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Thread: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

  1. #1

    Default "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    When the NEWS becomes the news...It's time to makes some changes. ...The Oklahoman, The Sports Animal.

    How does this happen...? Why does this happen ? When is enough, enough ?

    The word here is Relevance. ..where do i start...? As Oklahoman's, do we really need a Barry Tramel "in the news"..? ...do we need a local paper that is so cross with the Team that it affects the team ( The Thunder ) ? No. The answer is No. In today's < Economy , Social > climate, we need this team performing at their best and knowing that WE ( The Fans, The City, The State of Oklahoma ) are with them through thick or thin....we stand with you.

    The Oklahoman ( Mike Sherman ) needs to clean house and let Tramel go, it is time. When the news "makes news" then you are no longer needed. Make it happen Sherm or you can go with him. This needs to happen immediately and make a statement, of "who's team you are on"....? And I don't want to hear that we need the paper to have an "unbiased" opinion, ....really? We the people are not ASKING or Wanting an un-biased opinion of Russell / KD, The Team, they are not political figures...!!!! They are young men playing on a team representing me, not you ( the media ). Again, we DO NOT want you affecting them. OKC should be something special to them, their home. When The Thunder come home, it should be a place of rest, comfort, joy, and warmth. My house is, so why don't they deserve the same....? They do. Make it happen.

    The Oklahoman needs to just put neat photos of dunks, and smiles, and the stats, and stories of their families being welcomed here. KD gave $1M to the people of Moore during a time of tragedy, that is what family does. That is heart. The Oklahoman needs to pull back immediately. This is NOT Dallas, LA, NYC, Miami, Atlanta, ...this is OKC, home of KD, Westbrook, and the boys......yes, home. ....let's make sure our home is always a warm welcome mat for them. ....and we can wipe our feet on the morning paper, when we come into our home.

    That is the relevance we have today for The Oklahoman.

    WWLS, The Sports Animal, is "OVER-Inflated" today. The Partriots are Under-Inflated and WWLS The Sports Animal is OVER Inflated.....too much air. Way too much air. ...it is time to let some AIR out of that thing.

    They can have their opinions, but lets do it with a great deal more CLASS, and be respectful. Again, we need THE Thunder, KD, Russell, and Perkins, not WWLS. I can wake up everyday and not even think of "talk radio". ....When a group gets adversarial with another, why do I need them ?

    Dean Blevins has his opinion's, but he is still professional. ...I think what has happened is the Thunder are above this group and they don't know where their place is. Today things are different....we are on a bigger / national stage w/ the Thunder and we need to act like it. ....if you can't act more professional than what you have recently, then go away.....The People of Oklahoma, don't need you to misrepresent us.

  2. #2

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    I guess you aren't familiar with any other sports market in this country. KD, Russ and co. have been babied by the local sports media since Day 1. Sports stars in other markets get THROTTLED all the time. Professional? Part of the multi million dollar contract being paid an individual player, is for them having to be a part of the community, volunteering for charity, and talking to the media. There wasn't anything in regards to the verbage, or the delivery of said words from Tramel that warranted that type of response Westbrook? It was immature, unprofessional and nothing short of disgusting. His insecurities continue to rear their ugly head. So, I personally can't wait for him to move one, so he can see what it's like to really have his **** handed to him by the media while playing for a large market team. He is paid an incredibly large amount of money, to do nothing more than run around and put a basketball in a hoop. So when someone asks him a question about it, he needs to stop being a little bitch.

  3. #3

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Speak for yourself- Westbrook is one bad little dude. True about the nature of the media in other markets, on the other hand OKC having a team is a total fluke, a combination of Howard Schultz and a human tragedy. Some relevance fell in your lap. Pretty sure Tramel could write his article without accusing the guys of trying to get their coach fired. WWLS mostly isn't prime time. Traber whined about wanting OKC to be big league for years and it happened and proved he's a yard bird along with his annoying sidekick who think being impartial means criticizing every move the team makes. Switched over to the Franchise pregame last night with Desmond Mason, Rhode and Garret, much more insightful and informative.

  4. #4

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    I like the last line of Barry Tramel's piece:
    Tramel: I'm not the only one Russell Westbrook doesn't like | News OK
    Familiarity breeds contempt. I get that. But Friday night, in a game the Thunder desperately needed, Westbrook had a game for the ages. And he was mad at the world. Not just me. Mad at everybody. And when he no-answers The Oklahoman and the Thunder website and Channel 5 and The Sports Animal, he's showing his complete disregard for fans. We're not there to get our jollies. We're there because we all have customers intensely interested in the Thunder. The people who buy tickets and the people who watch the games on television so that the Thunder can sell commercials and pay the bills.

