Does anybody else want to toss something at the TV every time you hear her talk. Her voice just grates the hell out of me and I change channels every time a commercial for her show comes on, needless to say I don't watch her show.
Does anybody else want to toss something at the TV every time you hear her talk. Her voice just grates the hell out of me and I change channels every time a commercial for her show comes on, needless to say I don't watch her show.
She still has a show? Didn't realize that.
She is a joke. This clip is one of her best cringe-worthy moments. It's also quite hilarious.
We lived in Atlanta when she was the prosecutor for Fulton County and yes she was about as insufferable back then as she is now.
I think the thing that bothers me is she more than any other TV personality has fueled Missing White Woman Syndrome. Good luck getting featured on her show if you aren't some young, petite, caucasian female under the age of 35...not that it would bother me if I weren't.
I would really like to see the breakdown of her ratings. Outside of airports and bank lobbies, I can't imagine they are any good.
LOL great clip and there are a bunch of them. I am totally against violence against women and others but I just want to punch her in the face every time she starts talking.
I used to find her attractive back in the day{or was that Jenneta Jones from the Weather Channel}......anyhoos nowadays she is annoying.
Perhaps we could henceforth refer to this as The Paula Deen Effect?
Or perhaps The Pati J. Annoyance?
(please note that I LOVE Pati's recipes, and I think she's cute, but her voice and presentation simply cut to the bone)
(notice how they even cut all but one bit of blather out of the trailer. . . that's how annoying she is. =)
Well, I've heard of Marge. Sounds like I've been fortunate over the years to avoid Nancy, though.
Last edited by Jim Kyle; 05-30-2014 at 12:05 PM. Reason: fat fingers on keyboard
I just don't like her show in general. It is very negative.
What was the nickname she gave Casey Anthony? That was the only time I paid attention to Nancy Grace, and now, I can't even remember why . . . Toddler Mom?
Tot mom.
That woman is vile.
Saw her on Dancing With The Stars more often than I saw her show. She was much shorter and pudgier than assumed from her show.
Straight for the looks, baby!! She's a woman so they
I confess, I'm having trouble getting the point of this thread. Is it just to bash her? I'm kind of like several - she wasn't on the radar and can't imagine anyone being all that interested in resurrecting her. Oh well.
I just saw a clip of her today where she somehow went from talking about Brad Pitt and his red carpet wierdness with that guy to Anita Bryant. and how she was such a nice sweet lady talking passionately about something she cares about ( which happened to be how she hates homosexuals and thinks they are recruiting children because they can't procreate) and someone hit her with a pie because they are jelous of her looks.. HUH?.. WHAT?.. Anita Bryant was no sweetheart.. and now she has lost her ugly 1 ton Marble statue.. I hope that thing shows up on 39th street on a float for the local Gay pride parade this month.
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