Looks like they made some changes to the southeast corner so that it will match the existing facade. Also, it's a cement-board stucco so maybe it will look a bit better than standard eifs.
Not sure what this is supposed to mean...
FlashBack RetroPub @FlashBackRtroPb 18m
We were hoping it wouldn't come to this, but LandRun Commercial Real Estate is forcing our hand go to the mattresses.
Well crud
Other than the Pump Bar and Pizzeria Gusto (which are in out-buildings) I don't think any real work has been done on the interior for the various tenants.
We are almost in August... Hard to imagine anyone being open before the holidays.
Something has gone seriously wrong here.
Haven't we been hearing that work was still progressing and things were just moving slowly? It's been pretty clear for awhile now that something was amiss.
Wasn't it supposed to be open for Summer of 2014? At this rate, I would be surpised if it was open Summer of 2015...
I work late and often drive by. And actually saw people working there at 3 am.
I won't be sad if the Rise still happens, AND the retropub ends up on AA instead... win win
Yeah, I have had my doubts about this from early on...just like aLoft. There is a normal pace of construction and development with delays/issues built in for all projects, big or small, but this has seemed like amateurs were in charge from day 1. In addition, I am not sure why Flashback or any of other tenants would prefer to be on the backside of this development anyways. Seems like you are setting yourself up for failure. With these massive delays and other attractive options available with much more visibility, not sure why any of those tenants would put up with this.
FlashBack posted this photo and compared it to one taken in January, noting very little has been done in over six months:
For what it's worth, there were workers there all day yesterday and into the night.
Maybe the developers have figured out if they don't s--- or get off the pot this whole thing will sink like the Titanic when their confirmed tenants start abandoning them.
I wonder if land run used a contractor that got in over his head and had to fire them and go with someone else. It seems the last month has had a lot more going on.
From warreng88. We're almost in August and they still have a very long way to go:
Cement truck was there this morning. Looked like they were pouring slab.
Apparently the skilled construction team at The Rise busted a water line today. At least that means they were working...but come on!!!
omg free water for everyone! It's a gift to the neighborhood for the delays, bring your boots and buckets!
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