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Thread: Von Maur

  1. #376

    Default Re: Von Maur

    look i get it's a forum and everyone wants to be the funny wise guy, but that's a gigantic stretch.

  2. #377

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    Can you explain this comment? I haven't been yet...but have seen others make similar comments. What makes the products they are offering "VERY" niche?
    I don't really get that statement either. They have a fair variety of lines, maybe not as broad as Dillard's, but the store isn't crammed and disorganized either.

  3. #378

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    You have to be over 70 to buy them?
    I'm 71, am I too old? Actually, as a widower, I am not into certain things. Levi's and decent shirts suit (pun intended) me. In your opinion, since I'm not chasing women, why would I want to go there? I probably will just to see it.
    C. T.

  4. Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    You have to be over 70 to buy them?

  5. #380

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    By describing the niche, I will undoubtedly offend someone. But it's a place where I will shop for my parents and that's about it. With the exception of a section or two of Thunder/OU/OSU shirts, it's like a Brooks Brothers super store. Not really a look me or any of my friends go for.

  6. #381

    Default Re: Von Maur

    I am thinking this store may suit the needs of some of the people here who aren't pleased with Von Maur. Plus, its local so I hope they get plenty of support.

    New men's clothing boutique to open in Oklahoma City's Deep Deuce | News OK

  7. #382

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadanth View Post
    They sell bahama at macys. They did seem to have the better Polo stuff, they carry main line Brooks Brothers, which is great, and some better mid-level suiting. Basically, slightly better than Dillard's, with a much nicer decor. Not quite Mr Ooleys, but not that tier of prices.
    Lots of places sell Tommy Bahama. That's not what I said. What I was trying to say is they carry shirts, for example, that the company will only sell to them, Neimans and Nordstrom. You can find the brand other places in town but you cannot buy the same exact shirt anywhere else in town.

  8. #383

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I am thinking this store may suit the needs of some of the people here who aren't pleased with Von Maur. Plus, its local so I hope they get plenty of support.

    New men's clothing boutique to open in Oklahoma City's Deep Deuce | News OK
    slim fit clothing...good Lord, for the metro male who's never seen the inside of a gym. the quest continues...

    edit - okay so the owner doesn't look "slim" on the picture on the website, but damn we're not all 6' 160lbs

  9. Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    slim fit clothing...good Lord, for the metro male who's never seen the inside of a gym. the quest continues...

    edit - okay so the owner doesn't look "slim" on the picture on the website, but damn we're not all 6' 160lbs
    I hate the name and I probably won't wear the clothing, but I have quite a few friends I work with who will probably shop here. I don't think its terrible just not my style.

    And while I have been making jokes about Von Maur, I probably will check it out. Brooks Brothers is right up my alley.

  10. #385

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_M View Post
    By describing the niche, I will undoubtedly offend someone. But it's a place where I will shop for my parents and that's about it. With the exception of a section or two of Thunder/OU/OSU shirts, it's like a Brooks Brothers super store. Not really a look me or any of my friends go for.
    Are you available for adoption? I would love to have a son/daughter that would shop for me.
    C. T.

  11. #386

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    slim fit clothing...good Lord, for the metro male who's never seen the inside of a gym. the quest continues...

    edit - okay so the owner doesn't look "slim" on the picture on the website, but damn we're not all 6' 160lbs
    I saw the story this weekend and thought the same. But hey, I am 6' 160" if you let your finger slip over from the 2 to the 1

  12. #387

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    I hate the name and I probably won't wear the clothing, but I have quite a few friends I work with who will probably shop here. I don't think its terrible just not my style.

    And while I have been making jokes about Von Maur, I probably will check it out. Brooks Brothers is right up my alley.
    If it's carrying BB's retail line and not their outlet offerings (which I still buy anyway at the Shoppes), I'll be happy for sure

  13. #388

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    If it's carrying BB's retail line and not their outlet offerings (which I still buy anyway at the Shoppes), I'll be happy for sure
    It's the regular stuff, not the outlet clothing. I bought a couple shirts, and they have some sweaters, suiting, etc. It's not a massive selection, but I love Brooks Brothers stuff and it's nice to finally have some here.

  14. #389
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    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    slim fit clothing...good Lord, for the metro male who's never seen the inside of a gym. the quest continues...

    edit - okay so the owner doesn't look "slim" on the picture on the website, but damn we're not all 6' 160lbs
    For everyone here that looks forward to chains like H&M, Uniqlo, etc., to come here, they should know it is hard to find men's clothes that are over about 34 or 35 inch wastes and most of their offerings are slim and tight fitting. Maybe that's why they are slow to come to OKC. LOL.

  15. #390

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    slim fit clothing...good Lord, for the metro male who's never seen the inside of a gym. the quest continues...

    edit - okay so the owner doesn't look "slim" on the picture on the website, but damn we're not all 6' 160lbs
    I guess I don't understand what wearing somewhat fashion forward clothing has to do with body type, and or working out in gym. Regardless of bodytype, you can have your clothing tailored to your liking. It is refreshing seeing a clothing boutique like this one, coming to OKC. As someone who travels quite a bit for business on the East Coast, when I come back to OKC...its is like stepping into a time warp, in regards to mens and womens fashion. While Dillards, Macys, and Van Muer might be ok for some...others from the OKC have had to travel to Dallas over the years, to find somewhat fashionable clothing lines in a brick and mortar store. Obviously.....the majority of Oklahomans could care less about their appearance, but its good to see these types of boutiques open here for those that do. I hope the trend continues.

