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Thread: The Rise

  1. #651

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    I can tell you from the perspective of a friend who was actually involved in the development that there is plenty reason to "hate on" Land Run. There were definitely legitimate delays, but Land Run has made many mistakes as well that have caused more delays. You don't finish a development 1.5+ years after the planned date, without some major mistakes.
    Never said Land Run was innocent. They could've been more transparent.

    You want a reasoned explanation? Ask questions. What caused the delays? What could you have done better? Why haven't they been more transperant. All I am saying is, there has to be a reason why this happened.

    I completely understand why some are disappointed. I am not disappointed and still very excited for this.

    BTW, it is important to note they lost two tenants. The rest have stayed and are still on board.

  2. #652
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    Default Re: The Rise

    Did they receive public assistance on this project? Why does everyone think they OWE everyone? They bought a run down building in an area needing much help and they are making it better.....much better. They are paying for all their mistakes...not the public, not members of this board. We are observers. I guess I don't understand the animosity towards them.

  3. #653

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Did they receive public assistance on this project? Why does everyone think they OWE everyone? They bought a run down building in an area needing much help and they are making it better.....much better. They are paying for all their mistakes...not the public, not members of this board. We are observers. I guess I don't understand the animosity towards them.

  4. #654

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Did they receive public assistance on this project? Why does everyone think they OWE everyone? They bought a run down building in an area needing much help and they are making it better.....much better. They are paying for all their mistakes...not the public, not members of this board. We are observers. I guess I don't understand the animosity towards them.
    So becuase they didn't take public assistance, we can't be disappointed/annoyed that their mistakes cost two tenants that they were replaced with two less desirable and exciting ones? Also the two or I guess three tenants including the clothing boutique that left paid for Land Run's mistakes as well, and so have the current tenants, they were just better equipt to handle the delays.

  5. #655

    Default Re: The Rise

    It is totally understandable that people are disappointed about this. I really am myself. Flashback and Fedora were destination bars and would have been unique to the OKC market. This would have been a slam dunk development and would have transformed Uptown/23rd into a bar hopping district and would have tied in well with the Paseo. It would have been on par with Western Ave if not better overnight.

    That said, even with the less desirable tenants its still 1000x better than what was there before. Some cool tenants have remained, most notably the Drake, Pump Bar, and Pizzeria Gusto. This will still be a hit and will be a catalyst for further development along 23rd. It just won't be what was originally intended.

    From a business perspective these new tenants will ensure it will be a success because they aren't going anywhere. It's unfortunate though they won't provide the street life and vibrancy the original tenants would have.

  6. #656

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    Honestly, I always saw this part of 23rd as the perfect place for Oklahoma City to develop a small version of, say, a Lower Haight, Lower East side, or maybe an edgier retail sector like Melrose Ave. I was kind of skeptical, or maybe sorta disappointed, when they were looking to go "upscale".
    I'm very familiar with Melrose Ave. because my brother lives two blocks north of there. I remember when it might have been considered an edgy retail sector but it's becoming very upscale now and has very little in the way of restaurants, bars, etc.

  7. #657
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    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I'm very familiar with Melrose Ave. because my brother lives two blocks north of there. I remember when it might have been considered an edgy retail sector but it's becoming very upscale now and has very little in the way of restaurants, bars, etc.
    Very true. It was changing while I lived there, so I can imagine what it is now. Even then, the "edgy" fashion meant $150 for a retro t-shirt. Actually, the reality is that all the districts I mentioned have changed in the way Melrose has.

  8. #658

    Default Re: The Rise

    This is from the Urban Core FB Page:

  9. #659

    Default Re: The Rise

    From warreng88; starting to really shape up:

  10. #660

    Default Re: The Rise

    Nice to see some glass going in on that corner. as much as I hate that hotel/motel Liquidator on that corner this makes me so happy to see this coming together!

  11. Default Re: The Rise

    Here are some more pics of The Rise on my way home!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_5724.JPG 
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ID:	9509 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_5727.JPG 
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ID:	9511 Click image for larger version. 

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  12. Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    Nice to see some glass going in on that corner. as much as I hate that hotel/motel Liquidator on that corner this makes me so happy to see this coming together!
    Truong-Than King of massage chair mystical healing oils shop? She's looking to extort 2 million for the property or lease it for $20 a foot.

    On a brighter note, it looks like the little store I like to call "NO ATM" c-store. Has sold, or at least been vacated.

  13. #663

    Default Re: The Rise

    Anytime Fitness is very close to opening:

  14. Default Re: The Rise

    The Drake is starting to take shape.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_5771.JPG 
Views:	109 
Size:	574.8 KB 
ID:	9537

  15. #665

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by IanMcDermid View Post
    Truong-Than King of massage chair mystical healing oils shop? She's looking to extort 2 million for the property or lease it for $20 a foot.

    On a brighter note, it looks like the little store I like to call "NO ATM" c-store. Has sold, or at least been vacated.
    Wow... Maybe something needs to be explained to me. I looked up the address on the county assessor which is 445 NW 23rd Street and the property type came up "personal". When that happens, it usually means the business is leasing the building. Is this a part of the Tower Theatre? The only thing it shows she owns is the transmission facility north of this building.

    Which one is the no ATM C-store? Is that the one on the SE/C of 23rd and Walker?

  16. #666

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Which one is the no ATM C-store? Is that the one on the SE/C of 23rd and Walker?

    I don't know where the good people of Mesta/HH will get their nudie mags now.

  17. #667

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTonte View Post

    I don't know where the good people of Mesta/HH will get their nudie mags now.
    I think they could just head to the sex shop in The Edge apartments (If you don't understand that joke, there were people living in HH/MP against The Edge development because they thought s sex shop might locate in the retail space.)

  18. Default Re: The Rise

    Well played.

  19. Default Re: The Rise

    Isn't The Rise just one huge sex shop? So you can't take 23rd from HH to Penn Square anymore...

    Last time I was in HH it was starting to get a Red Light district vibe.

  20. Default Re: The Rise

    I saw an Asian couple out cleaning it on Saturday. Scraping decals, chipping up VCT. Nothing I would call improvements, more clean up. Maybe it's not sold.

  21. Default Re: The Rise

    Concrete is happening:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10712594_805879842806376_1681891016926819469_o.jpg 
Views:	122 
Size:	304.3 KB 
ID:	9631

  22. #672

    Default Re: The Rise

    I see utilities poking through the concrete. What is this area going to be?

  23. #673

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by 5alive View Post
    I see utilities poking through the concrete. What is this area going to be?
    Sewer cleanouts for the white, storm drains for the green..?

  24. #674

    Default Re: The Rise

  25. #675

    Default Re: The Rise

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