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Thread: The Rise

  1. Default Re: The Rise

    nice, long streetfront along 23rd. Love it.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #678

    Default Re: The Rise

    The parking lot behind The Rise is open.

    This is looking towards the back of Pizzeria Gusto and The Pump.

  3. #679

    Default Re: The Rise

    I wonder if a parking garage could/should be built on this lot in the future. I can't think of many places on 23rd where one would go, but behind The Rise might work. Hopefully with retail at least along Walker or maybe even between The Rise and garage. But it'd probably need to go underground so the Garage doesn't go much higher than the Rise. Or is this lot not big enough? Maybe that's a terrible idea.

  4. Default Re: The Rise

    As soon as you use the word "underground" you're saying "here's several million dollars to get things started. Call me when you need the next check." Even devon's cart Blanche tower has an elevated parking structure.

    I took that photo from my urban assault vehicle/work truck. It's already apparent the parking isn't enough just for the employees of the rise businesses. All the right of way parking dreams of the paseo residents are about to come true!

    Honestly I don't know how the tenants or landlord plan to enforce it. Obviously we want the parking reserved for rise customers.

  5. Default Re: The Rise

    Definitely hope the protected crosswalk at 24th and Walker is pursued soon. Safely opens up quite a bit more parking across the street to the east.

  6. #682

    Default Re: The Rise

    Urban Core is now open.

    I believe it's the first storefront open in the complex.

  7. #683

    Default Re: The Rise

    Cox opens Jan 8th I believe. But I was thinking that the fitness center had already opened.

  8. #684

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Definitely hope the protected crosswalk at 24th and Walker is pursued soon. Safely opens up quite a bit more parking across the street to the east.
    If you wanna talk "parking to the east" let's talk about the right of way parking that good egg took upon themselves to brand and claim as their own shortly after Gusto opened. Hate to break it to ya. But those spots belong to EVERYONE. Take a moment to note that everything beyond ones property line is not their property.

    This is the same frustration I get with my neighbors in the paseo who leaves (don't parl here) notes on people's cars when they park in front of their houses like they own the street.

  9. Default Re: The Rise

    Saw this project over Christmas when I was in town and I think it looks great. I wish all of the businesses luck!

  10. Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner View Post
    If you wanna talk "parking to the east" let's talk about the right of way parking that good egg took upon themselves to brand and claim as their own shortly after Gusto opened. Hate to break it to ya. But those spots belong to EVERYONE. Take a moment to note that everything beyond ones property line is not their property.

    This is the same frustration I get with my neighbors in the paseo who leaves (don't parl here) notes on people's cars when they park in front of their houses like they own the street.
    The city can legally reserve a parking spot for them though. It sounds like that didn't happen?

  11. #687

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner View Post
    If you wanna talk "parking to the east" let's talk about the right of way parking that good egg took upon themselves to brand and claim as their own shortly after Gusto opened. Hate to break it to ya. But those spots belong to EVERYONE. Take a moment to note that everything beyond ones property line is not their property.

    This is the same frustration I get with my neighbors in the paseo who leaves (don't parl here) notes on people's cars when they park in front of their houses like they own the street.
    I would encourage you to simply park in the handicap spots. When you get a ticket, merely claim that it isn't anybody's property.

    As far as parking in front of other people's houses, if there is other parking available, that just isn't being neighborly.

  12. Default Re: The Rise

    It's not my fight, but in looking at the satellite view on Google Maps it appears to me that the spaces you reference are inside the property lines of Good Egg HQ, as opposed to being true on-street parking. Meaning when the building was constructed, it was set back from the property line to allow for dedicated (rather than public) parking. Which would make sense considering the historic purpose of the building.

    I could be wrong, but here's the Maps link: http://goo.gl/maps/rLHZ6

  13. #689

    Default Re: The Rise

    Pretty sure that is their private property.

  14. Default Re: The Rise

    I'll weigh here after studying the surveys and looking at property lines and such. I had to be very specific to get my sign variance, fence permit. Etc.

    The property lines on this block are very weird. The right of way goes all the way out to the blacktop on both sides. The parking all around the skate park/humpty dumpty slab are right of way. The way it works out is where you see sidewalk is actually private property and where you see parking, curb, etc is right of way. And in general, any property beyond right of way that's not already ROW is a city easement. You will see Landrun took advantage of this and took up the ROW parking in favor of wide sidewalks on both walker and 23rd. A good move as we all agree.

    I'm not taking sides here but you can see it black&white on the survey Landrun commissioned for spud 671 (or maybe 691).

    But hey. I'm not hating. If some kids come red paint stripe the old ROW gas station drive in front of my place in the dark of night. I won't protest! Those darn kids.

  15. Default Re: The Rise

    The Rise looks to be about half full now.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  16. #692

    Default Re: The Rise



    Will be interesting to see what the store signs look like when they start to go up.

  17. Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post


    Will be interesting to see what the store signs look like when they start to go up.
    Pete, do you have any idea on when The Drake plans to start moving in?

  18. #694

    Default Re: The Rise

    I've heard they'll be opening in March barring more surprises.

  19. #695

    Default Re: The Rise


  20. #696

    Default Re: The Rise

    Went by The Rise yesterday and while several tenants are open, it appears they have several spaces they are trying to lease.

    Open: Anytime Fitness, Urban Core, Cox Communications
    Under construction: The Drake, Interior Gilt, Old School Bagel

    The Land Run website and loopnet.com show four spaces still for lease, totalling 10,703 square feet.

    At appears the At the Beach tanning place deal has fallen through, but there are three other empty spots as well.

  21. #697

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Under construction: The Drake, Interior Gilt, Old School Bagel
    Gotta loooooove the drake.

  22. #698

    Default Re: The Rise

    Anyone know when Old School will open? Went by last weekend and it looks like they are close, but had to leave bagel-less...

  23. #699

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by twade View Post
    Anyone know when Old School will open? Went by last weekend and it looks like they are close, but had to leave bagel-less...

    From https://twitter.com/HiddenOKC:

  24. #700

    Default Re: The Rise

    Went to Old School this morning. I think it will be a great location for them. Friendly staff and plenty of seating over two levels. When asked, I was told to expect outdoor seating soon. They are excited about the possibilities. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
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ID:	11154Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	11155

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