Originally Posted by
I think this campaign has become extremely personal to a lot of you guys. It hasn't been that way, to me, so I suppose it is hard for me to fathom what you guys are so upset about. I'm looking at it from a different angle, kind of like - "Oh, we have an election? Glad I remembered. Okay, I'm really happy with how things have been going, haven't seen any big scandals and his opponent is sort of coming out of nowhere and I don't have much reason to change. I'll trot down, cast my vote and then go eat a breakfast burrito from Braums. I'll check the news, later, to see how things are going.
But then I see these threads.
Oh, wait = Shadid has a checkered past? yawn. Couldn't care less. Not sure why Mick's supporters are being so nasty about it - it makes them sound pretty jerky, actually. The things they are upset about just aren't that big a deal at this point. Trying to paint him as being a drug addict, into porn, etc., etc. makes the supporters look worse than Shadid. Being honest, here.
Oh, Mick allegedly spent two years in NYC? Wait, how could he do his job if he actually did that? Sounds exaggerated.
Oh, Mick liked his anonymity in NYC? Er, well, so do a lot of people. Oh wait - that's supposed to imply he is GAY???? Really? (If you aren't big in the LBGT community that kind of stuff won't even raise an eyebrow because you aren't thinking on those lines). And please, who cares, anyway? I had to come to this board to even pick up on the nuances. Or maybe, it is just paranoia.
The flyer in question looks idiotic, btw.
Oh, there have been claims by Shadid supporters that Mick has infiltrated his campaign? Honestly, that sounds goofy. If he did, how does that help them? Why are Mick's supporters worried about that? From where I stand, accusations without proof just make Shadid's supporters sound less like liars and more kind of crazy. At least until I see how Mick's supporters are acting all mad and worried and then they ALL sound nuts.
All this business about sending Thunder back to Seattle if we like Shadid? You realize that's nuts, right?
Again, I'm just speaking as you typical voter who just wants the street sanded, the bills paid and the police/fire to show up when I need them. And I want the city to continue to shine. Again, maybe I'm being unrealistic in thinking this isn't that close a race. If Shadid wins, color me very surprised. I will get up, brave the streets and vote for Mick. That's my plan. I find myself definitely giving Shadid a second and third look after reading this craziness but I have decided to just stick with Mick.