the process of writing the law to ensure that it is specific enough to get their intent across?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by barrettd View Post
    I think it's still ambiguous, as it doesn't specify the ability to consume on premises, only purchase. However, it can be fixed by the legislature, though it won't be until next session. Assuming, that is, the ABLE commission follows through with the ban on on-site consumption.
    While ambiguous...it just says they can sell beer...to me that means without restriction of how it's sold and that was pretty clearly the intent. More clarification would be great, but still gives no reason for able to have a stick up their a** and nix the whole thing.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    While ambiguous...it just says they can sell beer...to me that means without restriction of how it's sold and that was pretty clearly the intent. More clarification would be great, but still gives no reason for able to have a stick up their a** and nix the whole thing.
    Totally agree. I would think with laws, one would err on the side of less restriction when ambiguous instead of more restriction. In my mind, laws should outline what is not allowed, so an absence of specifics would be taken as allowed by law. I can't even tell if that made sense, but hopefully I got my point across.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    From what people attending the meeting are saying on Twitter, ABLE is unsure about their interpretation and are kicking it up to Pruitt's office.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    I can see where their interpretation could apply. The language is the same for selling to wholesale distributors as it is for on-premise sale to customers. So I could see the argument that it can be sold the same way to consumers and distributors: in cans and bottles.

    I don't think that was the intend of the change in the law though.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Brewery Taprooms

    As people are saying here, as in the meeting, the language is ambiguous, but the intent is clear to allow direct sale of drinks by the glass.

    I attended the meeting, and it looks like the Commission may revisit the issue as early as this afternoon.

    Representative Cory Williams, one of the authors of the bill, urged the Commission to not defer to the AG's office for a recommendation, citing that it took six months to receive a response last time he personally did so.

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