Came across this article from News 9: OK Safety Council Proposes Update To State License Plates - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
Came across this article from News 9: OK Safety Council Proposes Update To State License Plates - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |
I don't particularly care for the front license plates, as they screw up the aesthetics of the front end of a car. It looks tacky, and out of place.
It's interesting to look at which states don't require a front plate. It looks like most of the states are in the south, but there are a small handful scattered throughout out the NE/Midwest.
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia
New Mexico
I swear I have seen front plates for Florida.
California technically requires them but in my 25 years there, I never once put one on the front and that's true of almost everybody there.
Don't need one, don't want one. How would having a front licence plate make you safer anyway?.
So we have a budget shortfall of eleventy bazillion dollars, and we want to double the costs associated with license plates? This is the wrong direction, the states that require front plates need to be eliminating them. And how is the "it's for SAFETY!!!" boogeyman going to play out on this one? The roads will not be one tiniest fraction safer with front plates being required. For that matter, they're not safer with BACK plates being required, license plates have nothing at all to do with safety.
Christ, what special interest group puked this idea up?
I'm assuming that this would coincide with the tag scanners that our law enforcement agencies have been getting.
I think the costs savings doesn't come from the cost of the additional plate (which we would pay for), but from the increased ability to track down traffic offenders, etc. (and send out more fines). I don't really get why this would make anything safer though.
If this happens, where will my neighbors put their Confederate flag plates?
"Sales of Sports Teams Mirrored Plates Drop Dramatically"
^^Future Oklahoman headline.
We don't want to be like Texas on this issue.
Nun, don't won't one; ain't had none, don't care if I get one (front license plate).
Truly, don't particularly care for a front license plate. When I lived in Fort Worth; I had a front & back plate--it cost less to tag my car once I got to Texas (2 plates) than it did in Oklahoma.
Well, I will admit until a certain thing happened in my life that I have never had a front plate, but now I have two vanity tags and I pay for both annually which is not required by the state. As a matter of fact, they didn't know how to register three tags to one car (counting the normal state tag requirement). It took about twenty minutes to figure it out. I pay for both of them because a part of what I pay goes to breast cancer research. I have an FBC nnn on the front and rear. I'm not taking part in the poll because I don't really have a strong opinion about the topic.
C. T.
I do not have an opinion one way or the other. However as a safety issue, the legality of allowing people to operate a pickup truck with passengers riding in the cargo area should be prohibited.
A solution in search of a problem, what a load of crap. Had to get brackets for both our cars when we lived in IL and WA since they required them, ugly and more money that we didn't need to spend. If they're really concerned about safety, how about doing something about the vehicles with non-functional brake lights (*way* more of these than there should be), missing brake lights/turn signal lights/headlights, etc.
Don't want one in front. In fact, when I got my current car, I had the dealership remove the front plate holder and take it to the body shop to have the screw holes filled in.
^^ Really? ... I thought it was. I guess it's just illegal to ride sitting up on the bed sides then.
I had a friend in high school who was killed after being thrown from the bed of a pickup during a collision with another car.
^...I was pretty sure that it was made illegal with the passenger seatbelt laws. While it may not have specifically called out truck beds, i'm pretty sure that it is illegal now. I dont remember if you can get pulled over for it though...rather just get a ticket if you get pulled over for something else.
As for plates, it's just an excuse to get more money out of people because we know they aren't going to give it to us for the same cost. If it's a safety issue, they we should have that done without extra cost, or for sure not full price. But if that ever happened, my OCU vanity plate would disappear. It's bad enough that i have to pay for a regular plate and then vanity on top of that, but if i have to double up on both....eff you state.
Did I miss something, I can't find anywhere in that article the mention of requiring a front plate? Maybe it is just way too early this Monday morning.
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