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Thread: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

  1. #1

    Default Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Story be here: Report: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case in Texas - CBSSports.com

    Things just keep getting better and better for the NFL. There's still a long way to go in Adrian's case before a firm "guilty" can be pinned on him, but I'm sure nobody wanted to add "child abusers" to the National Football League of Pill Poppers and Woman Beaters.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Sounds like it was his 11 year-old son visiting him in Texas:

    NFL.com's Ian Rapoport reports that Peterson's arrest stems from disciplining his son with a switch.
    Reportedly, his mother took the kid to the doctor when he returned home from the visit.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    He spanked his son with a switch behind closed doors in his own home. You know when you were a kid...and told your parents you were gonna call the police on them, because you thought they were "abusing you" and your parents said......"Ok.....Call the Police then."

    That's all. Move along..nothing to see here. The NFL is definitely seen better days...but this story has already been embellished 10x more than it should have. Kids today, cant be disciplined for ****.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Sounds like it was his 11 year-old son visiting him in Texas:

    Reportedly, his mother took the kid to the doctor when he returned home from the visit.
    Hmm, the story hadn't been updated with that when I first saw it. At least the fresh facts take some of the worst conclusions out of the picture.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Keep in mind that issues around corporal punishment -- which alone are highly controversial -- get infinitely more complex when the parents aren't together (as in this case) and obviously not in agreement.

    The mom felt the dad went overboard and that's where the authorities got involved.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Kid was 4 yrs old..... NFL players have become the new target for a witch hunt. Nonetheless , who hasn't had they but whooped? This isn't news

  7. #7

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    This isn't looking too good for Peterson.

    As the reports come out, it now seems the doctor in Minnesota that saw the boy called police and Child Protective Services because he felt it was a case of "child abuse." Another examiner agreed, calling the wounds "excessive." Police also agreed and sent photos, statements, etc. to authorities in Texas, where the incident occurred.

    Deadspin has pulled together a lot of the information: Warrant Issued For Adrian Peterson's Arrest In Child Injury Case

    Minneapolis Star Tribune: Warrant issued for arrest of Vikings' Adrian Peterson after indictment alleging injury to child | Star Tribune

    Sports Illustrated: Adrian Peterson child injury: Minnesota Vikings running back indicted in Texas - NFL - SI.com

  8. #8

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by Clown puncher View Post
    Kid was 4 yrs old..... NFL players have become the new target for a witch hunt. Nonetheless , who hasn't had they but whooped? This isn't news
    Whether he was right or wrong, this elicits a big yawn from me. I had a switch from a tree used on me when I was child and I was even made to go cut the switch off of the tree to use.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Ms. Kersey, a dear soul who helped raise my brothers and I, was from the go cut a switch and get yourself back here with it school. She knew how to use one too by golly. That said, I can't say my legs ever looked like the photos I saw on the news tonight. Not very pretty.

    Of course, Ms. Kersey was in her late 50s or early 60's when I first knew her, and I am fairly surde she never even saw a weight room in her life, much less all but lived in one from teens going forward.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Ms. Kersey, a dear soul who helped raise my brothers and I, was from the go cut a switch and get yourself back here with it school. She knew how to use one too by golly. That said, I can't say my legs ever looked like the photos I saw on the news tonight. Not very pretty.

    Of course, Ms. Kersey was in her late 50s or early 60's when I first knew her, and I am fairly surde she never even saw a weight room in her life, much less all but lived in one from teens going forward.
    Yes, the pictures are horrible and they haven't shown them all. ESPN talked to an attorney in The Woodlands in Montgomery County who said that the county is an upscale county with very conservative values, voters, and political structure. He said he has a hard time believing that they would have taken it to a grand jury unless it was truly an egregious case of child abuse and to get the indictment to boot in that county speaks strongly of some damning evidence. "We're talking Montgomery County, TX. A conservative suburban county outside Houston."

    They recited the chain of opinion....

    - The mother thought it was serious
    - The doctor thought it was child abuse and referred it to another examiner, who agreed.
    - The police in Minnesota were contacted and they agreed it was criminal child abuse
    - Child Protective Services was called in and saw it as a child abuse
    - The Houston Police first got all the information, they thought it was child abuse
    - Houston PD realizes it's a case for Montgomery County and sends all info to them
    - The Montgomery DA thought it was child abuse and sought an indictment
    - The grand jury, after seeing the evidence, agreed with everybody and indicted Adrian Peterson on several criminal charges.

