And for all of those Iceland fans out there. (My brother is going there on vacation this summer for some reason.)
That was a good "blast from the past", t ^ . . .
Somehow, it brought to mind this tune from about the same era . . .
(proving, once again, that the mind works in mysterious ways =):
Which . . . after a bit of consideration . . . lead inexorably to this Beatles Tribute Band =)
I like Ravel's string quartet in F Major. It lifts my spirits.
Crank it up!
Debussy's string quartet is another amazing piece of uplifting music.
Beethoven's Grosse Fuge is another piece of musical genius that lifts the spirits.
I prefer the Julliard String Quartet's recordings but this is very good.
Then there's this. Cream Trio in A.
The bassist is playing a rather new, late 60's EB3. Mine is a 1963 and worth
a ridiculous amount of $$$. About $10,000 and it sounds like crap. I can't
imagine that bass being worth that much but it is. You'd think my Fender
P Bass would be worth more. After all my students use it in the studio
quite often because the engineers simply need to run the bass flat, natural
tone, and go on to the other instruments. They've all offered a ridiculous
amount of $$$ for my P Bass.
The rhythm guitarist is playing a late 60's Gibson Explorer. The vocalist and
guitarist is playing a Gibson SG 3. A used SG in 1971 was about $150 to
$175. Now they are priceless. The Gibson Explorer? Since it sounds
so bad it's probably worth $20,000.
There was a Mozart/Chopin Music Clip (in some sort of Virtual Encyclopedia) on the very first Windows 98 (?) Disc that really sold me on the Virtual Horizons of Music of the Future. I can't figure out which one it was. =)
God Blessed Me with a Martin D-18 back in the '70s that Bluegrass Musicians seem to respect. =)
It's not for sale: Therefore it is priceless.
[As are all of your thoughtful contributions to the cause]
For Real and you know that this is True.
alright you to
And, in honor of Saint Patrick's Day . . .
One of my favorites . . .
Regardless of--or more appropriately, in regard to-- Space, Time or Circumstance(s) . . . =)
(dang good guitar player . . . holds no grudge against folks from "el de border del sur" =)
To balance the "downer" that may have been subliminally implied by the vid clip, above ...
Here is a tune that, at the risk of redundancy . . . always makes me feel good =)
And it was featured in the background of the NPR story regarding the [moron]
who wants to "climb to the top of Mt. Everest and jump off of it." =)
(can you believe that Eddie van Halen
switched from strings to keyboards? =)
While some may not like the premise of this, I find it very infectious and moving.
Jared Leto is having a very successful career in music as well as on the screen.
I was prepared to hate that Vid Clip. I LOVED it instead! Thanks for a good start to the day.
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