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Thread: 104th and S. May

  1. #26

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by storybookmom View Post
    I think a Super Target would be very convenient for many people in West Moore. It is 7 miles to the Target in east Moore. I heard that they are already planning to build a Target on SW 104th & I-44. Not sure if this is true or just a rumor.
    This was a hot rumor about five years ago, and from what I understand the one that was rumored for that area ended up being the one built in Moore.

    If they want to build one on the west side of I-44, I have no problem with that. I just have a hard time believing they'd put one so close to an existing one. If I'm forced to make a choice between a SuperTarget and a WalScum, I'll take the former every time.

  2. #27

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    Agreed but kind of splitting hairs as most people living in and around sw 104 and sw 119 are more in tune with Moore than okc. I technically live in okc but I really consider myself Really a Moore person as that is where my kids go to school. Our dentist, orthodontist, etc are all in Moore. That whole area really blends together. The previous poster is correct in that there really isn't a target that is convenient to those in sw okc/ "west Moore". The south Moore location is difficult to get to because it is all city street driving and not highway.
    Absolutely and categorically wrong. I went to Moore High School, but lived almost all my life in OKC. My kids go to Westmoore, and we live west of where I grew up - even more distant from Moore. I do not live in Moore, and I make no beans correcting people who make the same mistake. I've heard radio people make the same mistake for businesses and shops along SW 89th - oh, down in Moore? NO!!! It's OKLAHOMA CITY. And I"ve not hesitated to correct their error. It isn't a matter of opinion.

    I've lived in that area all my life and have aggressively fought the notion that I live in Moore. I do not.

    Now, before folks start heaving pitchforks at me for having something against Moore, please let me make it plain that I have nothing against Moore. But no matter how many people are confused about districting and maps and (fill in the blank), I don't live in Moore any more than I live in Norman, San Antonio, El Reno, or Newark.

    I live in Oklahoma City. I vote in Oklahoma City municipal elections. I use Oklahoma City trash collection and water. By virtue of my location *within* Oklahoma City, I pay Moore (well Cleveland County) property taxes and my kids attend Moore schools. And that's it.

  3. #28

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    I'm really hoping that IF they do put apartments in on that lot, that they are nice and well maintained. Does anyone know what happens to property value when something like this goes in, for the homes around it? Just curious.

    I would love to see a Super Target go in at 104th and I-44, I personally can't stand Wal-Mart and they seem to be everywhere anyways. Maybe they'll put a Starbucks over there too! lol!

    As I said before, I live at 104th and S. May and attended Moore Schools, but anytime someone ask, I just say I live in S. OKC. I do a ton of stuff in Moore, but I live in S. OKC.

  4. #29

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Drove by there few days ago and hadn't really seen any work on either one of these projects. Did they maybe get scrapped?

  5. #30

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Drove by there few days ago and hadn't really seen any work on either one of these projects. Did they maybe get scrapped?
    Have not heard anything one way or the other beyond what was discussed earlier in the thread. Assuming things are still in work until I hear differently.

  6. #31

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Good deal keep us up to date.

  7. #32

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    It may be semantics, but SW OKC isn't Moore, as she said. Also getting to the area in question from most of far SW OKC is also city streets. Far NW OKC isn't Edmond or Piedmont and far west OKC isn't Mustang or Yukon whether they run together or not. It isn't splitting hairs at all. You're thinking about school districts, which is an entirely different issue.
    Hmm. I live in far SW OKC but really identify more with Mustang. Mustang schools start right across the street from us (its a private road) and we are actually in the Moore school district. The closest grocery store/Lowes, etc. are in Mustang because we are in a rural/semi rural part of OKC. I can understand someone identifying with a different town when you have more in common with that than technical lines on a map - especially when your schools and emergency services are provided by other providers. I sure love my OKC water, don't get me wrong, but I pay for them. I don't remember ever seeing an OKC cruiser in the neighborhood and most of the firetrucks seem to be from Mustang.

  8. #33

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Hmm. I live in far SW OKC but really identify more with Mustang. Mustang schools start right across the street from us (its a private road) and we are actually in the Moore school district. The closest grocery store/Lowes, etc. are in Mustang because we are in a rural/semi rural part of OKC. I can understand someone identifying with a different town when you have more in common with that than technical lines on a map - especially when your schools and emergency services are provided by other providers. I sure love my OKC water, don't get me wrong, but I pay for them. I don't remember ever seeing an OKC cruiser in the neighborhood and most of the firetrucks seem to be from Mustang.
    Sounds like you are my neighbor. You don't happen to live off 104th do you? I live right on the Mustang/Moore district line too. I grew up in Mustang and work there so of course that's what I still associate and do business with.

  9. #34

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Sounds like you are my neighbor. You don't happen to live off 104th do you? I live right on the Mustang/Moore district line too. I grew up in Mustang and work there so of course that's what I still associate and do business with.
    We're closer to 89th but not far from you. Husband was also a Mustang boy and lived on 104th near Mustang Road.

  10. #35

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Ok way you described it at first I thought you lived off coldstream and I was thinking that's literally across the street.

