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Thread: 10th Street RFP

  1. #26

  2. #27

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    I know Mr. Dodson wants to build downtown. I hope this works out for him.

  3. #28

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP


  4. #29

  5. #30

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    This looks like a fantastic development, and more importantly I'm glad a local suburban builder is jumping on the urban bandwagon.

    At the same time, does anyone else feel like this development is about 5 years too early for Classen Tenn Penn? That area still needs a bit more polish before you can justify high end housing and the like.

  6. #31

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    It would be built in phases over a four year period and the first phase probably wouldn't even open for two years.

    Think about how much things will have changed by then... And the rate of change in the urban core only seems to be accelerating.

    There just isn't enough housing -- especially for sale -- in the urban core.

  7. #32

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    I think if anything, it could help accelerate the cleanup of that neighborhood.

  8. #33

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Sometimes if you wait for change you are too late to the game. It can work out in your favor to be a part of that change.

  9. #34

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Quite ambitious. Best of luck to them but Im not sure I believe this will end up looking like this or follow the 4 year time line.

  10. #35

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    Sometimes if you wait for change you are too late to the game. It can work out in your favor to be a part of that change.
    So true.

    If you wait for an area to completely gentrify you will soon be complaining about being priced out.

  11. #36

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    I hope y'all are right. CTP has a lot of potential (I get an Echo Park vibe from that area). If this project was in Gatewood it would be a home run, but you have to admit this location is definitely a risk. Hope they succeed nonetheless.

    Somewhat piggybacking on this, what is the word on the street concerning all the land acquisitions along Classen and Western? I think that will go a long way in stabilizing this area.

  12. #37

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    This looks like a fantastic development, and more importantly I'm glad a local suburban builder is jumping on the urban bandwagon.

    At the same time, does anyone else feel like this development is about 5 years too early for Classen Tenn Penn? That area still needs a bit more polish before you can justify high end housing and the like.
    I don't agree. I think Classen Ten Penn is in a better position than a lot of the neighborhoods undergoing revitalization. The amount of improvement in that area over the past few years is pretty staggering. Plus, these will be built over 4 years so by the time they are built, the area should be ready.

  13. #38

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    I mean, it's just a question of what you need to make the numbers work.

    If he can profit at $175/sf, he'll have no problem. $200/sf, it will take some time, but he'll get there. $250/sf+…he might want to make it closer to a 7 year plan. It's a great location. If you can convince the city to put bike lanes on 10th, then you have a pretty bikable destination to downtown. It's an added 3 minutes from Sosa.

    And since we're in OKC, you know some downtown E&P employees are going to buy and drive to work anyway :-P.

  14. #39

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    One good thing about this from a development / affordability standpoint: the land is very cheap.

    The City is only charging $56K for the 3 acres.

  15. Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    I hope y'all are right. CTP has a lot of potential (I get an Echo Park vibe from that area). If this project was in Gatewood it would be a home run, but you have to admit this location is definitely a risk. Hope they succeed nonetheless.

    Somewhat piggybacking on this, what is the word on the street concerning all the land acquisitions along Classen and Western? I think that will go a long way in stabilizing this area.
    We act as if Gatewood and Classen Ten Penn aren't adjacent... And that northern CTP isn't basically the exactly same as western Gatewood a few years ago.

    This project looks good to me. Land is usually 10% of TDC... Also if the city can provide tax abatement that will push this over the edge and make it happen.

  16. #41
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    There were two distinct images in Steve's article - one looked like townhouses not dissimilar from those comprising the Hill and the other resembled Midtown Renaissance's the Frank. Are these both being proposed for this area as separate components of the development?

  17. #42

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Those renderings are just design inspiration; they don't present what will actually be built.

    Both were much larger buildings than will be built at this site.

  18. #43

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    From the Classen Ten Penn FB page:

    Our meeting with Dodson Custom Homes was very informative with some great conversation about their proposal for 10th St. Their vision is to have eighteen contemporary townhomes with a pocket park created by closing Brauer and four 3-story mixed-use buildings with moderately-sized retail and apartments. The development will be set close to 10th St with parking and garages behind the buildings to accommodate tenants and guests. Their team is eager to work with the neighborhood to address any concerns and turn this concept into reality. Let us know what you think as we continue this process to make 10th St into something we can all be proud of!

  19. #44
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    That looks terrible.

  20. #45

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Yeah I was thinking "holy crap those are ugly".

  21. #46

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    I don't think its that bad. It will be a welcome addition to that corridor.

  22. #47

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    I don't think the brick goes with with design myself. I would like the design more if the exterior wasn't brick or if using Brick then perhaps a different design. but that's just my opinion.

  23. #48
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I don't think the brick goes with with design myself. I would like the design more if the exterior wasn't brick or if using Brick then perhaps a different design. but that's just my opinion.
    I think that would help it look less awful, but I think the design is very lazy, if that makes sense. They're ugly to start, imagine how they'll look once they've aged. Yeeeesh.

  24. #49

    Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    Is this a matter of taste or a legitimate long term concern?

  25. Default Re: 10th Street RFP

    I like the middle block. Responds well to the craftsman-style bungalows across 10th. Not sure about the other two blocks. Kinda fugly for sure. Also not a fan of the way they have closed Brauer.

    I think that the other two blocks look like a cheap version of The Hill, which theoretically, is exactly what we could have hoped for her. So whatever I guess. The denser bldg concept should make more sense once the development in the works at Classen/Western/10th is revealed.

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