    Adrian was one the OU greats, one of the NFL greats, but none of the above bodes well for AD. I think the attorney in The Woodlands hits on a key point - this indictment doesn't come from some liberal bastion that thinks any "whoopin" is child abuse. To get an indictment on child abuse in Montgomery County, TX probably takes more than what many of us had growing up. Not to mention the unanimous opinions down the chain.

    A lot of this on Twitter:

    I’m disgusted and stunned by how many people seen to be okay with what Adrian Peterson did to his son. He is 4 people! Nothing a 4 year old does deserves a beating until he's hurt and bleeding.

    — Meagan (@SFGiantsMeag)

  11. #11

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Adrian was one the OU greats, one of the NFL greats, but none of the above bodes well for AD. I think the attorney in The Woodlands hits on a key point - this indictment doesn't come from some liberal bastion that thinks any "whoopin" is child abuse. To get an indictment on child abuse in Montgomery County, TX probably takes more than what many of us had growing up. Not to mention the unanimous opinions down the chain.
    Maybe, maybe not. Ideas about that have changed considerably since I was a child in the 50's.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Maybe, maybe not. Ideas about that have changed considerably since I was a child in the 50's.
    You're right about that. But, the point that so many saw the evidence and came to the same conclusion says something. And for the indictment to come from a conservative Texas county says something, too. It's a sad situation all the way around.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    You're right about that. But, the point that so many saw the evidence and came to the same conclusion says something. And for the indictment to come from a conservative Texas county says something, too. It's a sad situation all the way around.
    As I said, I certainly wasn't approving of what he did, just that from a personal perspective it didn't mean much to me. (I certainly didn't like being on the receiving end of a switch)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Instead of "whuppin' the child's ass" with a "switch" (ala Bill Cosby, Dick Gregory, Flip Wilson, and Richard Pryor) . . . he should have whupped the child's ass with a circuit breaker? (Mort Sahl/Henny Oldman)

    In all honesty, I would have thought that the "lawsuit/indictment" would have originated in Minnesota rather than Texas.
    I guess Texas is just about as dumb as the jokes indicate it is.

    Not counting all of the Ole and Lena jokes.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Instead of "whuppin' the child's ass" with a "switch" (ala Bill Cosby, Dick Gregory, Flip Wilson, and Richard Pryor) . . . he should have whupped the child's ass with a circuit breaker? (Mort Sahl/Henny Oldman)

    In all honesty, I would have thought that the "lawsuit/indictment" would have originated in Minnesota rather than Texas.
    I guess Texas is just about as dumb as the jokes indicate it is.

    Not counting all of the Ole and Lena jokes.
    So, you see no problem with this? Texas is "dumb?" The 14th largest economy in the world can't be too dumb.

    But then, I can't always tell about your posts as you seem to channel William S. Burroughs from his Naked Lunch years with some slight help from Monty Python and then shaken and baked with magic mushrooms into something only slightly understandable. In other words, I don't know how to take your post. In fact, many of your posts take more work to decipher than the NYT's Sunday Crossword.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    As unfortunate as this all is, it will serve to generate a lot of well-needed conversation about corporal punishment in the U.S.

    Several countries have completely outlawed the practice. Virtually every study ever written on the subject will explain in great detail why it not only doesn't work, but how it almost always has negative consequences, sometimes severe.

    Then you have to evaluate when the line is crossed from discipline to abuse. The huge amount of "whoppin's" happen when the parent is angry and not thinking very clearly.

    As someone who ran a nonprofit for youth for seven years and was mandated by law to report anything that seemed to be abuse, I can tell you that any discipline that leaves a mark or witnessing an adult administering more than one quick swat on the clothed butt with an open hand, would result in a report being filed.

    Most seem to think, "It's my kid and I'll discipline them as I see fit". But the law does not see it that way and it seems very few people understand this.

    Laws in this country are particularly harsh when it comes to those who can't easily defend themselves: animals, senior citizens, children and in many cases, women.

