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Thread: Cancelled shows

  1. #1

    Default Cancelled shows

    Either I'm not watching as much TV or they cancelled fewer shows that I like. Two of the shows I liked are getting the ax but that's not too bad.

    Canceled And Renewed TV Shows For The 2014-'15 Season (UPDATE)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    Either I'm not watching as much TV or they cancelled fewer shows that I like. Two of the shows I liked are getting the ax but that's not too bad.

    Canceled And Renewed TV Shows For The 2014-'15 Season (UPDATE)
    Which two shows did you like? We just started watching Friends with Better Lives and really enjoyed it as well as Trophy wife, Dads and the Crazy One.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Looking closer there are 3 that I like that are getting the ax..... Almost Human, Killer Women and the new Ironside.

  4. Default Re: Cancelled shows

    The Blacklist, Modern Family, and Big Bang Theory are all sticking around for another season. I'm happy.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Almost Human and Dracula are the ones I'm most disappointed about.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    I just want The Americans back

  7. #7

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    I just want The Americans back
    Season 3 has already been picked up, so you're safe there.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    The Blacklist, Modern Family, and Big Bang Theory are all sticking around for another season. I'm happy.
    I believe Big Bang Theory is going to run for 10 seasons and that's it. Next one will be the 8th, I think.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    "Community" has been cancelled.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    I watch very little, but a friend in Alabama got me hooked on NCIS. Is this the last season. Also, I really enjoy James Spader and I have enjoyed the Blacklist, so glad to see it will be around for another season. That's all I care about.
    C. T.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    As long as PBS (OETA) stays on the air, I'm happy!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    I liked "Almost Human", Karl Urban cracks me up.

  13. Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    I liked "Almost Human", Karl Urban cracks me up.
    As did I. The main problem it seems with these shows that did get cancelled this year (that I liked) is they struggled for the first few weeks to really get interesting. The concepts kept me tuned in, but the story didn't kick off until later. I still have 3 episodes to go of Almost Human and will probably finish it out. I sometimes wish that networks would cancel these shows earlier so they can wrap them up if needed at the end.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Aww crap. The Carrie Diaries got cancelled. Which is not surprising. I'll admit, it wasn't a great TV show, but it was a guilty pleasure that I enjoyed.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    As did I. The main problem it seems with these shows that did get cancelled this year (that I liked) is they struggled for the first few weeks to really get interesting. The concepts kept me tuned in, but the story didn't kick off until later. I still have 3 episodes to go of Almost Human and will probably finish it out. I sometimes wish that networks would cancel these shows earlier so they can wrap them up if needed at the end.

    or let them run a while longer. If I remember right MASH didn't have a big following the first year.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    I believe Big Bang Theory is going to run for 10 seasons and that's it. Next one will be the 8th, I think.
    BBT was picked up weeks back for a several season commitment. Yeah, it's that good. Even the weak links play well.

  17. Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Aww crap. The Carrie Diaries got cancelled. Which is not surprising. I'll admit, it wasn't a great TV show, but it was a guilty pleasure that I enjoyed.
    I would say the Tomorrow People was mine, but I was glad the finale wrapped up a lot of things to where it isn't a huge let down when it was cancelled.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I watch very little, but a friend in Alabama got me hooked on NCIS. Is this the last season. Also, I really enjoy James Spader and I have enjoyed the Blacklist, so glad to see it will be around for another season. That's all I care about.
    C. T.
    NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles are both renewef. There was talk of a NOVA one with Scott Bakula as their 'gibbs' type.
    uncertain if that is still the plan but glad the other two are strong.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    I honestly wish that more shows were designed for a one or two season run with an end in sight. Too many go on and on and jump the shark. I was pretty excited about CBS's Under the Dome thinking it would be just a season long. I like(d) the show and am somewhat disappointed that it's extended for another (summer) season. Some of my favorite shows set their own ending. Mary Tyler Moore, M*A*S*H, Bob Newhart, St. Elsewhere. I really like mini-series, too. Roots and all the James Michener stories were great to watch (or so I'm told -- I'm not really that old, am I?), but even some of the mini-series seemed to have problems writing their own ending (see: V). There have been some good short series recently that I liked (knowing they were short): The River and Harpers Island. I liked Lost -- at least up until the last show when they revealed that they really didn't have a clue where they were going with it. Why can't they do like HBO and Showtime and let a series have a respectable life and kill it off in style?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    I honestly wish that more shows were designed for a one or two season run with an end in sight. Too many go on and on and jump the shark. I was pretty excited about CBS's Under the Dome thinking it would be just a season long. I like(d) the show and am somewhat disappointed that it's extended for another (summer) season. Some of my favorite shows set their own ending. Mary Tyler Moore, M*A*S*H, Bob Newhart, St. Elsewhere. I really like mini-series, too. Roots and all the James Michener stories were great to watch (or so I'm told -- I'm not really that old, am I?), but even some of the mini-series seemed to have problems writing their own ending (see: V). There have been some good short series recently that I liked (knowing they were short): The River and Harpers Island. I liked Lost -- at least up until the last show when they revealed that they really didn't have a clue where they were going with it. Why can't they do like HBO and Showtime and let a series have a respectable life and kill it off in style?
    With the success of Breaking Bad and it having a closed ending, I wonder why more shows, and the networks, aren't going this direction.

