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Thread: What do you consider the "urban core"?

  1. #1

    Default What do you consider the "urban core"?

    The answer seems to be different depending on who you talk to. Some define it as narrowly as the CBD + Bricktown + Deep Deuce. Others go as far as to include everything south and east of I-44, north of I-40, and west of I-235 with the Health Sciences center also included. What do you consider to be the "urban core" of OKC?

  2. #2

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    The answer seems to be different depending on who you talk to. Some define it as narrowly as the CBD + Bricktown + Deep Deuce. Others go as far as to include everything south and east of I-44, north of I-40, and west of I-235 with the Health Sciences center also included. What do you consider to be the "urban core" of OKC?
    I consider it as your second definition.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    I tend to think of it roughly as between Lincoln/Western as the East/West boundaries and the North/South NW 10th/i40 as the current bounties (though seems like might be spreading up and to the river over the next several years)

  4. #4

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    I tend to think of it roughly as between Lincoln/Western as the East/West boundaries and the North/South NW 10th/i40 as the current bounties (though seems like might be spreading up and to the river over the next several years)
    I just Googled a map to be sure . . . I think you nailed it, exactly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    It's right here. URBAN CORE OKLAHOMA CITY

  6. #6

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    That's what I consider downtown. I think Urban Core and downtown are two different things.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    That's what I consider downtown. I think Urban Core and downtown are two different things.
    Some of it is I have a hard time of seeing the area bound by i44/i40/i235 as a unique unit, the area north of 10th between i44/i40/i235 has done somewhat better than the rest of the similar areas bound by the i44/Grand Loop, but to me the i44/Grand Loop is the next logical boundary past the core of the city.

  8. Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    It's right here. URBAN CORE OKLAHOMA CITY
    good post.

    I consider the urban core to be N 30th or so (Paseo) down to S 30th (Capital Hill), Penn (Plaza) to MLK/Eastern (Eastside). Within the core, you have nearly ALL of OKC's urban districts and what 'should' be its densest area for population, development, resources, and amenities. In the core you have multi-family and multi-level development - something OKC should strive for more of and less suburban oriented development.

    Inside the core, you have Downtown (13th to the River, Western to Lincoln) and all of the downtown districts with THE most density in the city. Downtown should have NO suburban development and all development should be pushed to the sidewalk. Surface lots allowable outside of the CBD until they can be developed. Within Downtown you have the CBD, which is expanding but used to be 4th to Sheridan, Hudson to EKG. Today I'd venture to push the CBD down to the new Blvd, to now to encompass Cox and the Peake and the MBG.

    On that thought - I think locations should be named by function and connectivity of use rather than "intended" use or false advertising (as in the large area of the Arts District - which IMO should really just be the OKC civic center campus and a few blocks every direction encompassing the art deco/moderne low-rise buildings).

    It's all subjective really as those are my opinion.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  9. #9

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    I like that because many always overlook or dismiss the Capitol Hill area.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I like that because many always overlook or dismiss the Capitol Hill area.
    I think Capitol Hill may start getting its due as revitalization begins. Up to now people have had little reason to go down there unless you live in the area.

  11. Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    The answer seems to be different depending on who you talk to. Some define it as narrowly as the CBD + Bricktown + Deep Deuce. Others go as far as to include everything south and east of I-44, north of I-40, and west of I-235 with the Health Sciences center also included. What do you consider to be the "urban core" of OKC?
    Wow that's a very north-centric uh definition there...

  12. Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    It's right here. URBAN CORE OKLAHOMA CITY
    For those who need help finding their urban core...

  13. #13

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    For those who need help finding their urban core...
    he's not wrong. Everyone loves chicken.

  14. #14

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    It depends on how much of a stickler you want to be on the definition of "Urban" as a modifier.

    I think if we're emphasizing "Core" as the idea and using urban to modify so as to differentiate from suburban core areas like NW Expressway, I-240, or Memorial.

