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Thread: Jim Brewer Building

  1. #1

    Bricktown3 Jim Brewer Building


    The Hunzicker Building -- a key and highly visible part of Bricktown -- will soon receive a major renovation and be rechristened the Jim Brewer Building, in honor of the man that was one of the founding fathers of the urban district.

    Brewer's sons, Brent and Brett, now own the property and plan to convert the long-vacant two upper floors to residential units with balconies on the 3rd level facing the canal.

    The ground floor will get a major face lift as well, including the area facing the alley which will be converted from a tatty jumble to new storefronts, decks and roll-up doors.

    The entire building will get new windows along with a huge electronic sign on the roof and a new blade sign on the east side. The existing Hunzicker Brothers and Pittsburgh Plate Glass signs will be repainted to depict the new name.

    Existing tenants Norm's Dockside Bar, Knuck's Wheelhouse, Red Dirt Emporium and BMH are expected to remain and be joined by new retail and office tenants at ground and canal level.

    The project actually encompasses two separate buildings at 101 and 103 E. California. Each has approximately 23,400 square feet on three floors plus a basement at canal level.

    The Bricktown Urban Design Committee will consider the plans in its March 11th meeting.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Awesome sauce.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Everything looks great minus the electronic sign on top of the building.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    They will be seeking separate approval for all the signage; the meeting on 3/11 will only consider the building renovations.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Love it, love it, love it! Including the sign!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    That alley has been a bad eyesore for too long.

    Immediately north with be the new Canopy Hotel and I'm sure the developers will be happy to see the improvements.

    There are ton of projects in process right now in Bricktown, both large and small.

    More coming, too.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Would love to live there. Noise might be an issue with all the partying and late-night crowds. I like it though.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    There are ton of projects in process right now in Bricktown, both large and small.

    More coming, too.
    Great to hear!

    Despite all of the development in other districts like Midtown, Bricktown is still OKC's showcase district. If a visitor is coming in from out of town and you want to impress them, unless it happens to be H&8th night, you go to Bricktown. It will be so awesome to see it polished up and finally become what it always had the potential to be. Hopefully this is just the beginning of improvements to canal-fronting properties.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    The only other living units on the canal are at the Centennial, which is the most successful condo project ever in OKC.

    Apartments and condos could bring a lot of life to the canal. I really wish we'd get a hotel on the water as well (besides the Residence Inn which sits far back).

  10. #10

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Apartments and condos could bring a lot of life to the canal. I really wish we'd get a hotel on the water as well (besides the Residence Inn which sits far back).
    This as well as the tunnel through the Santa Fe station. That will make the canal a lot more attractive to businesses than it has been because of accessibility. I always thought there was no better place for a quality canal-front hotel than where the Mini-Golf course is going.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Will the residential be for lease or for sale?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    I believe they will be apartments.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building


  14. #14
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    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    cool project, but they shouldn't change the original windows on the top floor.

  15. Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    I think that they should tone the painted sign down a notch. Fade it a little to make it a ghost sign. It's too vibrant to have a recent figure's name.

    On the other hand, I admire the hell out of the way the two brothers are trying to honor their dad's legacy.. cool stuff.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    I love it! Love the new sign too!!!! I've seeing some new large electronic signs come downtown. This will be cool.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Definitely a cool project overall, but the electric sign and the paint should be re-thought. No need to take away any of the character of the old paint patina, that's a classic piece of Bricktown right there. The sign is just obnoxious and would be anywhere.

  18. Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I love it! Love the new sign too!!!! I've seeing some new large electronic signs come downtown. This will be cool.
    You mean the blade sign, right? I think we all agree that is great. The cursive Jim is cool, too.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    You mean the blade sign, right? I think we all agree that is great. The cursive Jim is cool, too.
    I like the electronic rooftop sign as well. One thing I don't like, is how they are removing some of the other signs that have been on that building for a long time. It makes the building feel more 'authentic' and adds to the charm of the canal.

  20. Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I like the electronic rooftop sign as well. One thing I don't like, is how they are removing some of the other signs that have been on that building for a long time. It makes the building feel more 'authentic' and adds to the charm of the canal.
    I was thinking that too, but then when you look at how they're bringing the two together, if you maintain the two different signs, it splits it back up again. At least they're maintaining the same white on black look. If that's the lost element in getting this project, i'll take it LOL

  21. #21

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Why can't the painted sign fade organically like the signs painted on before them? Its in the same style & colors as the old ones from when Bricktown was a warehouse district. Hopefully Bricktown is alive 50+ years from now & by then the sign will be faded, no need for a faux faded sign. In fact that would be super corny IMO.

    Love the electronic sign, any light illuminating a night time district is a A+ addition.

  22. Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Why can't the painted sign fade organically like the signs painted on before them? Its in the same style & colors as the old ones from when Bricktown was a warehouse district. Hopefully Bricktown is alive 50+ years from now & by then the sign will be faded, no need for a faux faded sign. In fact that would be super corny IMO.
    I agree. Also, if the entire buidling is being revamped and brought back to it's original appearance, minus any new additions, shouldn't the sign be done the same? I like the idea of it being bold and then fading over time much like the original signage that is present now.

    I like the electronic and blade signs btw. Cool points.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    cool project, but they shouldn't change the original windows on the top floor.

    The building, if I recall correctly, is from 1950/1955, which is past the period of significance for the original warehouses. The overall character of a red brick warehouse remains, in my opinion.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    Yes, both buildings were built in 1950.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Jim Brewer Building

    So what exactly will be on the sign on the roof?

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