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A small number (at least here) would like to see it saved and rehabbed. Many here want the demo permit denied, but their actual interest in saving it is near nil. Stopping demo at this time is merely a means to another end. It is hoped a denial now would somehow require the property owner to come up with a bigger, grander development scheme that would make folks all ohhh, ahhhh, special as it meets their requirements of tall, shiny, [insert pet fav here], etc. If such a development were to be proposed, then the SC would suddenly be as it already is, beyond saving by anyone with the means and desire to save it.
I used to be in the by gum it oughta be saved and reopened camp. I lack the resources. I lack the drive to recruit the resources. Someone else owns it and unlike the foundation that used to own it, the new owner doesn't want to plow 100g or so a year into letting it simply sit. Is his development the shiniest, tallest, ohhh, ahhh, specialiest one in the world? Nope. then again, nada in the codes applicable to the property require that.
Bottom line Some folks are very free with other folks time and money and want to impose personal standards that the city doesn't require. I don't know the current owner. Can't recall ever even knowing the name before the purchase a while back. But if he isn't doing anything illegal, and he meets code, given the disrepair of the existing structure, it isn't a high bar to call most anything a better use of the property than a decaying structure (one which could possibly be recreated from scratch for less than the existing one could be reborn.)