    Major areas from South to North are Capitol Hill (and eventually Wheeler), Downtown, Plaza, Uptown/Paseo, Belle Isle/Western Ave/Nichols Hills Business District

    I think that's the area you have to really consider to be the Urban Core. Capitol Hill is more Urban than everything other than Downtown, so you certainly can't keep it out in terms of development style, but it's not near the economic engine that Belle Isle/NHBD/Western are.

    So the furthest West border would be I-44, furthest East would be Lincoln, furthest North would be 63rd, furthest South would be 29th

  15. #15

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    I think that's the area you have to really consider to be the Urban Core. Capitol Hill is more Urban than everything other than Downtown, so you certainly can't keep it out in terms of development style, but it's not near the economic engine that Belle Isle/NHBD/Western are.
    I would not consider Belle Isle/NHBD/Western as urban style developments. Belle Isle is pure suburban style, the entire city of Nichols Hills is and early generation suburb and the only thing urban about the Western developments is they are mostly being built within the classic city grid.

  16. #16

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    It depends on how much of a stickler you want to be on the definition of "Urban" as a modifier.

    I think if we're emphasizing "Core" as the idea and using urban to modify so as to differentiate from suburban core areas like NW Expressway, I-240, or Memorial.

    Major areas from South to North are Capitol Hill (and eventually Wheeler), Downtown, Plaza, Uptown/Paseo, Belle Isle/Western Ave/Nichols Hills Business District

    I think that's the area you have to really consider to be the Urban Core. Capitol Hill is more Urban than everything other than Downtown, so you certainly can't keep it out in terms of development style, but it's not near the economic engine that Belle Isle/NHBD/Western are.

    So the furthest West border would be I-44, furthest East would be Lincoln, furthest North would be 63rd, furthest South would be 29th
    I really like/agree with that definition more than I do my first one. I had originally left out Capitol Hill.

  17. #17

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    I would not consider Belle Isle/NHBD/Western as urban style developments. Belle Isle is pure suburban style, the entire city of Nichols Hills is and early generation suburb and the only thing urban about the Western developments is they are mostly being built within the classic city grid.
    I agree they're not particularly urban in development style, but what it lacks in extant urban development, it more than makes up for in economic viability and the relationship it has with the core. There's a reason the steering committee for the development of the RTA has suggested expanding the street car to NW 63rd/Classen…

    Don't forget how much money is in Nichols Hills…disregarding the importance of this area as part of the core, even though it's not particularly urban in development style (though could be retrofitted), would be a big mistake in my opinion.

  18. #18

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    It depends on how much of a stickler you want to be on the definition of "Urban" as a modifier.

    I think if we're emphasizing "Core" as the idea and using urban to modify so as to differentiate from suburban core areas like NW Expressway, I-240, or Memorial.

    Major areas from South to North are Capitol Hill (and eventually Wheeler), Downtown, Plaza, Uptown/Paseo, Belle Isle/Western Ave/Nichols Hills Business District

    I think that's the area you have to really consider to be the Urban Core. Capitol Hill is more Urban than everything other than Downtown, so you certainly can't keep it out in terms of development style, but it's not near the economic engine that Belle Isle/NHBD/Western are.

    So the furthest West border would be I-44, furthest East would be Lincoln, furthest North would be 63rd, furthest South would be 29th
    I agree with this definition, but would not include Belle Isle or anything north of 50th on Western. Nichols Hills is very important and I would consider it inner-ring, but it is still suburban in my opinion.

  19. #19

    Default Re: What do you consider the "urban core"?

    The thing is, Classen is a super important street and downtown will very soon be developing at quite a clip on Classen. You'll have 2 very important hubs of economic activity connected on each end.

    All it will take is one major Urban Development from Glimcher and a couple well thought out, urban developments on Classen between Reno/10th and we'd very likely see Classen blow up in-between over the next 25 years.

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