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Thread: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

  1. #1

    Default McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    Hello. I have recently been trying to remember the location of a McDonald's that my parents used to take me to when I was little, probably in the early 90's. The most distinctive thing I remember was that in the playground area, there was a big pirate ship that you could sit in and eat. It was also a very dark, old McDonald's. I have a feeling it was somewhere by Classen Blvd., but I really cant be 100% sure. Does anyone else remember this? Where was it located? Is it still around? I have also done some Google digging, and can't seem to come across even a picture of this style of McD's...pics anyone would like to share would be welcome!

    Thank you!

  2. #2

    Default Re: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    i'm sure there were several locations that featured this... there was one on se 66th and I-35 (near crossroads mall) that had an indoor play area with rows of booths on either side that were shaped like two big ships. i remember going there for a birthday party in the early 80's. the indoor play area was probably changed out in the early to mid 90's. this location has been demolished.

    maybe you're thinking of the mcdonald's on i-44 & classen but i don't know if the location ever had that feature. that location has been replaced with a newer building around 3-4 years ago. -M

  3. #3

    Default Re: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    i'm sure there were several locations that featured this... there was one on se 66th and I-35 (near crossroads mall) that had an indoor play area with rows of booths on either side that were shaped like two big ships. i remember going there for a birthday party in the early 80's. the indoor play area was probably changed out in the early to mid 90's. this location has been demolished.

    maybe you're thinking of the mcdonald's on i-44 & classen but i don't know if the location ever had that feature. that location has been replaced with a newer building around 3-4 years ago. -M
    I remember going there in probably the mid 80s.

  4. #4

    Default Re: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    I went to the McDonald's off 66th and I-35 many times with my father when I was a boy, back in the mid-late 80's.

    It definitely had a pirate ship inside. And I remember the area being a little too dark and it also smelled weird.

  5. #5

    Default Re: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    It was the McDonalds at 66th and I-35

    Back in the mid-80's, when I worked at the old 12th street McDonalds in Moore, our store would occasionally "horse-trade" with them, if one of the two of us ran out of something, and had a surplus of something else that was needed by the other.

    Some years later, I would take my daughter and my two nephews to eat there. Because of the Pirate ship, it was their favorite McDonalds

  6. #6

    Default Re: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    that was our fave McDonald to eat at on special occasions (in the 80's) BECAUSE of the Indoor Playground...

  7. #7

    Default Re: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    I remember the few times that I went there as a kid, I would always pick the blue biplane to sit and eat my Happy Meal.

  8. #8

    Default Re: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    Wish I remembered this. Sounds more like a Chuck-E-Cheese than a McDonald's

  9. #9

    Default Re: McDonalds with pirate ship inside?

    It was an Ok time for the kiddos, with the added bennie of being less expensive than eating at the mall.

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