Correction to my previous post. That show was shot on the island of Sardinia, off the coast of Italy.
Correction to my previous post. That show was shot on the island of Sardinia, off the coast of Italy.
DING DING DING!!!One of the funniest shows ever, also one of the quickest burnouts ever.
Back to topic...I'll bet there are a LOT of cheeses (and similar products?) that can't be brought into the US due to pasteurization rules. Understand why, but its kind of a shame, too...
I'm by no means any cheese expert at all, but I'm sure I've seen some shows featuring US-based cheese producers making product based on original recipes and distributing them either directly or through various outlets. Bet you could find some sources on the 'net.
Same thing goes for meats and sausages, and for whatever reason pepperoni comes to mind. Today's pepperoni doesn't taste anything like what I remember as a kid, particularly when we'd get a Shakey's or a Pizza Inn pepperoni pizza (mind you this was circa 1975). It had a wonderful, zesty zing and aroma to it that I remember vividly to this day - aroma/flavor the current pepperonis just, well, don't have.
So far, mozzarella di bufala seems elusive to southern Italy, but there are always people out there trying to duplicate it. There are often some that come close, though! Certainly close enough for my philistine palate.
Shakey's! Man you are bringing back some childhood memories and you are spot on about pepperoni.
Over the last several decades I started to notice a huge drop off in the quality of meat. I remember 20 years ago my father-in-law used to cooks steaks that were out of this world with flavor. Even the cheap steaks my wife used to buy had good flavor and after we noticed the quality going down we started buying more expensive cuts, but even those started being tasteless and marbleized with white fat. Then I watched the documentary King Korn and found out why. Not by accident, the USDA actually grades beef backwards by giving their highest approval to beef that is manufactured on a feed lot using corn feed. Big surprise.
Now we only buy grass-fed beef (see Rule #2 on the previous page) and the quality is back. Even hamburger helper meals taste better - and burgers - forget about it, they are off the chart so much that my kids beg for me to grill burgers.
What are your sources for grass fed beef? I would be interested in giving it a try. I have had some pretty good (actually excellent) beef from The Meat House in Edmond, and also Holder Brothers. And I almost forgot, Kamps has always been good. I agree about the pepperoni, it also used to come with a little heat but no longer. I'm an old Shakey's fan, started going to them in the mid 60's. My wife and I always enjoyed the Portuguese linguica, a pretty good sausage and Shakey's is the only place I know of that offered it.
C. T.
C.T. - I don't live in OKC now so my sources probably won't help but Publix (our local primary grocery chain) has a Greenwise line of products and grass-fed beef is one of the items. We also have a Native Sun grocery store near-by which only carries organic beef. We pay a little more but we even it out by eating a little less and make up the difference with flavor.
Native Sun Jacksonville
No kidding. I preferred the buffet (Saturdaze?). Thin crust pepperoni pizza,
fried chicken (fantastic), those oven roasted potato wedges and a pop. In
1971 the price for the buffet was @ $1.69. Not sure what the pop cost.
$0.25 with $0.10 refills? I know they weren't free. Tea had free refills.
When my Girlfriend (now Wife) went to Shakey's it was in the late 60's-early 70's and all we ever got was the pizza. Usually after a Church Service of some time and we had a fun youth group. We also went to Pizza Planet and Crystal's. Nothing organic back them just food that tasted good.
Damg,. CT! I know you're nearly a million years old but I don't remember
Shakeys not having the Buffet with pizza, chicken and potatoes and that goes
for the late 60's through the 70's. Maybe you're thinking of another solar
system. Maybe a DC comic instead of Marvel.
I don't know. But I do know you're pretty... Er, pretty cool.
You know the time frames we both mention could be the difference. I don't ever remember a buffet (of any kind) until I left the U. S. Navy in mid 1968. Before that, I ate at Shakey's pizza in St. Louis (first stop when going back to Maryland after a vacation (leave) several times, and other places/states on the road to/from where I was stationed. "Buffet" was a new word to us. I guarantee that there weren't any in the Washington, D. C. or Baltimore area. Now, I hate to complain, I'm just a child. Do I need to report you to the administrators of this site for "name calling"? Ok, maybe second childhood, I'm having to take a required minimum distribution (RMD) out of my retirement funds starting this year, the year I will turn 70 1/2 (March). I have a year or two before I reach "a million".
C. T. Edited to add "I suppose a cafeteria was a buffet, but I was thinking more of the buffets that sprung up at various pizza and Mexican places.".
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