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Thread: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

  1. #1

    Default Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Since this forum is loaded with tech experts, maybe I can get clear, concise answers to a few questions by this tech illiterate.

    I have a Samsung flip phone, Model SGH-A847. It is not a Smart Phone, it is a dumb phone, yet it is capaple of taking photographs. I have about 90 pictures stored on the device. When I connect it to my PC, it doesn't sort of automatically "hook up" with the computer and allow me to transfer the pictures (like my little digital camera does). A tiny bit of research indicates that I need a memory card in order to transfer the pictures from the phone to the computer. (And that, after I figure out how to transfer them from the internal memory of the phone to the card.)

    A little more research indicated that there may be another way: Using the PC Studio software that can be downloaded from Samsung. I tried this, but I ran into a snag and this is where the questions come in:

    I went to the page and downloaded (tried to Save) the program, but right at the end of the process I got a warning at the bottom of the screen, after a "Security Check" by some Windows Program built into my system that said something like: "Signature Invalid or Corrupt." Rather than taking any chances, I clicked the "Delete" button.

    What does all that mean? And how could a huge company, like Samsung, not have a valid, non-corrupt signature for a program download like this?

    Another question would be: Would I be better off to just forget entirely about loading and running the PC Studio program and, instead, simply locate and purchase a memory card for the phone?

    Thanks, in advance, for any help here.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Take pics of the pics on the phone with your digital camera.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Take pics of the pics on the phone with your digital camera.
    Somehow, I fear that the resolution would suffer. Plus that would take, like, a really, really long time. Maybe I could email or text them to my wife's Smart Phone . . . I'd probably have to text them on account of I don't think my dumb phone has Internet capability. Like email for example. (still looking for answers to my questions =)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Most likely the resolution on your camera is much better than the resolution on your phone but I can't imagine your flip phone has an amazingly large or even medium sized screen, so your images of images would be pretty grainy.

    As for the phone connection to your computer, once you plug it in does either your computer or your phone say anything about USB media? If not, go into Start Menu, then Computer and see if there's a clickable icon for the model of your phone. If so, you should be able to double click on that and find a folder--usually labeled DCIM--for your photographs.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    I plug it in . . . It does the "loading thing" . . . then it says it "doesn't recognize the device" (or something like that). Apparently, there are several ways to transfer pictures from the phone to the computer. One of them is something called "Mass Storage" and this requires one of those memory cards that didn't come with the phone. The pictures apparently have to be on the memory card and then, apparently, the computer will recognize the device (or whatever). I was hoping to bypass a trip to Office Depot (or Walgreen's or Wherever) to pick up a memory card. (Although the one on my digital camera is nearly full.) I guess my primary question would be why a "program"/"application"? download from a major player, such as Samsung, would generate an "invalid or corrupt signature" warning. Is it possible that downloading the program would be downloading a bunch of Adware/Spyware at the same time? When I was still into 35mm film, I got a disc copy of some prints via Walgreen's Photo Program that had so much extra crap on it that it nearly crashed my third back computer (the one gathering dust in a corner of the garage. =)

    p.s.: I know that the resolution of the photos on my cheap digital camera is FAR better than those my primitive phone can take. (My wife's phone, on the other hand, can take GREAT pictures. =) I was talking about actually trying to take pictures of the pictures on the dumb phone screen, as suggested--jokingly, I trust--by the first respondent (gjl) at Post #2. =)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question


    The "Invalid/corrupt signature" could be saying nothing more than the download you got was fouled up somehow in transit. It happens sometimes.

    The "signature" is nothing more than a mathematical "magic trick" that takes all the bits from the file you downloaded and creates a correspondingly "magic" number. That same trick is also applied to the original file from its creator, and the assumption is that if the magic number they provide and the one that is computed against your version of the file match, chances are the file is an absolutely correct and identical copy of what you requested, because the chances of two piles of bits producing the same "magic number" are pretty darned small. Thus, if the "magic numbers" don't match, it essentially says the files aren't the same.

    While I like Samsung phones (a lot), I've had iffy experiences on some of their phone-to-PC tools, so I honestly wouldn't invest a great deal of time trying to make that particular thing work. Figure out what kind of card your phone needs, transfer the pics to them, and then you should be able to USB-connect the phone to your PC and snag them from there.

    Hope that helps (clear as mud, right?)

    Interrupted downloads, connection dropouts, and just plain old intermittent errors can occur in file transfers...not very often these days, but they can happen. I'd just try to download the file again.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    The 80's called, they want their flip phone back

  8. #8

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Find a typical teen.
    Take teen to braum's for an end of school year treat.
    Mid way through the after burger shake, casually mention you have a cool artifact from the samsung museum you want to show them.

    Ask if any of their history classes covered retrieving archival data from artifacts.

