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Thread: The Sandwich Club

  1. #1

    Western Ave. The Sandwich Club

    New sandwich shop opening in the old Sabi space on 36th and Western between Guestroom and Cock o the Walk. Coming Soon sign in window.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    Found this. https://twitter.com/SandwichClubOKC Looks like they're opening early next year.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    I asked them more about their concept on Twitter and this was the response:

    Offering premium meats and cheeses, paired with local breads and produce. Creating an alternative to the classic sub. Thx 4 asking!
    Sounds interesting.

  4. Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    Noticed they showed up on Urbanspoon recently but haven't seen anything posted on their FB page about them being open yet. Anyone driven by recently and noticed if they are open yet?

    Edit: Nevermind... They posted 19 hours ago that they are getting close... I last looked about 30 hours ago.

  5. Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    This was taken yesterday:

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  6. #6

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    really hope they can keep the smoke from the cock o the walk out of the place.

    when will okc ban smoking in bars? even new Orleans has banned it

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    An 80's themed sandwich shop? Sounds like they should be next to an 80's themed bar...

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    Opening June 15th per their Twitter account.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    I'm pretty excited for this one but seems like it's taken forever for them to open. I saw their coming soon leaving COTW back in November. The menu looks really good though. They using Prairie Thunder?

  11. Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    They're open!

    Click image for larger version. 

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  12. #12

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    has anyone been to it yet? Does the smoke from the COTW seep through walls to the place?

    I went to the drumroom once and you could smell the smoke from the Sip and go throughout the restaurant

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    Haven't seen it mentioned on Twitter. Maybe the salon next door blocks the smoke?

  14. Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    I just went there for lunch. It was good, I had the Snake Plissken. Don't expect anything groundbreaking; it seems like everything could be made at home. A very simple menu, but very filling and quite tasty. 12 oz soda, chips and sandwhich all ran a

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    I went for lunch the other day. They had just opened. They are working on getting a fountain machine, I believe.

    I had the Turkey sandwich (turkey, bacon, pj cheese, jalepeno, lettuce, mayo, red peppers). It was pretty good. The bread was probably my favorite part though, I'm not sure where they get it.

    They need to get some more seating as there were only a handful of tables. Probably could only seat 12 or so people. It was a little over $9 for just the sandwich. Chips were extra, and a drink was extra.

    The only negative I saw was the pricing. I thought it was a little high for what I got.

    I might go back in a month or two after they get in to a routine and make the adjustments they need to make. But, I won't be going if it is going to cost me more than $9 for a sandwich.

    Edit: Regarding the possibility of smoke, I didn't smell anything from COTW.

  16. Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    My wife and I went here yesterday for lunch. I ordered the Omega Mu (roast beef, bacon, horseradish sauce, and sriracha). The sandwiches were delicious and the staff was very nice and welcoming.

    Got to talk to the owner a little bit. He was very encouraged with my positive feedback. And to clarify they buy their bread from Big Sky Bread Company.

    Looking forward to going back!

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  17. #17

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club


    That sandwich sounds really good.

    Glad to hear the positive review.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    Tried today at about 150 but they had run out of bread and were closed. Hey, great business so far I guess. Will try again soon.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    The Gazette and Oklahoman both covered them in the past 2 days so I'd bet they weren't prepared for the onslaught that I'm sure followed.

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    went last week and thought the place was really good... glad to hear they're getting lots of business! -M

  21. #21

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    They are closing on Friday.

  22. #22

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    They are closing on Friday.
    Am shocked they lasted this long, we make sandwiches at home with better ingredients than they use, and at a fraction of the cost (we could probably make 4-5 sandwiches for what one of theirs costs). Went there once just to see what the hoopla was about and we were very unimpressed, but we like to order things at restaurants that we can't make at home, so this just didn't fit the bill.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Am shocked they lasted this long, we make sandwiches at home with better ingredients than they use, and at a fraction of the cost (we could probably make 4-5 sandwiches for what one of theirs costs). Went there once just to see what the hoopla was about and we were very unimpressed, but we like to order things at restaurants that we can't make at home, so this just didn't fit the bill.
    Yeah, I never stepped foot in there because I was shocked at the model. When I go out to eat, it’s usually for things that we can’t easily make at home. Their product is probably the easiest meal that can be made at home. My wife went once and said it was good, but not good enough to go back.

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    went once,
    sandwich was covered on both sides with extra extra spicy mustard.
    It was like i ordered a spicy mustard sandwich and the rest (ham, cheese, etc) was just for show.

  25. #25

    Default Re: The Sandwich Club

    I went there once and was underwhelmed. I do know people who thought it was good.

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