  11. #36

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    The west parcel of the Schaefeur (spelling?) mansion on 104th and Penn is proposed to become an assisted care apartment facility.

    The Kingswood homeowners are livid, from what I hear.

    Their complaints are they don't want the traffic, and they don't want the wildlife using the vacant mansion lot to be disturbed.

    The homeowners association is threatening to sue to block this, from what I have heard.

  12. #37

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    The west parcel of the Schaefeur (spelling?) mansion on 104th and Penn is proposed to become an assisted care apartment facility.

    The Kingswood homeowners are livid, from what I hear.

    Their complaints are they don't want the traffic, and they don't want the wildlife using the vacant mansion lot to be disturbed.

    The homeowners association is threatening to sue to block this, from what I have heard.
    I heard they think there is going to be a Sprouts go in where the mansion is located and they're more against that than the Memory Care facility. Apparently though there is nothing about a Sprouts that's filed.

  13. #38

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    That would be cool. Haven't heard of Sprouts coming in...

  14. #39

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    oh man... i hope that sprouts rumor is true. -M

  15. #40

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    If it is, better hope the lawyers and rich people in kings wood don't get their way.

    They sent a petition to every home owner to block the zoning change. They do not want that lot developed at all.

  16. #41

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    oh man... i hope that sprouts rumor is true. -M
    The only access would be from SW 104th. Sprouts are 25,000 to 28,000 sf stores with at least 125 parks; so, there would be plenty of room. Usually they go in a retail center but there may be stand alone stores. The property is about 10 acres total and the Memory Facility is trying to buy 3.5 acres. That would leave 6.5 acres. The asking price is $6 per sf. Although if the Kingswood association is successful in blocking rezoning from R-1 to commercial then it wouldn't be very good.

  17. #42

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Just watched the video of the meeting.

    Approved as an R-1, but otherwise approved as filed. The east parcels (where the rumored grocery store) were not included in the zoning request. (Duh, but the homeowners were freaking out)

    It doesn't sound like the planning commission wants a grocery store on those parcels, but would not be opposed to a different type of commercial.

    I loved how one of the commissioners fired back at one of the homeowners, who claimed all the development has destroyed the creek in the back of the neighborhood, by stating "The homeowners association is responsible for the maintenance of your creek, so if there's a problem there you need to fix it."

    I just find this whole thing humorous, all of the conservatives in that neighborhood constantly shouting against the government, are pandering and crying to the government to stop someone from building something they don't like.

  18. #43

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    I watched a lot of that meeting. It is long - like an hour or more. First time I've watched a planning commission meeting.

    I thought the Kingswood lawyer bringing up the fact that it had to be kept R-1 for 10 years really didn't help his case much because if Kingswood had really been serious about the R-1 they could have put a restriction in perpetuity.

    Certainly Interesting.

    Honestly though with all 3 other corners being commercial it is hard to see why this corner shouldn't be commercial. It is SW 104th and Penn after all.

    Some of the Kingswood arguments were silly really to me.

  19. #44

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    And if they really wanted to keep the thing as a single family zoned site they could pony up the money and buy it themselves.

  20. #45

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Whenever the commercial request comes up, I'll definitely be signed up to speak in favor.

    If you loved nature so much, you'd have moved to the country.
    If you loved no traffic, you'd have moved to the country.
    If you loved a creek with wonderful rocks, you'd have moved to the country.
    You moved into a subdivision inside city limits, with 200 other homes. Surrounded by several other subdivisions, also filled with homes. Don't be surprised when development follows you.

    Can't wait to sign up and speak in favor. Bring on the retail!

  21. #46

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Interesting to see if this development does happen whether or not they will keep the lakes there. They make up almost 50% of the area highlighted and are home to a lot of wildlife. I am sure if they build there the future residents are going to have a lot of angry critters as fellow neighbors.
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  22. #47

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Ok way you described it at first I thought you lived off coldstream and I was thinking that's literally across the street.
    I since looked at the school district map and the dividing line between Moore and Mustang schools is actually a couple of blocks west of us. When I signed up for a membership at the Mustang gym they used the school district map and she told me that I was just on the wrong side of the road to be included but she did it, anyway.

  23. Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I just find this whole thing humorous, all of the conservatives in that neighborhood constantly shouting against the government, are pandering and crying to the government to stop someone from building something they don't like.
    I find it humorous that you stereotype an entire neighborhood as "conservatives...constantly shouting against the government" when you have no idea what you are talking about.

  24. #49

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    The vast majority are. Drive thru the neighborhood during a national election.

  25. #50

    Default Re: 104th and S. May

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    I find it humorous that you stereotype an entire neighborhood as "conservatives...constantly shouting against the government" when you have no idea what you are talking about.
    Have to understand that, in the eyes of some, conservatives should disallowed their role in participatory government merely for the fact that they're conservatives. Its a socially acceptable form of bigotry. Any other context in which a group of people were boxed up into a knothole for where they live or what they believe would be immediately excoriated...but so long as the target is a conservative...well, that's...different.

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