  5. #5

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    I purchased a Westbrook jersey just last weekend. I don't care what Westbrook said and I'm tired of hearing about it from the media.




  6. #6

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    This thread reminds me of why I don't listen to sports radio.

  7. #7

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    I guess you aren't familiar with any other sports market in this country. KD, Russ and co. have been babied by the local sports media since Day 1. Sports stars in other markets get THROTTLED all the time. Professional? Part of the multi million dollar contract being paid an individual player, is for them having to be a part of the community, volunteering for charity, and talking to the media. There wasn't anything in regards to the verbage, or the delivery of said words from Tramel that warranted that type of response Westbrook? It was immature, unprofessional and nothing short of disgusting. His insecurities continue to rear their ugly head. So, I personally can't wait for him to move one, so he can see what it's like to really have his **** handed to him by the media while playing for a large market team. He is paid an incredibly large amount of money, to do nothing more than run around and put a basketball in a hoop. So when someone asks him a question about it, he needs to stop being a little bitch.
    I will "shed some light" on this subject so it can be seen from another Point Of View. The Oklahoman authorized a piece ( Front Page Full pagea from a 30 year Media Guy named Barry Tramel, who wrote that piece "Mr Unreliable" and this is THE REASON why the Thunder have very little reason for Barry Tramel now. This was NOT a small little ( oops piece ) that got out and needed a re-traction and put on the back page. This went viral / ESPN / NBA TV immediately & this is still part of the that Tsunami affect.

    The latest reactions are still part of that article. If has nothing to do with Russell, it has everything to do with The Thunder, standing up for one another. This is exactly why Barry Tramel needs to have an "early retirement". Mike Sherman needs to make that happen immediately. Again, if he Sherman doesn't see this as a "cancer" for the paper, then he needs to go too. This is already an issue of concern, and it needs attention immediately. It will demonstrate to OKC & THE THUNDER, who is family and who is not.

  8. #8

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    I, for one, was not happy with Trammels article. Especially the end. I don't like that he set himself in a position to speak for ALL for the fans. I don't care what they say in the post game interviews. I know a lot of people who don't. Westbrook's recent behavior in the interviews has been amusing but not earth shattering. I know some do care, some do want to hear them answer questions. But Trammel would be surprised at how little those are even watched or paid attention to.

    I felt zero, zilch, zip, disappointment over the recent interviews. Sorry Trammel. Westbrook didn't let me down. AT ALL.

  9. #9

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Filthy....man you are so wrong.

  10. #10

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Ol Barry is just reaching for support so he plays the fan card.

    Hey Trammel, most fans can't stand your ass either.

  11. #11

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Much Ado About Nothing...

    Russell Westbrook is among the most bull-headed players in the NBA; he's my Thunder favorite. He tells you what he thinks and I like him for that. Barry Trammel did asks Westbrook was there something wrong? Westbrook was honest.

    Trammel works for the local newspaper along with his guest host slot on WWLS. As a columnist; he has the right to call it as he sees. Trammel is among the most opinionated writers on the Oklahomans' staff. It's unfortunate that the national media has had a field day with that event..

    Trammel does need to be a little cautious about the manner in which he reports on the Thunder's two franchise players (Durant & Westbrook) and the team in general. WWLS is the Thunder's flagship station; they field a lot of calls from listeners about the Thunder.

    Craig Humphreys does an excellent job with the Thunder's pregame shows; he accentuates the positives about the NBA.

    Westbrook's performance on the basketball court is my main interests. Wouldn't want to lose these two great ambassadors for our city.

    These side stories reported are just as quickly forgotten.--Much Ado About Nothing...

  12. #12

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Quote Originally Posted by DocThunder View Post
    I will "shed some light" on this subject....................
    I appreciate your well thought out reply, and helping shed some light on the situation. I'm familiar with all things Thunder as well. Like many others, I have been a season ticket holder since Day 1. Most of my cars have personalized OKC Thunder license plates, including one that reads KD4MVP. My kids are involved in all of the Thunder sponsored basketball camps, charity programs, and player sponsored special events. Both of my kids have about 15 pair of the KD shoes, and for the most part....for 5 months out of the year, most of our entertainment time is spent following the Thunder...even attending some away games in Dallas, Denver, and Memphis. So, as demonstrated above..... I am as deeply entrenched, not only monetarily, but also emotionally as anyone else possibly could be in regards to the OKC THUNDER. Therefore, I don't mind if anyone in the media calls someone out or criticizes them in a public forum such as a newspaper, or even national media. It's how you hold them accountable for their actions, whether it be on court play, press conference shenanigans, or off the court happenings.

