The total signatures approving demolition is sort of like going to the home side of an OU/OSU game and getting signatures on who wants their team to win.
I was told by a Devon employee that even though he was not for the demolitions he might sign the petition anyway out of fear of people within the company noticing his name being absent.
Said Devon isn't vindictive in any way but there was a general feeling among employees it would be in their best interest to sign, regardless of their personal feelings about everything.
Also mentioned people are particularly paranoid due to falling oil prices and the tightening job market in the energy industry.
This whole tower should be renamed. Pete, can you change the name on this forum to the Parking garage project with a bonus 27 story building? The garages will dominate, and we will have a uninspiring building to go along with it. The block should look amazing when it is done. (sarcasm). What a bunch of cronyism. I wish they could build around the Black building making it both retail and residential and more floors to the tower. That would be a much better idea.
Steve's OKC Central @stevelackmeyer 2m2 minutes ago
David Box: Traffic engineer says Walker needs to be converted from 2 to 4 lanes (remove bike lanes). W/ expansion, level of svc poor
Ben Felder @benfelder_okg 3m3 minutes ago
In speaking about concerns of elem. school, Box says "They put a school downtown. They knew that." Do the developers know that?
Steve's OKC Central @stevelackmeyer 42s42 seconds ago
@benfelder_okg As of two years ago, Nick Preftakes was promising the bus station was not going to be torn down. That's what school knew.
This project appears to be a done deal with a few modifications.
The traffic study might be the only thing that gets this delayed. Who pays for the upgrades to Walker?
Ben Felder @benfelder_okg 2m2 minutes ago
Ainsworth was skeptical removing station, but told Box, “I think you’ve done great job making that corner memorable for that bus station.”
Ben Felder @benfelder_okg 4s5 seconds ago
Tanenbaum, another DDRC member, says he is in favor of demolition. "That bus station is a mess."
Interesting question, given the required overhead wires:
OKC Streetcar @OKCStreetcar 2m2 minutes ago
So a question about the 499 Development on Sheridan. Will the ped bridge over Hudson be tall enough to accommodate our streetcar under it?
That just kills me. Going by the tweets they spent the first portion of the meeting bemoaning the lack of transit that makes all this parking necessary, and one of the garages they want to build is going to be put up right next to the planned streetcar route on Hudson. The cognitive disconnect is nearly breathtaking.
Yes I know - but that is a much shorter distance and would not require as much off wire capability. I said we might be spending more than we had to.
(And before the sycophants start crying foul, everyone knows about Nichols' pushing the city and MAPS staff toward the "no wires" system.)
Back to 499 Sheridan.......
From CaptDave:
Motion made and seconded to demolish all buildings...
Motion is denied for all buildings are to be demolished.
Motion to demo all structures fails.
This city is frustrating.
Ben Felder @benfelder_okg 1m1 minute ago
Vote to demolish Union Bus Station passes by DDRC.
Ben Felder @benfelder_okg 28s29 seconds ago
DDRC is voting on each building individually. Appears total demolition will be approved.
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