    I was spanked as a kid, although not often, but there tons of things my parents did that I would never do. We all now have the benefit of research and education and information and communication that past generations almost completely lacked. You would hope that would lead to a reevaluation of almost everything, especially things like physically striking a person or animal.

    Not that long ago, society pretty much decided for the first time it's not okay for a husband to smack around his wife. But for a long time that was considered pretty much okay. In fact, it was openly joked about on TV; just watch an episode of The Honeymooners.

    Time for this country to have the same open thought process on the subject of corporal punishment. It's actually long overdue.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Whether he was right or wrong, this elicits a big yawn from me. I had a switch from a tree used on me when I was child and I was even made to go cut the switch off of the tree to use.

    The kid is four. Here's what he had to say
    According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy’s closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”


    Defensive wounds, on a four year old:

  18. #18

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Off with his (Adrian's) head. Or at least re-injure his leg.
    OJ Simpson might not have been a criminal, later in life, had proper "attitude-adjustment" been applied earlier.
    (why did I just think of MC Escher? Without Lawyers and Apologists and PR Staff?)

  19. Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    I was definitely spanked as a kid, had the belt twice as well...never more than that. However, never got a bruise or broken skin because of it. Some parents just need to learn when to pull back. I don't have a problem with discipline...I have an issue when the child get injured from it.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    What could a 4 year old do to deserve this?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Lots of people talking about getting (or giving) a "switching" but in their instances, it was somehow completely different.

    I suspect any time you hit a child with a tree branch you are going to leave marks. It's just most people never see them before they heal or there wasn't the awareness and legal requirements to report until relatively recently. Even in the Peterson case, the only reason this came to light is the kid happened to have a routine doctor's appointment and the doc HAD to report what he found.

    Spanking is one thing -- and there is still a very, very strong case against that regardless that we all survived it ourselves -- but hitting a child with some sort of implement?? Seems like everyone needs to wake up and recognize that's a bit crazy and that it's long past time to break this cycle of passing it on from one generation to the next.

    I know this is a tough subject and that lots of current parents have spanked, with their hand or otherwise. If I would have had kids when I was a young adult, I would have probably spanked too. But I absolutely would not do it now. Too much great information has come out in the last 20 years or so.

    But a big part of the problem in shifting the thinking on this subject is that almost everyone who are currently parents have already spanked. So, almost no one is going to be open to the idea that that practice is not a good way to go about things, because no one wants to be accused of being a bad parent. And after all, all their kids turned out just fine!

    Seems like if we could just absolve all the people that have spanked and then dispassionately educate ourselves on corporal punishment and ask very simple questions, such as: Does it make any sort of common sense to strike a child in order to teach them a lesson?

    The answer to that question -- once you strip out all degree of defensiveness -- is so incredibly obvious you just know that in the very near future, people will look back on this and wonder, What the H were people thinking back then? Just like we have on countless other social issues.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    No one was killed in this whoopin, a mother or father ought to be allowed to discipline his children how he or she fells. The new age of parenting, without any form of discipline is creating the next generation cry babies.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Clown puncher, if you disagree, then you do, but I think most folk are able to ascertain a true difference in appropriate, even quite firm, discipline and the act of repeatedly striking a child, or anyone, to the point of repeatedly breaking the skin.

  24. Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    Quote Originally Posted by Clown puncher View Post
    No one was killed in this whoopin, a mother or father ought to be allowed to discipline his children how he or she fells. The new age of parenting, without any form of discipline is creating the next generation cry babies.
    So they should be allowed to punish their child to the point of the skin being broke? Like I said before, I have no problem with parents punishing their children...I have an issue when that child starts bleeding from it. That is overly excessive. However, if you agree with causing injuries to others to keep them from being "cry babies" then I guess that is something you need to live with.

    I would point out, this guy is relatively new and most of the posts have been borderline inflammatory. My money is on this guy was previously banned and is subverting it with this new account.

  25. Default Re: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case

    I can't believe anybody is defending this stuff.

    That child (in those pictures) was abused.

    And just because some of you were spanked, switched, and/or beaten as a child in NO WAY makes it okay to do it to a child now. Even saying something like that makes me want to take a switch to your legs.

    By the way. If I DID take a switch to your legs and caused similar injuries...If I'm not mistaken...THAT WOULD BE FELONY ASSAULT. And you're saying it's okay to do it to a four year old boy.

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