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Thread: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

  1. Default Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    Whatever happened to the city's efforts get rid of the flocks of birds downtown. I guess winter has them away right now, but I noticed this fall there were lots of them around the Ford Center and I-40 overpass. They are loud and crap all over the cars and people walking around. I saw a guy get crapped on while walking on the north side of the Myriad Botanical Gardens. Some nights there are thousands of birds landing in the trees.

    I thought I saw a news story a year or so ago about efforts to get rid of them.

  2. Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    I think it is part of the entertainment downtown.. you have to admit, when it's not happening to you, it can be quite funny and very entertaining to watch pedestrians trying to dodge the 'bullet'.

    LOL, I'm kidding!!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    The BID has a contract for bird eradication in Bricktown, the CBD and in some parts of the Arts District. The City Parks Department once had a contract for the Myriad Gardens but I don't know if they are still doing it. Our eradication program only goes as far south as Cox Center.


  4. Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    Doesn't seem like something that should be very high on the priority list.

  5. Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    Unless you're the one under the bird... lol ..

    for some reason this bird turd thread has me giggling.. sheesh, grow up Karried!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. #6

    Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Doesn't seem like something that should be very high on the priority list.
    It needn't be the top priority but it should be up there. We can put in all the improvements, etertainment, stores, etc. that we want downtown but if the place is littered with birds people from OKC won't go let alone out-of-town visitors. It makes the city look trashy both with the birds and what they leave behind.

    The eradication must have worked to some extent though because a bunch of birds have moved into Norman. Over by Sooner mall it is insane how many birds just hang out there. It's scary like a movie or something where a flock of birds take over and scare people. You know what I mean?

    Seriously though it is eerie how many birds live there.

  7. Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    It's scary like a movie or something where a flock of birds take over and scare people.
    I think that is a movie...

  8. Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    It doesn't seem as bad as it used to be, but if you get there at the wrong/right time it is like a demonic cloud swooping in.

    Didn't we have some city workers that used to sound off sirens and fireworks?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I think that is a movie...
    Yeah, I know. I was gonna put a sarcasm disclaimer but then I realized it wasn't really sarcasm and wasn't really sure what it was so I didn't put a disclaimer and just hoped others would get my weird humor.

  10. Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    just playing along, traxx

  11. #11

    Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    50 Penn seems to be having sucess with the 'hawk mating call' sounds that they have on loudspeaker. Sounds disturbing, but it looks like its working...

  12. Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    So, that's why I've been unexplainably drawn to 50 Penn!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Downtown Gone to the Birds?

    Birds could be annoying, i remember that in Mexico City they used some nets to place on the statues in the downtown to prevent the pigeons from crapping on them since they could deterioriate monuments. It kinds pissed alot of people off since it killed many of them.

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