So yep you're voting for Shadid?
Guess that kind of clears things up.
I'm honestly not really sure what you're talking about given the way the Shadid campaign has conducted itself. If you are uneasy voting with a bunch of people that are being paranoid and nasty, how could you even consider voting for Shadid? Both Shadid and his supporters have been extremely nasty in this campaign and have based most if it on lies created soley to attack mick. Maybe you jumped into this later then everyone else, but I'm sorry, anyone who thinks the Mick camp has been in any way more negative or nasty then Shadid's hasn't been paying attention. After all the personal attacks/lies hurled by the Shadid camp, I don't know how you expected those of us supporting Mick to react. It's honestly impressive that mick has stayed as positive throughout as he has.
As far as the gay in NYC fixation, that is a Shadid claim directly from his campaign, don't blame mick supporters for talking about it.
I'm a Mick supporter I've never hidden that. I'm proud of what this city has accomplished. You apparently would like to reverse it... send the Thunder back to Seattle, get rid of MAPS. You're a typical lying Shadid supporter. Pretending you're holding your nose and still voting for Mick until now. Why? Does it make you feel special?
Penny, I'm confused... a large number of Shadid supporters were alleging that Mick Cornett infiltrated their stronghold, manipulated their flyers and sent them out to the wrong people. Who is seeing conspiracies on the Cornett side other than the obvious Rovian tactics that visibly failed?
I think we all saw that - just not all of us understand the hysteria and rage. It. really. isn't. that. big. a. deal. I honestly don't understand why so many are so excited. Shadid has tried to distance himself. Why is this such a big deal to so many people? Yeah, it's lousy, I don't like it but some of you guys are acting like you are terrified that people aren't going to see this for what it is. Settle down. It will be fine.
I guess it is just all the freak out about the gay issue, the flyer, etc. I simply don't understand the hysteria. From where I stand, none of this is that big a deal because it is pretty obvious what is going on. Mick is also way up in the polls. The spitting and name calling and just being coarse and ugly, to me, just seems completely over the top. You'd think we were all going to die.
Maybe I am being too confident but you guys sound hysterical. IMO, this is going to come down to whether people are pleased with how the city is going or if they want a change. These flyers don't amount to squat. I mean, just look at them. I can't imagine taking them seriously even without knowing the back story. And people claiming someone infiltrated their stronghold sounds nutty to most voters not all caught up in it so I don't understand giving that sort of accusation more than a strawberry. Eye roll stuff.
Honestly, you guys are sounding like you are scared to death and I have NO idea why. The only thing it is doing, IMO, is cause me to wonder what I am missing because Mick's supporters are clearly freaked out. Before seeing this thread (and the other one), voting for Mick, to me, was a no brainer.
Well, 1st rule of Rove- no one should know who you are and who is sending the stuff out. 2, slice and divide according to the demo (they sent the wrong damn mailers to the wrong demo). 3, what kind of idiot would send both mailers to somebody's house on the same day? WHY? WHY would you ever expose what you are trying to do by sending both the watered down piece and the knife edge piece to the same person? WHY? Almost inconceivable.
And then the cherry on the top, the media almost immediately knows who your "Rove"... cough, Cargill is. Before the election!
As has been pointed out by numerous people, if you can't run a simple local campaign, what makes you think you have the competence to be involved in a major city with a billion dollar budget?
Is this an attempt to get the thread locked? There's no reason for folks to get personal attacks going, but I hope that when the mods take action, it's against the person's making the personal attacks, and not against the thread itself.
Tomorrow should be a very interested news day to watch. I curious the effect the weather will have, although I think a major part of DrEd's voting block is of a demographic that typically has poor performance. This is most likely why this flier went out, to motivate the older, conservative strong voter base to either stay home, or vote against Mick. Those folks won't see the "retraction" from Ed, nor the other updates, so it's a tactic that will probably be beneficial to Ed.
It's too bad that the history of positive, non-partisan, city level politics has come to a close.
Hey! It's Christmas Eve in OKC.
If you pray, pray now.
Then you need to read the entire thread. The constant lies, attacks, and spamming tactics by the Ed supporters over the past few months have burnt everyone's nerves to the edge. Are folks being a little mocking and rough at this point? Certainly, but I think it's deserved.The only thing it is doing, IMO, is cause me to wonder what I am missing because Mick's supporters are clearly freaked out. Before seeing this thread (and the other one), voting for Mick, to me, was a no brainer.
There's only so many DOZENS of times you can be accused of being part of a grand conspiracy, and see someone who you respect be slurred, before you finally reach your boiling point.
Look.. all BS aside and totally serious, that is very freaking sobering what you just said. I pretty much stopped and felt what you just said on a very emotional level and I am just disappointed in all of us for it. Thank you for that post.
I'd like your post, but there's no option to do so.
I am gonna vote at 7am and forget about it the rest of the day, and then after work go have some Abitas and crawfish at The Shack for Fat Tuesday and hopefully get some good news in the evening. This has been exhausting to follow.
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