Yeah, I remember it was quite the scene for a while, especially for happy hour.
Also seemed to not last very long for some reason.
This explains it:
Definitely Joe Kelly's, a very good restaurant. Great steaks as well as seafood.
C. T.
I think i had my first legal mixed drink at Joe Kellys
I was never in Joe Kelly's that much, but the Chi-Chi's on the southside had a happy hour that always seemed to have a crowd. Two for one cocktails with that buffet set up with the cheese block, shredded lettuce, chips, salsa, and frijoles. Great times '80-'82.
In the mid 1950s, there was a hamburger restaurant on North May Avenue, possibly around the 5600 block, between NW 50th and NW 63rd Streets. It was on the east side, so long ago now, I cannot recall which side of NW Hiway it was on. As I recall, it was a sit down restaurant with a rustic appearance. I keep thinking "chuck wagon" something or other, but just do not recall the name now. Our family ate there often, sometimes before attending the drive in theatre nearby on NW Hiway. Can anyone help me with the name of this place, and perhaps provide memories of your own? The original building is gone; at least, if it has been remodeled, is far different than its original appearance. Sorry to be so vague, but am trying to remember back 60 years to early childhood here.
This is the criss-cross directory for that area from 1969.
East side of street would be even number addresses.
Might jog some memories:
Roast Prime Rib, Baked Potato, and a Salad for $2.25. Wow. Can't even get the potato for that now.
So that's where Wile E got his potato chips....
^^^ Cute. That's the kind of remark I would make.
Without a doubt, a couple that I recall fondly, that are now consigned to the history bin. . .
Harry Bears on Mosteller drive. Fried peaches were great. They had a salad that I would drive across town for my lunch break from classes at Rose State college for. . . Really hated it when they pulled up steaks, (so to speak!)
El Fenix at Crossroads, was another frequent stop. Thank goodness you can still get their salsa and it has started to appear in Wally world of all places! If only someone would reopen an El Fenix in the city.
Ouy Lin was the first Chinese I remember. First attended probably about '65 or so. Made the mistake of visiting again before they closed, their AC was out, the food was hideous.
Not to mention, any of the great cafeterias. . . Hermans, Der Dutchman, Beverly's. . . or even Shakey's pizza, which had its own unique ambience.
Anyone old enough to remember these diner-type operations:
1956 thru 1970s, Gone but not forgotten...
Grady's Hamburgers small old fashion diner operation, located at 8th & Laird. You could smell those burgers lightly diced with grilled onions a block away.
Butlers Barbecue (6th & Stonewall--s.e. corner, adjacent to Page-Woodson). ...served great BBQ ribs, scraps & rib ends, smoked links & hot dogs with chili--both served on a hamburger size bun.
Krispy King Country Fried Chicken (2101 NE 23rd Street), served up some really great fried chicken, beans, potato salad
Pulliam Bar B Q Pit, (538 NE 4), they had the best ribs & sauce west of the Mississippi. Served ribs on butcher paper. Always suit & tie doctors, nurses & professionals in that shack.
It's Close To Original Pulliam's:
I loved going to Pulliam's. I recall the ribs being served on Wonder Bread wrappers. There was a coin operated coke machine for drinks. Some of the group I usually accompanied were acquainted with the owners and there were hugs all around. But I remember observing many of the customers getting hugs and being treated like family or old friends. I think a lot of people felt that way.
Outside on the streets were cars of all kinds and inside were people of all kinds as well.
It is still one of those really happy memories of my early working life in Oklahoma City. I think I was really fortunate to go there although at the time I am certain I failed to appreciate just how special it was.
Yep, you were there if you remember facing those walls C.T. His 'blood red sauce' was killer. That's what was missed in that Oklahoman recipe about Pulliam's sauce--the tomato sauce.
I recall as a kid when we played in that area the large cans of Del Monte tomato sauce cans outside the establishment in the trash.
I don't remember when they closed, but I was going there between 1968 and 197?. Maybe as late as 1975 but I just don't remember.
C. T..
When Levita Anderson died I was surprised nobody mentioned it on OKCTalk, and now another lady from way back has just passed away. For those of you that don't know, Levita Anderson is the mother of Rick and Skip Bayless and she and her first husband (he died in 1974) started The Hickory House Barbecue on SW 25th and Western. I think that was the first barbecue that I had ever had. It was started in 1951. Made me a barbecue lover from then on. Sometime in the late 60's we started going to a place called El Rancho Sanchez on about SW 57th and Western. I was young and don't remember a lot but it was the first Mexican restaurant in town (that we knew of) with a buffet. As a family of four we all enjoyed eating there. One of the founder's, Hope Sanchez died about a week ago. For me, a lot of good memories.
C. T.
C.T.'s post reminded me to post this, don't think it's been mentioned here yet. Just finished the "Classic Restaurants of Oklahoma City" book by Dave Cathey and it was quite informative, brought back lots of memories (born here in 1965, lived around NW 63rd/May until 18, then family moved to Edmond and I moved back to OKC after a few years, then left OKC in 1995, came back in 2009). Writing is really bad in spots (no address listed, partial info, choppy flow, etc.) and editing isn't very good either (both me and my copy-editor wife almost threw it at the wall a few times), but the info and pictures are very worthwhile.
It sounds interesting, I will have to get a hold of a copy. Thanks for the information.
C. T.
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