  16. #391

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    For everyone here that looks forward to chains like H&M, Uniqlo, etc., to come here, they should know it is hard to find men's clothes that are over about 34 or 35 inch wastes and most of their offerings are slim and tight fitting. Maybe that's why they are slow to come to OKC. LOL.
    Isn't there a store called Destination large or something?

  17. #392

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    I guess I don't understand what wearing somewhat fashion forward clothing has to do with body type, and or working out in gym. Regardless of bodytype, you can have your clothing tailored to your liking.
    I haven't seen or done any research, but my assumption is there is probably a correlation between obesity and lack of fashion consciousness. I mean absolutely no offense to obese people. There have been a few points in my life where I have been overweight bordering on obesity, but my thought is those who care about fashion will probably care about their body's appearance as well.

  18. #393

    Default Re: Von Maur

    From the Daily Oklahoman article:

    The store will cater to more European tastes, with slim-fit clothing. Slim will carry brands that include Maceoo, Au Noir, Bertigo and Via Uomo.

    I travel to Europe often and European styles are not for large people...even large fit people in shape. I very rarely buy clothes in Europe as they just don't fit me as a big chunky guy. I can't shop at Brooks brothers or Banana Republic either.

    However, even big people still care about their looks and fashion. Thankfully, places like Teena Hicks can custom order and custom make clothes that fit those that the traditional designers ignore. Hopefully Von Maur (back on topic) will have some clothes in the larger sizes 2xl and not just stop at xl. Tommy Bahama gets its and offers larger sizes. Unfortunately, the 2xls are just huge and too big whereas the xl are just a little small.

  19. #394

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    I guess I don't understand what wearing somewhat fashion forward clothing has to do with body type, and or working out in gym. Regardless of bodytype, you can have your clothing tailored to your liking. It is refreshing seeing a clothing boutique like this one, coming to OKC. As someone who travels quite a bit for business on the East Coast, when I come back to OKC...its is like stepping into a time warp, in regards to mens and womens fashion. While Dillards, Macys, and Van Muer might be ok for some...others from the OKC have had to travel to Dallas over the years, to find somewhat fashionable clothing lines in a brick and mortar store. Obviously.....the majority of Oklahomans could care less about their appearance, but its good to see these types of boutiques open here for those that do. I hope the trend continues.
    It's got nothing to do with not understanding style or not wearing stylish clothes. My beef is not with the style but the "fit," so when I read Euro slim fitting clothes, I know that my 5'9 200lb athletic frame will be SOL when it comes to shopping at this place. At most fashion forward places, if I grab a pair of jeans that are my waist size, I'm very lucky to get them over mid quad. I guess I could tailor everything I buy, but clothes are expensive enough. I typically get a lot of my stuff from Trunk Club, as they seem to be able to find stuff that fits athletic builds well.

  20. #395

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    It's got nothing to do with not understanding style or not wearing stylish clothes. My beef is not with the style but the "fit," so when I read Euro slim fitting clothes, I know that my 5'9 200lb athletic frame will be SOL when it comes to shopping at this place. At most fashion forward places, if I grab a pair of jeans that are my waist size, I'm very lucky to get them over mid quad. I guess I could tailor everything I buy, but clothes are expensive enough. I typically get a lot of my stuff from Trunk Club, as they seem to be able to find stuff that fits athletic builds well.
    Understood. I guess my misunderstanding was in your term athletic frame. As I see guys like Russell Westbrook and Serge Ibaka wearing "European" or slimline clothing, and I see them as Having "athletic" body types. But I completely understand what you are saying now.

    Back on topic though....Yea, Van Maur!!!!!!

  21. #396

    Default Re: Von Maur

    I remember the days of being 6' and 160 lbs. Eighth grade was a real blast.

  22. #397

    Default Re: Von Maur

    They have windows! Exit doors marked ("North") for easy orientation. You can look around and pretty much see everybody in the store, on that level. Mirrored pillars along with ceiling lighting galore - fabulous. Merchandise includes some familiar brands but new looks. I shall return for some shopping. Yes!

  23. #398

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Slight Digression. I'm in Minneapolis for work and just came from the Nordstrom in the Mall of America. From the ceiling light fixtures, to the fonts/colors of the signs designating each section, all the way down to the mirrored pillars, it is almost a splitting image of the Von Maur in OKC. It was almost eerie how similar they looked, like I wouldn't be surprised if the original RFP said "make it look like the Nordstrom in Mall of America"

  24. Default Re: Von Maur

    shouldn't we do a thread for the new Slim boutique? isn't this thread for VM
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  25. Default Re: Von Maur

    I visited Von Maur this past weekend. It's a nice store and definitely not as cluttered as say, Dillard's. But its a little pricey for my needs. (I've never been the Ralph Lauren type) I know that there are people that place more importance on fashion in their lives than I do, so I'm sure they'll find happiness there, but to each their own. Having a piano player in the store is pretty cool. He's a friendly guy too.

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