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Thread: The Rise

  1. #426

    Default Re: The Rise

    The sheets of plywood over the windows doesn't exactly make the area look not blighted.

  2. #427

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Paseofreak View Post
    I wouldn't call that blight. As I recall, they were all occupied and maintained. Residents were evicted when the properties were sold to the developer over a year ago.
    good to hear then
    Hopefully there are plans to remodel these

  3. #428

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    The sheets of plywood over the windows doesn't exactly make the area look not blighted.
    does to me. Especially when there is writing on it that says call the police if you see intruders. But as stated, they were apparently bought by developers so there are hopefully plans

  4. #429

    Default Re: The Rise

    i am really starting to wonder about the rise...little to no progress still. this is aloft all over again, I just hope they don't lose all their pre-leased tenants with these massive delays. I know if I was flashback pub or any of the prospective tenants I would be pissed with the slow go.

  5. #430

    Default Re: The Rise

    All the homes pictured as well as the 4-plex are to be part of a housing development by Marva Ellard. The existing properties will be renovated and some new units added to the surrounding vacant lots.

    Thanks for the phots PluPan!

  6. #431

    Default Re: The Rise

    I know that The Rise had to work through some plan changes due to having to add some staircases, but that was straightened out a while ago.

    It seems they are still moving very slowly across the whole development and I'm not sure why. You'd think they would be busting their tails to get open ASAP.

  7. #432
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Rise

    I've been driving by the Rise and wondering whats taking so long because it doesn't look like much is going on. But then I noticed a lot of aluminum studs on the inside (not evident in the pictures), so apparently there is much going on that we don't perceive...

  8. #433

    Default Re: The Rise

    The former chef from Packard just signed on to create the menu for another bar in the Rise in addition to The Pump. I'll let post the bar name when I can.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #434

    Default Re: The Rise

    Wow, this site is still a disaster area. They are going to have to work like crazy to get anything open before the holidays.

    Thanks to warreng88 for the photos:

  10. #435

    Default Re: The Rise

    I cannot see any progress over the last month short of boarding up the windows. Again, as I posted in the other thread, it would be nice if there were a realistic ETA provided.

  11. #436

    Default Re: The Rise

    Yes, this is not simply a case of "renovation projects take time".

    There have been several changes to the plans (egress and the like) which have slowed things dramatically. Then there was a hold on some building permits due to other various issues (some holds are still in effect) and finally one of their key players (Jeremy Foraker) left Land Run just after this project got rolling. Steve also made reference to "internal problems" in his last chat.

    Fortunately for Land Run, the tenants don't really have the option of simply going elsewhere. And even if they wanted to, I suspect all of them have a decent amount invested in design, plans and equipment specifically for their space.

    The only tenant I know that has bailed is the Okay See, which has set up shop at The Hub on Film Row.

    Also, nothing at all has happened regarding the boarded-up cottages and fourplex that Land Run acquired as a part of this redevelopment.

    Really hope they get rolling soon but there are still dirt floors in a good part of the space and we are almost into July. Hard to imagine this all coming together and the tenants getting all their work done in just a few months.

  12. #437

    Default Re: The Rise

    I'm just glad to see those awful Mansard roofs (awning really) gone. But then I find buildings laid bare and under construction beautiful, so there is that.

  13. #438

    Default Re: The Rise

    Pete, how long ago did The Okay See leave The Rise? Do you know how much square footage they had in their space?

  14. #439

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by JRod1980 View Post
    Pete, how long ago did The Okay See leave The Rise? Do you know how much square footage they had in their space?

    They bailed very early. Just were going to take a small space in a half basement.

    Not a big loss for The Rise whatsoever and I'm pretty sure every other tenant is still on board.

  15. #440

    Default Re: The Rise

    On their Facebook page, Pizzeria Gusto, indicates they will open late August-early September. I realize this is a separate building but at least there is some progress being made

  16. #441

    Default Re: The Rise

    Steel started going up on the drake to support the new front. Also all sidewalks and curbs have been removed on 23rd. The front should start taking shape soon.

  17. #442

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Yes, this is not simply a case of "renovation projects take time".

    There have been several changes to the plans (egress and the like) which have slowed things dramatically. Then there was a hold on some building permits due to other various issues (some holds are still in effect) and finally one of their key players (Jeremy Foraker) left Land Run just after this project got rolling. Steve also made reference to "internal problems" in his last chat.
    I believe that Land Run has lost a few other key players as well. If so that is not a good sign, especially for a new real estate company. I hope this gets completed no matter the timetable, but I would guess that there has to be some internal issues that are starting to boil over.

    Having said that it's already and improvement from what was there before. haha.

  18. #443

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Wow, this site is still a disaster area. They are going to have to work like crazy to get anything open before the holidays.

    Thanks to warreng88 for the photos:

    For clarification, those black things on the back of the building in the first photo are holes in the building, not pieces of wood painted black, in case anyone was wondering.

    It seems like the majority of the work going on in this space is for the parking lot behind it which is a completely mystery to me. I would think it would just need to be graded for work trucks, get the buildings shored up so work can start on the interior, then get the parking lot poured.

  19. #444
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: The Rise

    Yeah, the internal problems don't sound good. Wonder what is going on that so many are bailing?

  20. #445

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    Yeah, the internal problems don't sound good. Wonder what is going on that so many are bailing?
    Umm, the only entity that has "bailed" is Okay See. Everyone else is on board.

  21. #446

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Umm, the only entity that has "bailed" is Okay See. Everyone else is on board.
    Check the thread. Hemingstein is talking about Landrun, not the Rise.

  22. #447

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Check the thread. Hemingstein is talking about Landrun, not the Rise.

  23. #448
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Check the thread. Hemingstein is talking about Landrun, not the Rise.
    Thank you, dan.

  24. #449

    Default The Rise

    Holy crap!?!? I've capture a shot of actual work occurring at the rise! I feel like I just found Bigfoot!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  25. #450

    Default Re: The Rise


    Wow, look at the state of that place... Dirt floors, big trenches, no exterior walls or facade, no sidewalks.

    They have got a long, long way to go.

    Thanks for the photo.

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