    It will demonstrate to OKC & THE THUNDER, who is family and who is not.
    Family? This is strictly business. Wins/Losses, and bottom line profit.

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Filthy....man you are so wrong.
    How? I honestly feel like the whole thing is a non issue, that continues to get unwarranted attention. (No different than this thread itself) The "Media" talks about it, and discusses it, only because it draws in the ratings. I just personally don't mind a media member getting under the skin of an individual player, or franchise. And I also don't mind a local newspaper calling an individual player or team out for any situation. They are paid MILLIONs of dollars to run real real fast, and jump real real high. So, they should also be able to deal with criticism as well. Warranted or not. The way some of the posters above portray the situation, is as if the media should bow down to, and walk on egg shells for the Thunder always painting them in a positive light. That's ridiculous. If anything, that shows how much of a Podunk (Minor League) league city this really is......by being scared to question the individual players, or piss off the management of a franchise.

  13. #13

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    You're 100% wrong about wanting Westbrook gone.

  14. #14

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    You're 100% wrong about wanting Westbrook gone.
    I didn't say anything about wanting Westbrook to go anywhere. What I said, is that I cant wait for when he DOES go somewhere else...to see how he's going to get his **** handed to him by large market media.

  15. #15

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    I didn't say anything about wanting Westbrook to go anywhere. What I said, is that I cant wait for when he DOES go somewhere else...to see how he's going to get his **** handed to him by large market media.
    I'd just prefer he stay right here.

  16. #16

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    I guess you aren't familiar with any other sports market in this country. KD, Russ and co. have been babied by the local sports media since Day 1. Sports stars in other markets get THROTTLED all the time. Professional? Part of the multi million dollar contract being paid an individual player, is for them having to be a part of the community, volunteering for charity, and talking to the media. There wasn't anything in regards to the verbage, or the delivery of said words from Tramel that warranted that type of response Westbrook? It was immature, unprofessional and nothing short of disgusting. His insecurities continue to rear their ugly head. So, I personally can't wait for him to move one, so he can see what it's like to really have his **** handed to him by the media while playing for a large market team. He is paid an incredibly large amount of money, to do nothing more than run around and put a basketball in a hoop. So when someone asks him a question about it, he needs to stop being a little bitch.
    Again, Relevance is the key word. The MEDIA is not relevant for the Thunder to thrive here in Oklahoma, but it may be part of it's demise. Yes they do charity work, but you don't hear a Counselor at a Day-Care For Kids "Rip him for not caring enough"? .... or at a school and the teachers yell at them for not coming to their classroom ? The MEDIA is the ones with the issues. Again, the FANS want to this team to thrive, not looking over their shoulder.

    Also, the insecurities are on Tramel himself and the Local Media....that is the point ! Tramel / The Oklahoman threw the first punch and this is the "blow back", and they can't handle it in a professional manner. This is why THE FANS want THE THUNDER playing at peak performance, and that means mentally too. See Russell move on.......? Why ? Just so you can see him get handed his butt by the media ? ....Relevance, I don't need Russell playing in LA, I need Russell in OKC playing for the THUNDER. What I don't need is to BUY an LA TIMES in the year 2018, and I read that Russell just scored 36 to beat his old team....The Thunder. ....the FANS have no need for THE OKLAHOMAN, we need THE THUNDER.

    In 2018, what makes a better story that I (THE FAN) want to read...... Russell in LA or there is a new columnist at THE OKLAHOMAN.......? RELEVANCE.

  17. #17

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Filthy as you said, he is paid to be a basketball player, not have a shining personality answering the same stupid questions 100+ times a year. He's also been the most criticized player in the NBA for years, so he naturally has a very short fuse with the media.

    That being said, I'm a little surprised that he blew up at Trammel. Darnell Mayberry straight up trashes the Thunder when they're having a bad stretch. Just wrong place at the wrong time for Tram.

  18. #18

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    To the original topic, yes the Sports Animal sucks at covering the Thunder. Why on earth is prime coverage given to Traber, Al, and Craig Humphreys? The morning animals or even Mark and Dusty would be so much better, but instead I get to listen to a golf analyst, Uncle Rico (napolean dynomite reference), and a guy who literally only knows OU football make 1970's basketball references and whine about "kids these days". And they wonder why they can't score any interviews.

