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Thread: Going on a Cruise

  1. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    I did do a "Tiger" cruise with my son when he was on the U.S.S. Carl Vinson on it's way back from Operation Enduring Freedom From Hawaii to San Diego to drop off the squadron he was assigned to. Not much amenities but the chow was pretty good. Wouldn't have been much for kids to do though.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    On Royal Caribbean, they put a day planner in your stateroom every day for the next day. Not sure what any other line does but i'd think not much different.
    That is typical for all cruise lines.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    You know, I've considered taking our walkie talkies, but wasn't sure if that was being weird or too helicopter-parent-ish. Even so, I think I'll go ahead and take them.
    Won't be seen as weird. We got the idea from seeing other families using them I would be shocked if you were the only family that had them. The kids like the extra freedom they get by having them and having them on.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    For younger children using the children's camp program it isn't necessary.

    What are the beeper/phone policies onboard? How can you contact us?

    Parents with CHILDREN 3 or UNDER will be provided with a beeper/phone for the duration of the cruise. Beepers/Phones will be provided for those parents with children 4 and 5 years depending on the ship’s availability. Beepers/phones must be returned to Camp Carnival BEFORE 10:00pm on the last night of the cruise or you will be charged for it. There is no charge for this service, but there will be a charge for the beeper/phone on your Sail and Sign if the beeper/phone is lost or not returned in good condition.
    Parents will be beeped/called if the child is misbehaving, ill, seriously unhappy, asking continuously for their parents and in case of an emergency. The beeper/phone is used for ship-use only; the range does not extend beyond the ship.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    I hoping that someone with a child this young is not going to let them run loose around the ship. The beepers are for the parents so the kid's club can contact while your child is in the program. Not the same if older and wandering around. At a certain age, they are allowed to sign themselves out of the club. Another tip...don't feel bad when you the kids want to spend their time in the kid's/teen club. The first cruise we did with the kids we felt bad because it was a family vacation and felt we were dumping them there. Little did we know they wanted to hang with the other kids their age instead of us. Still had plenty of family time but also gave us some nice mom/dad time. This is another plus about the walkie talkie is if you have a rule that they must call you before leaving the club...gives ample head's up to allow for some quality mom/dad time in cabin without kids.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    I hoping that someone with a child this young is not going to let them run loose around the ship. The beepers are for the parents so the kid's club can contact while your child is in the program. Not the same if older and wandering around. At a certain age, they are allowed to sign themselves out of the club.
    Which, of course, it exactly what my post indicated. When my children were young and on a cruise that type of communication hadn't even been thought about. I did have to hunt my daughter at times and she was very adventurous and not easy to locate.

  7. Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    I hoping that someone with a child this young is not going to let them run loose around the ship. The beepers are for the parents so the kid's club can contact while your child is in the program. Not the same if older and wandering around. At a certain age, they are allowed to sign themselves out of the club. Another tip...don't feel bad when you the kids want to spend their time in the kid's/teen club. The first cruise we did with the kids we felt bad because it was a family vacation and felt we were dumping them there. Little did we know they wanted to hang with the other kids their age instead of us. Still had plenty of family time but also gave us some nice mom/dad time. This is another plus about the walkie talkie is if you have a rule that they must call you before leaving the club...gives ample head's up to allow for some quality mom/dad time in cabin without kids.
    Oh they are both ready to leave mom and dad and go hang in "their" club. One thing I was wondering about. They have a club for 10-14yr olds and a different club for 15+. I have one in each age group, but they both want to hang out together (and I'd feel better about that too). I wonder how strict they are about a 12 yr old hanging with his big sis in the 15+ club or vice versa?

  8. #33

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Oh they are both ready to leave mom and dad and go hang in "their" club. One thing I was wondering about. They have a club for 10-14yr olds and a different club for 15+. I have one in each age group, but they both want to hang out together (and I'd feel better about that too). I wonder how strict they are about a 12 yr old hanging with his big sis in the 15+ club or vice versa?
    Don't know. My kids were in different clubs and wanted to hang with kids their own age so never really was an issue for us. They have different planned activities for the different age group. The older kids may do a scavenger hunt in small groups around the ship wherein the younger kids wouldn't have that much freedom in their activities. (I think we had to give permission for the older one to do the hunt as they were let out in the ship to find stuff.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by okatty View Post
    Transderm Scop patch saved my life while I was on the cruise - never a hint of sea sickness. Got home, took it off and within 24 hours was sick as a dog!! HAHA. Dr said I wore it too long and my inner ear got reliant on it. Should have cut it in half and limited the time I had it on.
    Been on a cruise to Alaska, if you are on the Gulf of Alaska with a storm out there, you will retch....
    Been on a cruise to Caribbean, if you are there with a hurricane way far away but close enough to toss the waters, you will toss you lunch....SCOP patch or not with me.
    Otherwise, it was smooth sailing....Caribbean classically smoother sailing....

    This has some helpful hints... The Best Location on a Cruise Ship for Seasickness | USA Today

  10. #35

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    That's not true of everyone. I know many people, including me, who enjoy the motion on a ship. My first cruise was to Alaska about 40 years ago. I had an upper birth and, if not for the side railing, I could have been tossed out of bed. It didn't faze me at all. My wife could have just looked at a boat and get seasick, however.

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    That's not true of everyone. I know many people, including me, who enjoy the motion on a ship. My first cruise was to Alaska about 40 years ago. I had an upper birth and, if not for the side railing, I could have been tossed out of bed. It didn't faze me at all. My wife could have just looked at a boat and get seasick, however.
    That's not good, 'cause if Mama ain't happy, nobody goina be happy.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    That's not good, 'cause if Mama ain't happy, nobody goina be happy.
    Well, since we're no longer married, I don't have to worry about that any more.

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Going on a Cruise

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Well, since we're no longer married, I don't have to worry about that any more.
    Oh. My bad for not being more attentive. I would have enjoyed a vacation on a cruise with my boys. Until they hit that age where they don't want to admit you exist.

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