    Graciously accept any help offered and buy a braum's gift card on the way out for your new Indiana Jones - raider of the forgotten flip

  9. #9

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Find a typical teen.
    Take teen to braum's for an end of school year treat.
    Mid way through the after burger shake, casually mention you have a cool artifact from the samsung museum you want to show them.

    Ask if any of their history classes covered retrieving archival data from artifacts.

    Graciously accept any help offered and buy a braum's gift card on the way out for your new Indiana Jones - raider of the forgotten flip
    My wife and I use different systems. I like my iPhone, she likes her Android. I can't stand using her device and she can't stand using my device. Consquently, I don't know squat about how her device works. She often complains that she can't do this or it does that. The default solution is ALWAYS to give it to the teen.

    I chuckled a lot about this post as I was typing it. Bevis and Butthead and any other juvenile would have a heyday with the possible mis-interpretations of all the possible sexual innuendos therein.

  10. Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Until recently, T-Mobile would accept uploads from my Samsung flip-phone, which I could then retrieve through a PC. They killed that service, though, so now I copy stuff on the phone to a microSD card, which I can then shove into the computer.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Most likely the resolution on your camera is much better than the resolution on your phone but I can't imagine your flip phone has an amazingly large or even medium sized screen, so your images of images would be pretty grainy.
    Wow, I didn't think I needed to add a [Not Serious]...[/Not Serious] to my post but apparently I did.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post

    The "Invalid/corrupt signature" could be saying nothing more than the download you got was fouled up somehow in transit. It happens sometimes.

    The "signature" is nothing more than a mathematical "magic trick" that takes all the bits from the file you downloaded and creates a correspondingly "magic" number. That same trick is also applied to the original file from its creator, and the assumption is that if the magic number they provide and the one that is computed against your version of the file match, chances are the file is an absolutely correct and identical copy of what you requested, because the chances of two piles of bits producing the same "magic number" are pretty darned small. Thus, if the "magic numbers" don't match, it essentially says the files aren't the same.

    While I like Samsung phones (a lot), I've had iffy experiences on some of their phone-to-PC tools, so I honestly wouldn't invest a great deal of time trying to make that particular thing work. Figure out what kind of card your phone needs, transfer the pics to them, and then you should be able to USB-connect the phone to your PC and snag them from there.

    Hope that helps (clear as mud, right?)

    Interrupted downloads, connection dropouts, and just plain old intermittent errors can occur in file transfers...not very often these days, but they can happen. I'd just try to download the file again.
    If diamonds were made of mud rather than carbon, your answer would be a jewel.
    Thanks . . . I'll spring for the Memory Card rather than the download.
    Most of the pics on the phone are random caps of clouds and cars and other clutter
    (including many examples of the inability of Road Barge Operators to Park Properly =)
    and are therefore, worthless . . . yet, somehow, I would prefer them in a more "Sharable" Format.
    Thanks, again.
    I still want them in a different, more shareable, format.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Find a typical teen.
    Take teen to braum's for an end of school year treat.
    Mid way through the after burger shake, casually mention you have a cool artifact from the samsung museum you want to show them.

    Ask if any of their history classes covered retrieving archival data from artifacts.

    Graciously accept any help offered and buy a braum's gift card on the way out for your new Indiana Jones - raider of the forgotten flip
    Guilty, or Not, As Charged Yer Honor.
    You, Sir, Really ARE "The Exception to "the Rule/Cliché" of "lawyers".
    Thank you, again, for taking the time to respond to my questions in this regard.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    My wife and I use different systems. I like my iPhone, she likes her Android. I can't stand using her device and she can't stand using my device. Consquently, I don't know squat about how her device works. She often complains that she can't do this or it does that. The default solution is ALWAYS to give it to the teen.

    I chuckled a lot about this post as I was typing it. Bevis and Butthead and any other juvenile would have a heyday with the possible mis-interpretations of all the possible sexual innuendos therein.
    I have nothing to add to that. Is it tricky to transfer internal memory to a mini-card? On an antique cellphone?
    btw: Bevis and Butthead are, like, about 60 now. Serving the Public in Middle Management in America.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Wow, I didn't think I needed to add a [Not Serious]...[/Not Serious] to my post but apparently I did.
    Would "Doh" be an appropriate response here?
    (I didn't miss the "Wink Icon" at the top of the thread. =)

    Yet don't for one second think my initial question wasn't a real one.
    That's x-kly how non TecKnowSavvy I B.

    (thanks, again, amigo.)

  16. #16

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Wow, I didn't think I needed to add a [Not Serious]...[/Not Serious] to my post but apparently I did.

    Apparently you don't know me that well. That's why there's two paragraphs. If I was serious about adding info regarding your post, that would have all been one paragraph...

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5

  17. #17

    Default Re: Mobile Phone Camera/Computer Question

    I think (mebbe?) we need the WalterCronkite/HuntleyBrinkley Translation App about now. =}
    nah . . . sorry for even suggesting it . . .

    I think I'll pick up a Mini-Memory Card at Office Depot.
    Problem solved.

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