Re: Stage Center Tower
I agree as others have said, that this tower should go somewhere else that's less prominent or already has this range of buildings (NW downtown) and not the Stage Center site. I expect the Stage Center to be replaced by something 'world class that OKC residents can be proud of'. This is words from the developers mouth yet his conceptual model does not live up to that and should be built elsewhere in downtown.
I also disagree with those who think we should just sit back and 'be quiet' since it isn't our money or we don't go around building buildings. As was said, this is the NEW Oklahoma City where people speak up and stand up for their city. I totally disagree that we should be quiet - there is plenty of evidence that OKCTalk has made a difference in OKC developments since it has been 'alive' and PERHAPS RW purposely put out that conceptual model just to gauge reaction of the public to which OKCTalk provides an easy venue.
Nope, speak up OKC and use OKCTalk for what it was designed for - as a PUBLIC FORUM for people interested in OKC's development and continued renaissance! Sure some of it may be dreaming or unfeasible, but at least OKC people are talking and not settling for second best anymore. Building something for the sake of destroying something else should be HALTED immediately since downtown OKC has plenty of other sites suitable for projects. The days of being quiet and settling for something better than nothing are long over.
Again - I am not against this project per say as conceptually modeled; but I am against the location the developer wants to put this conceptual model as it goes against what he promised out of his own mouth. And I "HOPE-PRAY" that the Downtown Design Review committee takes public sentiment into account (to which this forum is a great voice - particularly on urban design/expectations). They should encourage him to go vertical on this sight OR negotiate a trade with somebody who will.
Count me in as one who thinks this site deserves a 30+ storey single or multiple tower world-class design WITH excellent street interaction. Why can't OKC have both (all 4 of soondoc's elements) on this prime site? I don't too much care that the downtown school or MGB have a shadow cast for an hour or so in a day since THIS IS the CBD!
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!