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Thread: Rush

  1. #1

    Default Rush

    kicked ass. 'nuff said.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Rush

    Yes we saw them last night at the BOK. Great show!
    A few observations......
    1. They are so awesome they don't need an opener.
    2. Geddy cant hit the high notes like he once could but still a extremely talented cat{as they all are}.
    3. The first set could have been shortened and more added to the second set. Really disappointed they didn't play La Villa Strangiato and Freewill.
    4. +1 For playing all of Xanadu and throwing Cygnus Books 1 and 2 together,

    Overall a great show by a legendary band.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rush

    Lee did hit a *few* high notes, but definitely didn't live up in the top register like he used to. You could tell the songs were being sung overall a bit lower. But still sang powerful, hit and held notes and such.

    Staging was fun.

    For me I wanted to hear The Trees and Fly By Night, but if you took everyone's "wish they had played" list it would have filled 3 more hours. I felt like they were playing THEIR favorites too, which could be since it might be their last tour, what with Pert's tendonitis acting up.

    And maybe one day they will add more members so they can be a proper rock band.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Rush

    For us stay at homes the Moody Blues were on PBS playing the Royal Albert Hall last night. You're right, the older singers can't hit them highs anymore. Elton John is a drastic example of that. But, That's why you hire younger backup singers.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rush

    didn't see the show, but looking at the setlist, i loved how they presented the songs in reverse chronological order.

    geddy hasn't been able to hit those high notes for a while now, even though he tries. but he loves his baseball, as he was seen at a tulsa drillers game a few nights ago.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieHornet View Post
    didn't see the show, but looking at the setlist, i loved how they presented the songs in reverse chronological order.

    geddy hasn't been able to hit those high notes for a while now, even though he tries. but he loves his baseball, as he was seen at a tulsa drillers game a few nights ago.
    Yep that was neat.
    Started with Clockwork Angels and ended with Working Man.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUMom View Post
    Lee did hit a *few* high notes, but definitely didn't live up in the top register like he used to. You could tell the songs were being sung overall a bit lower. But still sang powerful, hit and held notes and such.

    Staging was fun.

    For me I wanted to hear The Trees and Fly By Night, but if you took everyone's "wish they had played" list it would have filled 3 more hours. I felt like they were playing THEIR favorites too, which could be since it might be their last tour, what with Pert's tendonitis acting up.

    And maybe one day they will add more members so they can be a proper rock band.....
    LOL sorry couldn't resist...
    Not that I am griping because I think it was a wonderful show/set. But I would have been just as happy is everything they did was Pre-Subdivisions.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rush

    Great show as usual for them.

    Was slightly disappointed they didn't play more of their older ones. There were quite a few songs I did not recognize.

    All in all had fun. I'm going to try to see them again in Portland. The opportunities to watch these older rock bands play are getting fewer and fewer. And 90% of my music is classic rock from the 60s 70s and 80s.

    I really don't like new mainstream musicians -- there's no modern day band I really want to see in person.

    I do love watching Kyle Reid and the Low Swinging Chariots...good local band. Also, Horse Thief has grown on me.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    But I would have been just as happy is everything they did was Pre-Subdivisions.
    I thought Signals and Grace Under Pressure had some good cuts. Power Windows is where my fandom started to wane. Although, I did see them on the PW tour.

    I've seen some Rush concerts on Paladia and it's almost painful for me to hear Geddy try to hit those notes. I'm much happier cueing up some of their older stuff on my phone when I'm driving.

  10. Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    I thought Signals and Grace Under Pressure had some good cuts. Power Windows is where my fandom started to wane. Although, I did see them on the PW tour...
    You and I are apparently the same person. Blue Oyster Cult opened, and thanks to Wichita's festival seating and my fast 17 year old legs I was on the crowd wall right in front of Alex for the whole Rush set.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Rush

    My husband missed this show announcement and Rush is one of his all-time favorite bands, probably up there with Pink Floyd. To say he was bummed is a gross understatement.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    My husband missed this show announcement and Rush is one of his all-time favorite bands, probably up there with Pink Floyd. To say he was bummed is a gross understatement.
    They are playing Dallas on Sunday and I am considering making a road trip........they were that great.

  13. Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    My husband missed this show announcement and Rush is one of his all-time favorite bands, probably up there with Pink Floyd. To say he was bummed is a gross understatement.
    Was he more bummed about that, or about the ruts in your yard?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Was he more bummed about that, or about the ruts in your yard?
    Ha! Oh, he's PISSED about the ruts in our yard (as am I, frankly). He was bummed about missing Rush.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    You and I are apparently the same person. Blue Oyster Cult opened, and thanks to Wichita's festival seating and my fast 17 year old legs I was on the crowd wall right in front of Alex for the whole Rush set.
    Wow, I didn't think any venues still did festival seating in the '80s.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Rush

    I can recall "Rocklahoma" which was at Owen Field in Sept of 80. Pat Benater, Sam Hagar, Van Halen and the Mary Jane Brothers which had open seating.

  17. Default Re: Rush

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Wow, I didn't think any venues still did festival seating in the '80s.
    It was very controversial, but Kansas Coliseum still did. I actually did a story about it In my high school newspaper. I interviewed radio DJ Lee Roberts, who was in Wichita at the time but who like me has spent the past 30 or so years in Oklahoma. I recall that he told me about standing in the wings with John Mellencamp, who was amazed and slightly horrified that the venue still did that. Oh well, when you're 17 it seems like the best idea ever.

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