There is something about this that I just love. It's so much fun.
In response to a couple of requests for clarification . . .
Take yer pick . . . .
So I took one of those stupid Facebook Quizzes. The theme was "What is Your Old Person Name?" I got Earl. It reminded me of one of the first "Rock and Roll" songs by which I was mesmerized. It was so long ago that they actually had "Dukedoms." Dukedoms that were apparently pedestrian-friendly on account of you could walk through them.
The girl at #134 needs to hook up with Al Yankovic. =)
(the only thing missing from that vid is a little accordion in the background mix.)
Thanks, ljbab.
(does she like Braum's as much as I do? nah. no way. =)
In the interest of being Fair and Balanced . . . a response . . .
Note the name of the group. Probably should have been The Cultured Pearlettes.
An apology: I watched Aretha Franklin--in sort of a high-tone sweatsuit--on the Today Show this morning.
That, too, made me feel good. (not as good as her Restaurant Scene in The Blues Brothers, yet still good. =)
For the uninitiated . . , here's a sample of what I was referring and deferring to . . .
Sorry . . . I actually meant, "to that to which I am deferring . . . =)
There are probably some lessons to be learned here . . . =)
(and that's why I feel good about it. the music. )
Still smiling out loud at #133 ^^^^
Given, in appreciation and for consideration . . .
I think the photo of the artist inspired the cover art of Frank Zappa's "Reuben and the Jets" album art.
Just caught this dude live on The Today Show. Singing this song. Not lip synching. Actually singing it.
It was mesmerizing. (somehow I knew he was a Brit.)
They did a long interview with this guy, on NPR, the other day.
Sure hope he makes it to The Blue Door in the not too distant future.
Check out the new album by You+Me called Rose Ave. that released yesterday. it is a great album.
You+me is Dallas Green and Alecia moore (pink) Collaborating on a folk album. it is really good stuff.
Love It! ^ Thanks.
Oh! Here's the Yang part of the Yin and Yang deal regarding The Zen of AM Radio.
(back in the day)
It's called . . . "Take Five" . . .
Dude on the sax was raised on a cattle farm in Montana.
The guy "tickling the ivories" was an impressionist. =)
Caught this on Juke Joint Revival last night.
I think it's the best version of the song ever.
(Of course, I also think that the saxophone player was the best part of Bruce Sprinsteen's early work, so . . .)
(Oh! I caught that song--and about another ten minutes of the show--on a break at wor last night. I couldn't figure out what version had been played. When I got home, a couple/three hours later, I tried to find it but couldn't. I Facebooked the shows page and asked what it was. Less than twenty minutes later, I had a reply along with a link to where it could be found on Youtube. Is that Listener Service or what?) =)
I had been wondering what had happened to this very talented group. This is by far the best thing they've done since "Anna Sun".
Where does "cover band" end and "authenticity" begin?
I think it's pretty close to here:
Even the lousy quality of the video is authentically 50's. except in color.
btw: these guys are coming to The Blue Door in the very near future.
(unfortunately, I exhausted my "concert budget" on Trout Fishing in America the other night =)
I caught the very end of this one, last night, on the radio.
It made me feel so good that I had to look it up.
It's a little long . . . but so it goes . . .
not a huge country fan.. but this song is cute
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