I'm wondering how Shadid did in his own Ward. That will be very telling as to his ability to retain his seat.
Not 100% certain, but I THINK (hope?) that this is my one and only post in this thread. Just wanted to stop in and say...
...stick a fork in it; it's done!
Can we (all of us) please get back to the business of working TOGETHER to make OKC a great city?
17% turnout. I couldn't find any history and don't remember how that compares.
Is Shadid getting some venom thrown his way? Absolutely, but when you run a hate-filled campaign that's only goal is to divide people don't be shocked when it works. You reap what you sow.
This was absolutely the case. I've been told that Mick did not want to run again, but the prospect of Shadid being the face of OKC made him put his self-interests behind him and do what was right for OKC and I thank him for that. This, and Steve's intimations that the fate of several projects hinged on this election made Mick's victory even more crucial.
I was also told that several high city officials would not work for Shadid. Of course that probably would've made some happy on this board.
Thank god and the good people of OKC for these election results.
Urbanized- "Together" as in with Ed? NO. Talked to nearly every city councillor last night. Bridges with him conpletely burned. Just say'in.
People will have no idea how personal Ed made this with nearly every public official through his innuendo machine. And based on the concession speech, he's pledging to soldier on with his deludED beliefs.
If there was a "together" element in this that is positive, it is that it forced all types and all parties together to work to put this election to bed.
There is a healthy coalition built of diverse types that wants to see this city continue to move forward. That will be very helpful for the future.
I'm very concerned for turnout on that initiative petition. Shadid claimed to have the signatures already.
March 2015
And Pete White and Pat Ryan claim they are retiring. Larry McAtee is up for reelection. Ed is already fielding his own candidates for these positions.
So forgive me if, I'm completely grateful to the voters of this city... but it is not all rainbows and unicorns.
While the convention center garnered the least amount of interest in the pre-MAPS poll, I think you will have two sets of voters: those who truly want a convention center and those who will see this as a referendum on MAPS.
I still think the location selected for the new CC is a bad one, but since MAPS 3 passed I've spent enough time in and around the Cox that I actually have jumped on the CC bandwagon. Maybe I'm not the only one. I'm in the middle on a Venn diagram on this one. These two groups may well form a large enough coalition for another sweep.
That doesn't mean I'm on board with a CC hotel. I would need to know the details and see what the city's financial obligation will be.
As for a CC expansion, that's MAPS 4 and they'll have to sell it or come up with some pretty cool stuff in a bundle.
The seats that will be open in March 2015 are Ward 2 (Shadid), Ward 5 (Greenwell), Ward 6 (Salyer) and Ward 8 (Ryan). We know that Ryan is stepping down. Likely Meg will run again. Don't know about Greenwell.
McAtee and White both stood unopposed in March 2013. Would be interesting if either of those two stood down early before March 2017.
Does the council have to approve a recall election for a vote on the MAPS III convention center if the petition for recall is validated or is this a done deal that the convention center will move forward with future tax collections?
Excerpts from NewsOK:
A citizens’ group led by Ward 2 Councilman Ed Shadid is hoping voters will scuttle plans for the current $252 million downtown convention center and end collection of the MAPS 3 sales tax early...
They have 90 days to collect signatures of at least 6,035 Oklahoma City voters. If they are successful, the question most likely would go before voters in March 2015...
Shadid, who is running for mayor in the March 4 election, contends voters in 2009 were denied access to information that a hotel likely would have to accompany development of the convention center to make it a success.
Link: Citizens' group led by Ed Shadid calls for votes to strip MAPS 3 convention center, end tax collection early | News OK
Shadid also claims that the convention center hotel would require $50 million to $200 million in taxpayer subsidies.
I saw some recent hotels with slightly under 700-rooms that were built for less that $100 million. Why would this require a $50 million to $200 million taxpayer subsidy?
"Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... ...as I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.
The best thing to happen, whether one supports the cc or not, is to work to leave it in place. Seem odd to work for something you don't care about? It shouldn't.
If one group can set out against the cc, what stops another, or even the same, from setting out against the aquatic centers, or the streetcar, or the X.
Once someone undoes one of the MAPs, even an unpopular component, how do you get the support for a package in the future.
The next best thing to happen is to start recruiting people to run in the next two cycles who are committed to forward progress, and not just assume folks who think like you will step forward on their own. Doesn't truly matter who is mayor if enough seats change to proponents of slash, burn and retreat.
Oh, it never ends, but he has to be in Council for his coalition to work. And they either have to be nutty enough to be drinking the Kool-aid, which will be obvious in an election, or he'll screw up and do something underhanded to them and they'll jump ship. You have to be really good at that to lose the entire Council, save Pete White,as allies like he did. I wouldn't be shocked to see Sean Cummings run, if he lives in the right place, and I don't think he's anybody's lapdog, or can't maintain that attitude for long.
Now that the election is over can there be a new thread started in Politics about OKC politics so that this isn't in the 'Latest Posts' tab all the time?
Meh, I wasn't talking about Ed. He obviously marches to the beat of a different drummer, and is apparently set on maintaining his efforts. Whatever. Doesn't look like he will have much steam. I was talking about the CITIZENRY of OKC, and about the posters on this board. Time to move on, at least as far as this particular election (and this thread) is concerned. If you want to debate the merits of the various subjects that Ed and others will be championing, there are (and will be) threads for that. This one should be tied up and left to rot in the sun.
And nobody has to tell me how divisive this campaign was. I was reading this thread and biting my tongue throughout the entire sordid affair. I know (very well in some cases) people who were directly involved and whose names and reputations were dragged through the mud. I also know well how particularly difficult and abrasive this episode has been for you Jeff, so I will give you a pass on the rainbows and unicorns remark obviously directed at the spirit of my previous post, which nevertheless I do take as a bit insulting. You know that I know better than rainbows and unicorns. You too guru.
Sean would definitely be a good candidate. (And certainly liven things up in a positive way!!)
I vote this thread rides off into the sunset...
...and dies.
Steve tweeted last night that 28,000 voted in 2010 and 11,000 voted in 2002.
More games will be played. New threads will be born. We will have to remain vigilant.
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