    Vince Gilligan always said that the guy has cancer, it has to end. It's not one of those shows that can keep going on and on.

    I once read something about TV shows.(wish I could remember who said it). They said that TV shows ignore the natural arc of a story. Because networks look at it from a purely business standpoint, if a show is successful then they'll keep it going for as long as possible. Which leads to shows jumping the shark and/or overstaying their welcome. MASH being a prime example of a show that oversayed its welcome. But many don't remember that it had gotten very stale because it went out so well with its finale.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    BBT was picked up weeks back for a several season commitment. Yeah, it's that good. Even the weak links play well.

    Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good. Same with 2.5 men. I never understood the appeal of that show, yet it stayed on for years. Yet a show like Arrested Development was not popular at all but was brilliant. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that just because a show is popular that it sucks. And I'm also not saying that just because a show is niche that its brilliant. Just that we shouldn't confuse popular with good.

    However, if that was said tongue-in-cheek, then excuse me.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    With the success of Breaking Bad and it having a closed ending, I wonder why more shows, and the networks, aren't going this direction.

    Vince Gilligan always said that the guy has cancer, it has to end. It's not one of those shows that can keep going on and on.

    I once read something about TV shows.(wish I could remember who said it). They said that TV shows ignore the natural arc of a story. Because networks look at it from a purely business standpoint, if a show is successful then they'll keep it going for as long as possible. Which leads to shows jumping the shark and/or overstaying their welcome. MASH being a prime example of a show that oversayed its welcome. But many don't remember that it had gotten very stale because it went out so well with its finale.
    As a big-time MASH die-hard, I have to admit I was one for whom the finale did nothing, and found it be very much reflective of the really sad way the show had deteriorated from great satirical comedy to really, really bad dramedy. Hawkeye goes nuts, but then gets better, KLinger stays in Korea, until they ramp up his TV show...all the strawman dramatic things they built up to tear down just felt like a cheat to me. Maybe I expected too much.

    When I get to watch MASH reruns, its almost always something from the first three seasons - maybe a few into as far as season 5 or so, but as for the rest....

    And BBT, its heyday, absolutely was that good. Not as much lately, and I don't care at all for their penchant for crude sexual jokes, but most of the time its a great concept that's really well executed.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    As a big-time MASH die-hard, I have to admit I was one for whom the finale did nothing, and found it be very much reflective of the really sad way the show had deteriorated from great satirical comedy to really, really bad dramedy. Hawkeye goes nuts, but then gets better, KLinger stays in Korea, until they ramp up his TV show...all the strawman dramatic things they built up to tear down just felt like a cheat to me. Maybe I expected too much.

    When I get to watch MASH reruns, its almost always something from the first three seasons - maybe a few into as far as season 5 or so, but as for the rest....

    And BBT, its heyday, absolutely was that good. Not as much lately, and I don't care at all for their penchant for crude sexual jokes, but most of the time its a great concept that's really well executed.
    I used to be a big time MASH fan too. And MASH when Trapper was on it was really funny. In the later seasons, Alda took over and imposed his will on the show. That's when it became a bad dramedy. Emphasis on the dram and not so much the medy. The show basically became a sounding board for his own, personal views.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Parks and Recreation not starting until January, and then next season is the end. Booooooooooooooooooooo

  25. #25

    Default Re: Cancelled shows

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    We just started watching Friends with Better Lives
    Didja watch last night?

    "You're a big girl."

    This show may turn out to be good.

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