Back to the actual development...
Back to the actual development...
Just to be clear, I did not personally post the photo and I promptly removed it.
Let's move on.
All conspiracies aside, the facade is pretty rad.
Pete - what is the exterior finish planned for the corner of 23rd and Walker, where the granite stops?... EIFS, stucco, or otherwise?
EIFS on the corner and around the east side.
The backside (north facade) is all brick.
Here is the design application they submitted on 3/11/13 for the 3/27/13 urban design review meeting:
Interesting that they new about the south stone facade over a year ago. And today it is reported a a recent find
Please let me apologize to Steve and Pete. You can see by my low number of posts that I am not up to speed on all the forum rules. I love this forum and Steve's work and would never do anything to upset either one.
From TAP's Twitter feed:
It's incredible how that facade completely changes to look of the building and the entire look of that section of 23rd Street.
Makes me curious to see what's under the awning on the Planned Parenthood Building. Both buildings had a similar style of metal awning.
I'm saying I didn't know what to expect when that old awning completely came down. I had heard that the original facade might be there, but had no hopes of it being fully intact. What's been revealed has completely changed my thoughts on what the most important building in this area might be, since the Tower doesn't seem to have hope of being restored under the current ownership.
I know, I was just trying to make a funny.
I know, I was trying to be more elaborate with my statement. I'm glad that crusty looking thing is finally gone.
So glad that the old facade is in good shape, but the photos are awful. Can't believe they were posted by an architectural firm.
The Urban Land Institute has organized a free tour of The Rise tonight from 5:30 to 7:00.
Would be great if someone from OKCTalk could go and snap photos.
Register (for free) here:
ULI Oklahoma Site Tour: The Rise - ULI Oklahoma
Directly behind The Rise with the Pump Bar in the background
Here are some pictures of the blight surrounding The Rise and the Pump Bar
Some--what can be--beautiful old homes
A super cool little run down skate park. I would love to fix this place up and put in some better ramps and lighting and put an outdoor slushy/shaved ice bar here. Wouldn't make much money, but still would be cool. If I could, I'd actually give all of the money from the slush/ice cream/snow cone bar to the district to help improve it
That little white building would make a cool 50's style bar/rooftop bar and the building behind could be a hobby shop or something..
Man.. really wish I had at least half a mill to invest here. So much potential and I bet a you'd see a huge return
Great pictures, PluPan. As a guy who hasn't been down there in a few years, I really appreciate it.
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