Thanks to our armed forces for their service and willingness to lay it on the line for the rest of us. And happy Anniversary to my sweetie!
I am going to catch fire for this but why are people thanking the military on Independence Day?
If I want to see fireworks I have to see them at a show as opposed to popping them myself because the wonderful mother hen state I live in has declared me too incompetent to pop them on my own.
Also just found out if I need to pick up the dogs script at CVS they cannot refill it until they see a copy of my brand spanking new 35.00 drivers license.
Yay for government intrusiveness.....
Happy 4th!
In fact, that is an excellent question.
There was an entire editorial on that topic in one of the local papers.
I'm not sure if it was The Pioneer Press or The Star Tribune.
Not that it matters.
This, after all, is Independence Day . . . Right?
It is not one of the other--completely appropriate and deserved--holidays such as Veteran's Day or Memorial Day or . . .
Perhaps it's just another example of "Revisionist History"?
(are, there, like "Fourth of July" "Greeting" cards for sale at, say Walgreen's or Hallmark?
or is it simply all about "'Independence' Day Sales"?)
It just occurred to me that I was referring to Independence Day, rather than Idependence Day.
Sorry. Didn't mean to stray off-topic.
No, I am talk about the federal employees who are a subsidiary of Apple (aka The i%).
OK - now back to the celebration of America's birthday - which actually happened on July 2, 1776 - but what is a few days among friends.,3287238.story
American independence from Britain was not decided on July 4. The Continental Congress voted July 2, 1776, to declare independence. On the night of July 2, the Pennsylvania Evening Post published the statement: "This day the Continental Congress declared the United Colonies Free and Independent States."
John Adams thought July 2 was going to be the day future Americans celebrated, or so he said in a letter to his wife, Abigail: "The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more."
Drive around Mustang if you want to experience fireworks. From 2100 to 0000 it will be all you can handle. Drive with your windows down to really get the full effect. Some folks spend a fortune on their stuff. A couple of nights ago a guy down the street set one off that boomed so loud it set off car alarms. Happy Independence Day to everyone.
This Independence Day I am grateful for the flat terrain in Oklahoma...I can see fireworks in almost every direction I look.
I get your point, amigo, yet . . .
Somehow I think we did the right thing in defense of OUR/US Independence by helping stop Hitler and his minions . . .
In any case, a few thoughts for the day . . .
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
~Benjamin Franklin, (Statesman and Propagandist)
"A snake cut up into thirteen pieces neither writheth nor wriggleth in a positive direction, history-wise.
(Yet the image doth maketh a potent argument in the form of a political poster, does it not?)"
~Poor Richard (Ben's black sheep cousin)
"Geez . . . This all oughta be common sense, fer cryin' out loud."
~Thomas Paine (RabbleRouser)
"Interdependence is a Higher Value than Independence."
~Stephan Covey Compiler/Author "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"
(and LDS Propagandist)
"Whut the heck does all this have to do with Idependence?"
~PossumFritter (Noted backwater philosopher =)
JTF, you're clearly on a mission. Setting aside Japan and its allies, allow me to expand on what I meant: imagine, if you will, if we had no military. Perhaps I'm just a war monger and pessimist but I daresay there are plenty of other countries who would have decided to start messing with us. Call me crazy, but I seriously doubt we'd have the freedoms we have, today, if we sat around and hoped no one bothered us. My point is that they keep us safe WITHOUT firing a shot so long as they're willing to if need be. Peace and freedom through strength.
Umm, that was Japan and Hawaii wasn't part of the US then.
That was a joke....poorly executed I must admit
Wait. What? Are you joking?
It was part of the United States and the Japanese tried to destroy our Pacific fleet. Have you forgotten how many of our military folk died? Are you suggesting that if we'd merely turned the other cheek and stayed out of WWII we'd have been allowed to go along our merry way and retain our independence?
Seriously, you must be joking and I'm just missing it - right?
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