  19. #19

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Berry Tramel is arrogant and eccentric. Just because he holds a position and a title doesn't mean he does a good job.

    Berry isn't professional and he doesn't rank in the top 50% of sports writers in any city with a professional team.

    Mr. Tramel needs to understand that he isn't one of the best sports writers in the world but Mr. Westbrook is one of the best point guards in the world.

    Every sane person would tell you there is no debate of those facts.

    Mr. Tramel has the right to his opinion but he needs to do a better job of catching up with the times. If you avoid nearly every aspect of the the world that NBA players live in then he isn't trying to understand them.

    NBA players don't want to deal with his preachy ( I deserve respect because I'm old) mindset when he can't even respect himself well enough to have a professional hair cut or wear decent clothes half the time.

    The Oklahoma fired the first shot and now they are using Traber to create a dramatic cry baby scene all because Westbrook said I don't like you.

    Of course that wasn't professional of Westbrook but his job isn't to be the media's friend (although it's a smart business move to be media friendly).

    Traber always talks about the sissification of American then a grown man tells his buddy, I don't like you, and Traber has a world class melt down.


    It's clear that the Oklahoman employees don't understand that we aren't a tumble weed state anymore.

    The media can be critical of the team or even of players but at least know what you are talking about and please show that you at least try to be a professional.

    If he just asked, I bet one of the local menswear stores would probably provide him with a fresh look in exchange for marketing.

  20. #20

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    The morning animals should do the Thunder Pregame Show!

    The old guys have no idea what they are talking about.

    They are lucky that they got in the business when no one cared because if they tried to get hired to day it wouldn't happen.

    Living off the claim that you created sports talk doesn't mean you are the best today.

    I appreciate what Al has done but the industry has moved light years past him.

  21. #21

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Quote Originally Posted by G22 View Post
    It's clear that the Oklahoman employees don't understand that we aren't a tumble weed state anymore.
    It's been almost sixty years now since I left the job of helping produce tomorrow's garbage wrapper, but like elsewhere, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

    Back when I was an Oklahoman employee, we real newspaper folk knew that the sportswriters were a breed apart, crazy as loons, and to be avoided whenever possible. I've been told that some of them were actually sane when off the job, and capable of living normal lives, but I never investigated to confirm such outlandish rumors.

    However, their purpose on the paper's team wasn't, and still ought not be, to provide balanced information concerning athletic events. It was simply to attract eyeballs. Newspapers were and are, when you get to the meat of the matter, about selling advertising space. All else is secondary, or worse. And the price for such space is determined by the number of eyeballs to which it's exposed. Like Dear Abby and Ann Landers, the Sports section's purpose is to develop enough controversy to create interest and maximize the number of readers.

    Charles Barkeley knows this. So do the Gumbels. And the mad hatter Al learned it well.

    We who enjoy basketball watch the games and marvel at the impossible things our favorites do with seemingly no special effort. Those who simply seek entertainment listen to the commentators and seek out radio and press accounts. And everybody's happy...

  22. #22

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    At the end of the day whether you choose politics, sports, or entertainment as a vocation you need to be thick skinned. Harry Truman summed it up quite well, " If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". If Russ can't handle a reporter, maybe another field would suit him better. A reporters job is not dependent on whether or not the subject likes them. A professional athlete is not entitled to be always pitched softballs by the media.

  23. #23

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    The media, Paper Media, is the "buggy whip" of today. A fans in the state of Oklahoma, why do I need The Oklahoman ? What purpose does it play when it comes to this type of hostile relationship with The Thunder / and the players ? We don't. That is the RELEVANCE of The Oklahoman now. ...they are so desperate for readership, that they are now "making news".......? Time to go.

    Who needs who in this relationship .......? Ask that question, and you will see who the "Buggy Whip" is today.......

  24. #24

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    To the local media, only 3 teams exist. OU, OSU and Thunder. The Barons, Energy and Dodgers could all win championships and the media would still talk more about what Durant, Gundy and Stoops had for breakfast.

  25. #25

    Default Re: "Over-Inflated" Local Media - The Oklahoman & WWLS The Sports Animal

    Quote Originally Posted by GoOKC1991 View Post
    To the local media, only 3 teams exist. OU, OSU and Thunder. The Barons, Energy and Dodgers could all win championships and the media would still talk more about what Durant, Gundy and Stoops had for breakfast.
    I think that is probably true in every market though. The media will focus on D1, not D2 schools. Minor leagues are not going to be covered when there are major league teams present. As an OU BB fan, I can empathize.

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