Re: Stage Center Tower
I think once again people are placing too much emphasis on OKC meeting "big league" expectations. A city doesn't need a professional team or upscale amenities to be big league. Being home to a professional team is a testament to Oklahoma City's economy. Likewise, upscale amenities is a symptom of having a successful economy. It represents an established city, not a big league city. A city becomes 'big league' only once it becomes well established as a place of influence in industry, culture and politics.
Oklahoma City is in the process of establishing itself. This isn't something that happens overnight. It's a transformation. A caterpillar doesn't crawl onto a tree to become a butterfly overnight. It will take time.
We need to let Oklahoma City perfect its own process, overcome its challenges and establish its identity over the course of time. Rushing OKC into being something that long-established cities are is a bad idea. Bickering over where OKC is compared to other cities is a useless endeavor because tomorrow, it is still in the same place it is today.
There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for OKC, but we just want what is the best for OKC by standing behind our community, not against it. Get involved, hammer city hall. Hammer property owners. Hammer developers. Demand nothing less than superior quality. We are already starting to see evidence of this taking place. Now let's cultivate it.
Continue the Renaissance!!!