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Thread: Joan Rivers Dead at 81

  1. #1

    Default Joan Rivers Dead at 81

    I'm surprised that a thread about this wasn't already started since she has been in the news so much for the last few days.

    People usually either loved or hated Joan. I felt both ways at various times. Here is an good example of her in her prime standup days.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Joan River Deat at 81

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Joan Rivers Dead at 81

    In earlier times, Borscht Belt comedians owned TV. She was funny at one time but was a nasty mess when she passed. I bet they could open her grave in a 100 years and she will look the same. I have to admit her funeral plans sound like a blast. https://celebrity.yahoo.com/news/joa...us-weekly.html

  4. Default Re: Joan Rivers Dead at 81

    I very much respect her personal and professional accomplishments and her spirit....... That said, I personally never found her very funny. I thought her brand of humor was vulgar without much actual wit. I did however enjoy her toned down self on Celebrity Apprentice.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Joan Rivers Dead at 81

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I very much respect her personal and professional accomplishments and her spirit....... That said, I personally never found her very funny. I thought her brand of humor was vulgar without much actual wit. I did however enjoy her toned down self on Celebrity Apprentice.
    Exactly. Still . . . if it weren't for Joan Rivers there probably wouldn't be an Ellen DeGeneris. Or a Kathy Griffin.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Joan Rivers Dead at 81

    I have much respect for Joan. She was a pioneer in her field. You could tell from the ABC special last night that she loved what she did and didn't care what anyone thought of her (how a comedian should be). She also never apologized, no matter how vulgar or rude she was. If she joked about you, you were a big deal and should've taken it as a compliment.

  7. Default Re: Joan Rivers Dead at 81

    Definitely sad to see her pass. I agree with others, you either loved her or hated here and I did like her. Not saying that is right or wrong, we all have our tastes. We aren't meant to like the same thing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Joan Rivers Dead at 81

    Too much sad news on comedians dying front - Phyllis Diller, Robin Williams and now Joan Rivers. I really liked Phyllis and had some personal dealings with her. I did a Comedians Cookbook back in the 90s and sadly, as I look back, many of the comics who contributed recipes and food stories for my book have passed on - Bob Hope, Steve Allen, Phyllis Diller, Henny Youngman, Joan Rivers.

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