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Thread: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

  1. #1

    Default Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    For quite a while people have lamented the lack of a good bookstore in the urban core.

    Looking for ideas as to the best location for a independent bookstore in the Midtown / Automobile Alley areas.

    An obvious choice would be somewhere on Auto Alley, but with everything getting ready to pop on 10th -- including lots of new residential units nearby -- maybe somewhere along that corridor would work as well. Perhaps the space at 320 NW 10th in front of R&J Supper Club? Or even the old Meg Guess building on Walker?

    There will be retail space at both the Edge and Lift; more on 10th right next to Fassler Hall and Dust Bowl. Still space in both the Buick and Pontiac buildings.

    Where would you like to see such a store?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    The DT Auto repair shop building located at 314 NW 10th. It will be just south of Bleu Garten and next door to the other auto shop that all the cars out front for so long. Also, 1120 N Walker. There are a couple of hair salons there now but it would be close to all of Midtown. Both buildings are about the size I envision for a book store.

  3. #3
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    It was talked about once upon a time, but I'd love to see Full Circle move to Midtown. To me, Midtown just fits a bookstore better than Auto Alley, but I'm not sure what building.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    The old Flower District on Broadway Circle and Park Place would be perfect. Gut all those old warehouses, combine them and have Full Circle's whole new book selection plus also a giant space for used books.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    I think one of the old houses on Shartel between 10th and 13th would be cool. There is one for lease or at least was for lease. All the rooms could make for great reading rooms. Put a coffee shop in the basement and you got a hip bookstore / reading room.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Just to be clear, this wouldn't be for Full Circle.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Just to be clear, this wouldn't be for Full Circle.
    I thought we were just spitballing here. But apparently there is at least a modicum of intrigue here...

  8. #8
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Just to be clear, this wouldn't be for Full Circle.
    It was just the bookstore we had used as an example in prior discussions. But I do think a bookstore (any one) would best fit in Midtown.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    I'm saying that there may be someone interested in opening a bookstore, but it's not Full Circle.

    Trying to help them think through the best place to locate, and since so many people have said that this is exactly the sort of thing that is needed in the area, was hoping to get more feedback, especially from the people most likely to patronize the business.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I'm saying that there may be someone interested in opening a bookstore, but it's not Full Circle.

    Trying to help them think through the best place to locate, and since so many people have said that this is exactly the sort of thing that is needed in the area, was hoping to get more feedback, especially from the people most likely to patronize the business.
    It depends on the direction and the capital involved. I think the best chance of success would be my idea of taking over the flower district and making it a destination, ala Powell's in Portland. But this would be very capital-intensive and good luck getting financing for a bookstore.

    On the other hand a smaller boutique-type place in an old house could be charming but would have a lower chance of success, in my opinion, considering the volume of books needing to be sold to cover the presumably high rents in Midtown.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    It would almost need to be a [something] and bookstore combo, where the [something] generated most of the cash flow, but the bookstore was the customer draw, wouldn't it? That, or be a vanity project by Midtown R where they do it solely to make the neighborhood better, which would in turn let them charge a premium for their other rents.

    My favorite bookstore is The Book Loft, in Columbus. It's HUGE, and in converted historic commercial space.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Something Near either elemental or OCU law.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    It would go great in the Plaza District, in the renovated area of the Plaza Discount Store, but that wasn't the question...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    I've thought the buildings to the east of Red Rooster on 30th would make a good coffee shop/book store combo. Who owns those buildings, anyway?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Midtown for sure. Unfortunately, I think the BEST area to put it in would be in that 6th to 8th range…but that's still a very dead part of town.

    What's in that building on the SW corner of 9th/Robinson? I'd say in general, the closer to OCUL, the better. It would be awesome if it were incorporated into a new development on the lots just to the north of the OCUL.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    I haven't really looked but if I were putting in a bookstore I would go in along auto alley between 6th and 10th.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    The problem with Auto Alley is there is so much traffic, and it will only continue to heighten over time. So it will always be loud.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    New build or renovation?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Not new construction -- looking for existing space.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    How about in the retail space of the new garage going in at 5th/Robinson? Pretty close to OCUL.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Not new construction -- looking for existing space.
    Too bad the Garage took the entire ground floor space of the Guardian. Those huge windows and the church across the street is really an inspiring and majestic view of a very intimate urban setting. Perfect for reading and Robinson is a pretty light volume street in the area and both directions of the streetcar will pass by that intersection.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    The unused part of Brown's Bakery fronting 10th?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Or Steve Mason's big building on 8th behind S&B burger.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Do you know what square footage they're thinking?

    What's in this building:


  25. #25

    Default Re: Best place for a Midtown / Auto Alley bookstore?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    The unused part of Brown's Bakery fronting 10th?
    I think you are on to something special here. Donuts and Books that's a match made in heaven.

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