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Thread: Kanaly's Supermarket

  1. #1

    Default Kanaly's Supermarket

    My Grandpa, Tom Kanaly was the owner of a Supermarket at 23rd and Robinson. Next to where the Blue Note currently exists. I am just looking for any photos of this place from the early 1970's. It closed around 1976. If anyone has any information or photos on this place it would be greatly appreciated if you shared them here!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Kanaly's Supermarket

    Quote Originally Posted by skanaly View Post
    My Grandpa, Tom Kanaly was the owner of a Supermarket at 23rd and Robinson. Next to where the Blue Note currently exists. I am just looking for any photos of this place from the early 1970's. It closed around 1976. If anyone has any information or photos on this place it would be greatly appreciated if you shared them here!
    I didn't find any photo's but there are a lot of these in the Oklahoman's archives.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	getimageMR8V08QI.jpg 
Views:	116 
Size:	13.8 KB 
ID:	9873Click image for larger version. 

Name:	getimageNMFJFRVT.jpg 
Views:	153 
Size:	23.6 KB 
ID:	9874

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kanaly's Supermarket

    This is from the Oklahoma News in 1912. Looks like they started at 130 W. Reno (where Chesapeake Arena is currently located) and also had an Edmond location:

  4. Default Re: Kanaly's Supermarket

    I can tell you a bit about the life of the space after the market closed. It became a workshop for a gentleman named Tom Coyne, who sold/assembled office furniture, cubicles, cabinetry, etc. He had a number of large corporate clients in town, including Midland Mortgage/MidFirst Bank.

    He also had high school aged sons who who worked for him and who wanted to start a rock band, and they used the old meat locker as rehearsal space, owing to the sound deadening and good acoustics. Early on (1983) they got their very first gig next door at the Blue Note.

    30+ years, a storied history, 3 Grammys and only a little bit of controversy later (but with only one of Tom's sons still in the band) you know them as The Flaming Lips.

  5. Default Re: Kanaly's Supermarket

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I can tell you a bit about the life of the space after the market closed. It became a workshop for a gentleman named Tom Coyne, who sold/assembled office furniture, cubicles, cabinetry, etc. He had a number of large corporate clients in town, including Midland Mortgage/MidFirst Bank.

    He also had high school aged sons who who worked for him and who wanted to start a rock band, and they used the old meat locker as rehearsal space, owing to the sound deadening and good acoustics. Early on (1983) they got their very first gig next door at the Blue Note.

    30+ years, a storied history, 3 Grammys and only a little bit of controversy later (but with only one of Tom's sons still in the band) you know them as The Flaming Lips.

    I used to live across the street from that shop and never had any clue about what used to exist there. On a side note, I've always thought this little block-long section of Robinson could be an awesome neighborhood center for J-Park. I sketched some ideas awhile back. I'll see if I can dig them up...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Kanaly's Supermarket

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I can tell you a bit about the life of the space after the market closed. It became a workshop for a gentleman named Tom Coyne, who sold/assembled office furniture, cubicles, cabinetry, etc. He had a number of large corporate clients in town, including Midland Mortgage/MidFirst Bank.

    He also had high school aged sons who who worked for him and who wanted to start a rock band, and they used the old meat locker as rehearsal space, owing to the sound deadening and good acoustics. Early on (1983) they got their very first gig next door at the Blue Note.

    30+ years, a storied history, 3 Grammys and only a little bit of controversy later (but with only one of Tom's sons still in the band) you know them as The Flaming Lips.
    And know you know -- the rest of the story!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Kanaly's Supermarket

    So how many sons were orig. in the band and what are the other sons doing?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Kanaly's Supermarket

    Thank you guys so much! My father brought this up to me and with my grandpa deceased, I wondered if I could dig into this area a bit. Tom Kanaly, (my grandpa) had five kids and they used to help out. If there's any photo's from the OKC archives it would so amazing if they could be posted. Thank you guys!

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