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Thread: Breaking News From K-4(!)

  1. #1

    Default Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Semi-Trailer Truck tips over at intersection of Harrah Road and an Interstate Highway.
    Fuel Tank is leaking. Speed (momentum and other aspects of physics--not including cellphones) probably involved.

    Now (after the appropriate wringing of the hands) back to your regular programming.
    (for me, it Rachael Ray and some expert pizza chefs from New York or Jersey =)

    (it interrupted my 'regular programming' . . . fuggedaboudit already).

  2. #2

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Mmmmm k

  3. #3

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Mmmmm k
    And! If that ain't enough!!! . . . Texas once again demonstrates that the opinion of Oklahomans regarding Texas is that it is the sort of state in which citizens carry around a dog turd in their pocket for ID by busting a kid whose mom accidentally put a Coors Lite in his lunch bag instead of whatever else she intended to place in his lunch bag that resembles a can of Coors Lite is Justified.

    There are two fouls here:
    The mom drinks Coors Lite instead of actual beer.
    The robotic dumb-asses at the school can't recognize a legitimate error.

    Really, there are three: The kid turned in the beer to a school authority.
    "No good deed goes unpunished." (write that on the black/white board a thousand times.)

    (sorry . . . had to take a quick break from making a batch of ratatouille to check out the "NewZ" . . .
    in order to see if I needed to add a dash of outrage to my day . . . =)

    p.s.: Would suggesting "mmmmm k-4 rulz"--rather than "mmmmm k"--be a gaffe or a faux pas? =)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    And . . .
    "Babba Wahwa" impressionist does entire video essay on the skills of Justin Timberlake in handling hecklers.

    Apparently all of them forgot the fact that Mitch Hedberg's Birthday Anniversary passed unnoticed. =)

    . . . . (on the "news") . . . =)

    Edited to Add:
    More incredibly misunderstandable fear feed . . .

    (sorry, they are now bringing Jude and Jody into to mix along with the Shyster/Convict House Flippers. oh well . . . what ya' gonna do?)

    (and now . . . on The Doctors . . . "Cyber Ouija Boards"!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Semi-Trailer Truck tips over at intersection of Harrah Road and an Interstate Highway.
    Fuel Tank is leaking. Speed (momentum and other aspects of physics--not including cellphones) probably involved.

    Now (after the appropriate wringing of the hands) back to your regular programming.
    (for me, it Rachael Ray and some expert pizza chefs from New York or Jersey =)

    (it interrupted my 'regular programming' . . . fuggedaboudit already).

    Wasn't this breaking news on K-4 a day or two ago? ... "Semi-Truck carrying explosives crashes on I-40 near Clinton".

  6. #6

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    A semi truck full of syrup caused a disturbance earlier this morning if that means anything

  7. #7

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    There are only a few alternatives to the K4 NewZ slop into the trough of The Public Mind:
    1) Make Joe Rogan the News Program Director.
    2) Uh . . . I dunno . . . I ferget . . . whatever . . .

  8. #8

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Hmmm a book fell off my desk this morning too.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    From K4 . . .
    A book filled with Cocaine that fell off an unnamed desk at an anonymous location provided a harbinger of stress-filled bullsh!te leading to more info about Justin Beiber along with "stars in designer duds" and California is almost over their drought that concerns them.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Now they are all off on pastors and parking meters and do-gooders "selfing each other in a knucklesque/robinhoodian" manner without manners. I'm sure glad that the RobinHooders haven't entered into the Public Mind. Next thing you know, the Napoleonizers or Hitlerites will be marketing GoogleGlasses. =)

  11. #11

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Sorry . . . The Orphan Animal Spay/Neuter/House Flipper Commercial just came on . . .
    Why don't they atone for their sins by paying for all the tornado shelters for all the schools.
    Oprah would.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Sorry . . . Tylenol and iPads are where it's at.
    (at least based upon the paid fear-mongering on K-4)
    (wow! there's a two hour crossover event tonight that can't be missed.)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Tune in at 10:00 when we discuss the effects of methane gas on cotton fibers.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    This Just In:
    Ruthless Two Sided Alleged Pastor plus Smart Dolphins (and maybe even dogs?) can lput shingles on your house with pride plus a couple of awards for this that or the other thing. (geez . . . now they are talking about all the rest of the stuff, including robotic sewing machines and the lack of whatever in church parking lot traffic.....)

  15. #15

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Hold up . . .
    Stolen '68 Camero /other Chevy with a Jack in the Box recovered,

  16. #16

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    This Just In;.... Kia Soul crashes into Circle K store at NW 10th & Portland. Witnesses say car was occupied by three blind mice.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    This Just In;.... Kia Soul crashes into Circle K store at NW 10th & Portland. Witnesses say car was occupied by three blind mice.
    . . . however no credible witness could see how or why they run nor in what direction . . .

  18. #18

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Generally speaking, farmers' wives often get a bad rap

  19. #19

  20. #20

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)


    A breaking news flash has been brought to you by an entity that is not part of the entity that brought you the news - that is all

    random descriptor

  21. #21

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    BREAKING NEWS [CODE RED(as in hot chilly pepper)]

    A breaking news flash has been brought to you by an entity that is not part of the entity that brought you the news - that is all

    random descriptor
    random descriptor

  22. #22

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    In the interests of fairness and equal time, I need to put in a good word here for K-4:

    That "Mr. Food Test Kitchen" guy comes up with some pretty good stuff.
    (today it was user-friendly squash hotdish aka casserole)

    Oops . . . My good feeling were just squashed by a 2 Sell Homes ad.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    I do have to say I was glad to see the story K4 did yesterday about my former neighbor who is an animal horder, abuser and all around POS. Authorities found numerous malnurished, dying and dead animals on his property.

    The main inacuracy in the report was that the reason the animals were in that condition was because his property was forclosed on and he abandoned them. While it is true about the forclosure, he was there up untill Monday of this week when Sherriff's Deputies showed up to kick him out. His vehicle was not running so they sent him walking. The poor condition of the animals and his property has been going on for years. If he finally faces charges, it will be a long time coming.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    BREAKING NEWS [CODE RED(as in hot chilly pepper)]
    that was meant to be Chilli Pepper

  25. #25

    Default Re: Breaking News From K-4(!)

    6:00 PM (or thereabouts): POLICE KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE (jewelry thieves busted at low-rent motel) (Macy's rejoices.)

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