LOL. Jaysus. It isn't that hard. If you don't want to talk about it quit bringing it up.
LOL. Jaysus. It isn't that hard. If you don't want to talk about it quit bringing it up.
So you do want to talk about Mick and Wayne or no? Make up your mind.
And if that is where we stopped, we'd be belly'd up to the same bar. But as you know, that isn't where we limit the testing. I figure it is at least as costly to society for a politico being impaired than a chap in a warehouse or a noskills parent relying on public assistance.
But as we don't limit it to custody determinations and the criminal case realm, it's not hard to say those who make policy ought to live with some of the policy that gets created.
Clearly we need Wayne's post about getting drunk with the Governor investigated, since apparently every single comment of his is worth taking seriously.
Wayne Coyne does not have any credibility. That's the reason. He doesn't have credibility when he says Mayor Mick smokes pot, and he doesn't have credibility when he says Mayor Mick doesn't smoke pot. In the end we are left with our own knowledge and perceptions of the mayor. I mean, I like Mick, but he's a huge dork.
If the Lost Ogle posted an article that said "Ed Shadid Killed 5 Hookers", would you demand an investigation? Because that's what you have here. You have an entertainer making a wild claim that people immediately discount.
Not Midtowner, but I am a lawyer, used to do divorce, just criminal now...but to answer your question...of course. If it is one will know its there, or what is in there. From my practice, it has usually been the case that to get a sealed record unsealed, you have to show there is information there necessary for your case. But you cannot just say..."we want to see if something is there," you have to have a reasonable basis for it. So, sealing it would protect him somewhat. And it would protect him from the medical licensure board from using it against him for practicing while high. They usually frown on practicing while high.
And to echo what Midtowner 30 years of practicing law, I cannot think of a single divorce client ever pleading the 5th. And I have had tons with drug problems. And they all admit the problem.
Is anyone else agnostic about the race? I've been following closely because well who doesn't love a good fight, but neither candidate is ideal.
National press is lauding OKC for low unemployment, the downtown focus is spilling over in 'hoods like Midtown, Uptown, JFK, and OKC is on TV sets across the country countless times a year (Thunder Up). Mick has done great things for the city, but hasn't laid out a plan for the next 4 years. Despite the good news we still have expensive sprawl issues (bad air, bad water infrastructure), a truly awful school district, and OKC's income is still below the national average (say nothing of the poverty rate). He also has a less than stellar record on some urban issues: streetcar route is too sort, we're rebuilding a freeway downtown with its replacement blocks away, the NE and inner SW sides of town are still very ghetto, and Ed's right, our bus service sucks.
Some on here have brushed it off, but I admired Ed's fight on the convention center; I still think that was a poor use of MAPS 3 dollars (many agree, see Mick's last results, and the rocky passage of MAPS 3). Even though Ed seems to have a platform built on transit access and funds for inner city neighborhoods, he lacks the knowledge and political skills to get any of that done. I don't disagree with Mick enough to jump on board the Ed train. He's flipped flopped on the streetcar, which while not perfect is a start to a 30 year dream of rail in OKC. I'm not going to rehash the deeply embarrassing divorce proceedings here, but even the bleeding heart liberal in me thinks that's just not the standard public office holders should set. So adding all of these up Ed's clearly not up to snuff.
Neither of these guys excite me. Maybe I'm just asking for too much in an urban-minded mayor that doesn't have a coke-filled background and knows how to listen to the urbanism consultants the city hires.
Great post. I agree that Mayor Cornett is not "exciting," and he is not perfect, but I've gotten the chance to meet him and he is a very cerebral guy who has OKC's best interests in mind. He's also highly competent. He's a bit shy and comes across as less than warm (until you meet him), but he's also a very good guy. He is also a remarkable public spokesman for OKC.
There are so many differences between the two that it's hard to know where to start. But I'll leave you with this: Cornett has actually advanced more progressive, urbanist ideals than any mayor in my lifetime. He's had to do it within the frame that is set for him by the OKC ruling elites. This is a compliment, not a critique. He understands the level of pragmatism that is required to advance this city forward while dealing with powerful, colossal egos. He also is the rare politico who has kept his word.
As a fellow liberal, I am excited to vote for Mayor Cornett. He has represented our city with dignity and class -- and he has advanced many ideas I never thought an OKC mayor would. One more term!
We're stuck in the mindset from when Maps 1 was conceived twenty years ago. One reason people listened to Ed was because he was talking about the "holistic" view. Great word to use when talking about the city. As you said, and as I've said before on this forum, we don't have leadership with that vision, much less with the ability to put it into a plan of action and make it happen. We've missed the chance to start that process now and will be saddled with Mick for another term instead.
There's no problems with Mick feigning sophistication. He is what he is. Unfortunatly, there is a problem with him having enough sophistication to move us where we need to go.
To bad for us we don't have a viable replacement.
Results and no plan for the next four years, much less the next twenty.
That puts us right back here:
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