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Thread: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

  1. #1

    Default Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

  2. Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    I'm sure her parents are so proud of her..... No wait... They probably didn't care either. Which would explain why she is a stain on the gene pool.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    She needs to be punished to the point that she does care.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    She needs to be punished to the point that she does care.
    I volunteer to give her a spanking.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I volunteer to give her a spanking.
    LOL, hoyasooner! Seriously, aside from her legal and moral responsibility to the victim, I would ban her for life from Facebook and Twitter.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    LOL, hoyasooner! Seriously, aside from her legal and moral responsibility to the victim, I would ban her for life from Facebook and Twitter.
    I think a lifetime ban from driving would be more effective and safer for everyone, plus she would have to walk or ride a bike everywhere. That alone might make her re-think what she cares about, because who knows, maybe she has a younger sister just like her who will be driving soon.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I volunteer to give her a spanking.
    Spank that duck face right off of her.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Well its a good thing Oklahoma isnt one of those nanny states with a texting while driving ban. Wouldnt want to try to reduce things like this, lest we be like Obama and those at the White House...

    Meanwhile, I heard that 10,000 car wrecks in 2012 were attributed to phone use in the car.

  9. Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Caning comes across as a good way to start. Just my opinion.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Since it's Australia, how about a good booting??

    And regarding phone use while driving, you don't fully realize it's impact until you come from a state where it is banned (here in Cali) and then visit a state where it isn't (Oklahoma).

    It's absolutely shocking every time I visit how prevalent the practice is and you can spot someone doing in pretty easily. 9 times out of 10 if you see someone doing something stupid on the road you pull up to see they have their phone in their hand.

    Can't believe this is still allowed.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    It's absolutely shocking every time I visit how prevalent the practice is and you can spot someone doing in pretty easily.
    I can't tell you how many times I have seen people looking down at their gadgets, texting, while driving through the parking lot of my apartment complex, after work, with children playing and running outside. I just know that one of these days a child is going to get hit by a "distracted," dumb butt!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    BTW, after a brief adjustment period, the phone/text ban out here is very much followed.

    Occasionally you'll see someone in violation, but it's pretty rare. And people are pretty good about getting after anyone they see doing it.

    The whole culture has changed where it is simply not acceptable to do anymore, more or less like how most feel about drunk driving.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Well its a good thing Oklahoma isnt one of those nanny states with a texting while driving ban. Wouldnt want to try to reduce things like this, lest we be like Obama and those at the White House...

    Meanwhile, I heard that 10,000 car wrecks in 2012 were attributed to phone use in the car.
    Why does Oklahoma need it's current distracted driving law AND a texting while driving ban?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    I am on the road at least 7-8 hours a day and its down right scary watching people on their phones.... every walk of life cops included. swerving , slow down, speed up, missed turns, slamming on brakes, hitting curbs, hitting other cars, almost killing bikers. and 90% of the time all have the same thing in common they are on their stinking phones.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Why does Oklahoma need it's current distracted driving law AND a texting while driving ban?
    Because an anti-texting / using handheld law is much more proactive. Provides stiff fines if caught doing it, whether you are in an accident or not.

    Without it, you get what you have now: People texting and talking into their hand-held with impunity, and thus the culture never changes.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    I was driving home from work Friday, and wanted to listen to music on my phone. Knowing it was not safe to do so while driving, I pulled off the road into a private business parking lot by Memorial & Western and pulled up neatly along side a curb and prodeeded to plug my phone in and start my music. While doing so, I heard a car honk but pay attention to where it came from. The car honked again and when I looked up, I realized I had blocked a mail box and a couple in a car behind me was needing access to it. Realizing what I had done, I quickly moved out of their way and parked to the side of the entrance to the parking lot leaving plenty of room for them and anyone else for that matter to pull in and out. Next thing I know, the couple in the car were up behind me again wanting to pull out on Western. I wasn't blocking them this time so I waved them on because I was still pulling my music up. The lady on the passenger side then rolled down her window and told me they were wanting turn right so I told her to go ahead and I wasn't blocking her in. Then,.. .. Her male companion proceeded to tell me what a f---ing idiot and how f---ing stupid I was , and blankety blankety blank. I started laughing at him, which made him even more angry. He never said why he was so angry.

    It made me wonder if it was any safer trying to plug my music off the road than on.... The guy made almost got out of his car, but chose not to, and made the wise decision to drive off, mouth still running of course, which wound up being MUCH safer for him.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Why does Oklahoma need it's current distracted driving law AND a texting while driving ban?
    Kinda what Pete said. Right now the distracted driving law isn't enforced. If you specifically ban it, then it gets in the publics mind more and might have more self enforcement.

    With over 10,000 accidents attributed to cell phone distraction in Oklahoma in 2012, I think it's no where close to nanny state-ism by banning it, it's for the publics safety. With your thinking on distracted driving already covering the issue, why should we even have DUI laws?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    When they implemented the no hand-held law here in Cali (meaning you couldn't text or talk on the phone without a headset) the police really cracked down. I know lots of people who received big fines very early on, and word got out fast.

    So, people stopped pretty quickly and as I said, it's now a big part of the culture. If you mess around on your phone, other people -- passengers and otherwise -- will call you out on it.

    Keep in mind it wasn't that long ago that drunk driving wasn't viewed nearly as harshly as it is now. When I was in college (early 80's) people did it all the time and nobody gave them much crap over it. In fact, the penalties were pretty light.

    I'm sure we'll look back on texting in a similar light in the near future. It's every bit as dangerous.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Totally not as dangerous.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    It's more dangerous than drunk driving. At least a drunk driver is looking at the road. Texting, you're not even looking at the road, and at least one hand is off the wheel.

    Not endorsing drunk driving at all, as it is very serious and very dangerous. But texting (or really any use of your phone) while driving is at least equal to or greater than drunk driving from a risk and endangerment standpoint.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Texting Driver Who Slammed Cyclist: I, Like, 'Just Don't Care'

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Totally not as dangerous.
    Just meant more people text while driving than even were intoxicated behind the wheel.

    On any given drive in OKC you can count scores of people jacking with their phones while the car is moving.

    In that respect, IMO it's a far worse hazard.

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