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Thread: Residence Inn - Meridian

  1. #1

    I40Meridian Residence Inn - Meridian

    A building permit application was recently submitted to demolish an existing La Quinta on Meridian just south of I-40 and construct a 5-story Residence Inn and two other hotels on the same property.

    Interestingly, the existing hotel was built in 1970 and was recently purchased by a local hotel ground for $2.9 million. That is a lot of money for a tear-down on 4.4 acres of land.

    The hotel market here just seems to keep rolling.

  2. Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    good to see Laquinta will come back with 6 floors (smaller footprint) and the new hotels one of which is Residence inn may I presume?
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    I like that it will move the walkways and halls to the interior. Things don't seem to last as long when they're exposed to the elements.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    good to see Laquinta will come back with 6 floors (smaller footprint) and the new hotels one of which is Residence inn may I presume?
    I think they're demoing the La Quinta and building a new RI.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    Quote Originally Posted by _Cramer_ View Post
    I like that it will move the walkways and halls to the interior. Things don't seem to last as long when they're exposed to the elements.
    I wonder if this might be a reflection on people's changing tastes? I used to like motels, now I wouldn't stay at one for the world.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    Considering I drive by this eye sore a number of times per week, I've been wondering if it's on the demo list. I'm so happy to see it is! Especially with the construction of the hotel off the I-40 service road a stones throw away, and the new hotel under construction down the street. Motels are definitely a thing of the past unless you're into drugs or prostitutes. Bring in the wrecking ball!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    I drive by every day and am very happy to see it go. It was not a great place.

    One thing that really irks me about meridian south of sw 15th is the lack of sidewalks there. There are a ton of hotels and a ton of restaurants but it's very difficult for people staying at these places to safely get there.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    I drive by every day and am very happy to see it go. It was not a great place.

    One thing that really irks me about meridian south of sw 15th is the lack of sidewalks there. There are a ton of hotels and a ton of restaurants but it's very difficult for people staying at these places to safely get there.
    Especially if you wanted to walk to over to Celebration Station, with kids. Unsafe indeed.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    There's several hotels down that way that I'm surprised are still there and in business. What is now a Wyndham on SW 20th and Meridian used to be bad. I don't know if Wyndham made any improvements when they changed flags. The Biltmore passed its useful date a looooong time ago.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    There's several hotels down that way that I'm surprised are still there and in business. What is now a Wyndham on SW 20th and Meridian used to be bad. I don't know if Wyndham made any improvements when they changed flags. The Biltmore passed its useful date a looooong time ago.
    Depends which Wyndham you mean. I've stayed at both the Wyndham Garden Inn (not bad, but not in my top ten list of places I want to go) and the Wingate by Wyndham. The Wingate by Wyndham was just awful. Non-smoking rooms are "available at request", and my request for one was fulfilled by a room heavy with the stench of old smoke and a metric crapton of Febreeze.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    Depends which Wyndham you mean.
    I mean the one that I mentioned; SW 20th and Meridian. I think it used to be a Holiday Inn at one point. I was in there in the late 90s and it was going in a bad direction then. Unless Wyndham did an overhaul, I would have to think it's only gotten worse.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    I mean the one that I mentioned; SW 20th and Meridian. I think it used to be a Holiday Inn at one point. I was in there in the late 90s and it was going in a bad direction then. Unless Wyndham did an overhaul, I would have to think it's only gotten worse.
    Yes, and that's my point. The Wingate by Wyndham and the Wyndham Garden Inn are a couple hundred feet from each other, one on the north side and one on the south side.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Residence Inn - Meridian

    They recently demolished the old motel.

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