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Thread: So Fine Eatery and Pub

  1. #1

    Midtown So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Address: 733 NW 4th Street
    Phone: 405.236.2222
    Hours: Mon - Fri: 11 a.m. - 12 midnight.
    Sat - Sun: 11 a.m. - 2 a.m.

  2. #2

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Hey everyone! My name is Larry Jenkins, and I am the owner of the So Fine Eatery and Pub. I am wanting to reach out to the community to get new and fresh ideas, and OKCTALK seems like a great place to get good advice. What do all of you think that I should bring to the corner of 4th and Shartel? Happy hour ideas? Late night specials? Good live music to offer? Daily Specials? I love Oklahoma City, but I feel like I am too old to figure all of you young guns out. I just thought that I should ask!

    Things that have changed over the past two years :

    -We installed LCD TV's.
    -We installed WI-FI.
    -We went smokefree.
    -We have Coop F5 on tap.
    -We built and opened a patio.
    -We are now serving specialty cocktails.
    -We offer karaoke and the infamous thursday night limbo.

    What would make you all come to the So Fine Eatery and Pub?

    Thank you all and lets go Thunder!

  3. #3
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Perhaps a new name for the establishment? Something about an eatery/pub being called So Fine makes me less than thrilled to visit.

  4. #4

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    I don't mind the new name but my question is why the new name?

  5. #5

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Get on Facebook and tell me what those specials are! I've eaten your entire standard menu and well, it's very good but limited. I know you had specials going, but darned if I'm gonna drive over there to find out the special is tuna fish casserole! Entice me and I'll be there. Make us Blue Plate Specials. Momma food those of that live alone crave, but can't economically make for one. I'll send ya a girl that recently managed Cookies from the dead zone to a packed house every night with a new young crowd until the owners son got outta hand (again). Look for her. Her name is Rachel. She'll be dressed in black.

  6. #6

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    Perhaps a new name for the establishment? Something about an eatery/pub being called So Fine makes me less than thrilled to visit.
    It's the old Neighborhood Lounge. They just changed their name.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    It's the old Neighborhood Lounge. They just changed their name.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    That's exactly the problem. I don't like the new name and it doesn't make me want to eat there in the least. I had never heard of the Neighborhood Lounge.

  8. #8

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    That's exactly the problem. I don't like the new name and it doesn't make me want to eat there in the least. I had never heard of the Neighborhood Lounge.
    A little history for you:
    Downtown Oklahoma City 'dive' resurfaces with varied clientele | News OK

  9. Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Larry Jenkins and his ex wife, Judy, operated the "So Fine" Club back in the 80's. This may tell you a bit more:

    Drug court answered Oklahoma woman?s prayer | News OK

  10. Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    I just think of the 80's movie So Fine...It's all about jeans with clear windows in the butt.

  11. #11

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    I changed the name from Neighborhood Lounge to the So Fine Eatery and Pub. The Neighborhood Lounge was getting a bad reputation, and it was definitely time for a change.

    Also, I did forgot to mention that we are serving food!

  12. #12

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Change the color of the exterior? Maybe even have a cool mural painted on a couple of the walls. Put some planter boxes around the patio and fill them with plants. String lights over the patio ( if you haven't already). Those are all things that would indicate this is a different type of establishment from what it was.

  13. #13

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Wish they hadn't changed the name. I always wanted to check out the "Cocktails and Dancing" at the Neighborhood Lounge.

  14. #14

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    The interior lighting is strange... Bright and harsh in some parts but darkish in others.

    I actually think toning down the lights -- especially at night -- would help the ambiance.

  15. Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Make the patio pup-friendly!

    Ween on the Scene

  16. #16

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Jenkins View Post

    Also, I did forgot to mention that we are serving food!
    care to share more about the food?

  17. Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Do you have pool tables?

    I've been looking for a smoke free place to practice at lunch time close to work. You are practically walking distance for me.

  18. #18

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Name seems odd. I liked Neighborhood Lounge better. Name kind of gives me the vibe that it isn't so fine. Like when places overly claim to have the best _________, it's probably the worst.

  19. #19
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Name seems odd. I liked Neighborhood Lounge better. Name kind of gives me the vibe that it isn't so fine. Like when places overly claim to have the best _________, it's probably the worst.
    You said it better than I did, but that's exactly how I felt about it.

  20. #20

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    kevinpate, The menu is attached. Also, we have added hot wings and fried pickles.

    The menu will be updated soon with new and improved items, and it will be printed in a much higher quality. And remember, we are always open to suggestions!
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1399859840307.jpg 
Views:	184 
Size:	54.1 KB 
ID:	7799

  21. #21

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    OK BBQ Eater Anonymous, we do have a pool table. We even used to have pool tournaments on a weekly basis.

  22. #22

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    I want to thank everyone for the input! Your opinions have been very helpful.

    I have decided to make various improvements to the pub, and they are listed below.

    -Installation of vertical steel supports to attach outdoor string lighting above for the patio.
    -Planters will be added to the patio and near the front door.

    I want to ask you all for some more help. I am wanting to buy games to have at the pub. Any suggestions? (Cards against humanity, Big Jenga, etc.)

    We also talked about a lot of other updates that we want to make to the So Fine Pub and there will be plenty more of these changes to come. I will keep you all posted.

  23. Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Jenkins View Post
    OK BBQ Eater Anonymous, we do have a pool table. We even used to have pool tournaments on a weekly basis.
    Great..... I will probably come take advantage of having a place to practice at lunch.

    Looking at your menu... Are you burgers hand made patties or pre-made?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Larry, I'm not sure if you follow other threads on this site, but FYI there is a proposal to build an apartment block directly across the street from your place to the south. I suspect that will have an impact on your business!

    As far as other suggestions, I would say to put some focus on Thunder game watching during the season, with some game night specials. Initially it might not do much, but once there is more infill around you, if people have a decent option to walk across the street, they will do it vs driving or walking elsewhere. I've enjoyed karaoke night there. Haven't tried the food but will at some point. Have you considered a roof-top seating area for that view of downtown? Seems to be all the rage these days...

    About the name... I get why you did it... but when hearing "So Fine Club" a newcomer might think more of a place like "Club Social" where it's more about dancing (e.g. "clubbing"). "Neighborhood Lounge" seems more inviting... come stay, hang out with your neighbors, everybody knows you here. Maybe a compromise? "So Fine Neighborhood Lounge"? I don't know, just my thoughts.

  25. #25

    Default Re: So Fine Eatery and Pub

    Thanks for providing the menu. Will likely be seeing you before long.

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