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Thread: Waitress

  1. #1

    Default Waitress

    Many people dont know but, waitress only get paid $2.13 an hour. If you add that up for every two weeks it isnt that much money. People dont realize that when they leave $2 for a tip on a $20 check thats not paying the bills. We make our money by you (OKC) when we are actually tipped...If you have any comments or questions on how to tip a waitress fill free to comment!
    The ranting waitress

  2. #2

    Default Re: Waitress

    i'll over-tip for good service and under-tip for bad service. i assume, that 15% is still the standard. in any event, i don't feel that it's my duty to make sure that the waitstaff has enough money to pay their bills.

    for everyday fare, i tend not to include sales tax in the calculation... and when i'm at lunch, i typically don't include the $2 glass of tea that i'm drinking, either. some 'upscale' fast-food restaurants and some buffets ask for tips. if i have to stand in line or serve myself... i don't tip. maybe in some ways i'm a cheepskate... but that's how i roll. -M

  3. #3

    Default Re: Waitress

    there is a great tip sheet CNN/Money: How much to tip
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  4. #4

    Default Re: Waitress

    Generally, I just double the tax and round up.

    Occasionally, when a waiter/waitress 'hooks me up,' the cost of the food goes into the tip. For example, a friend and I usually spend about half-an-hour after class at the Deep Deuce grill on Monday nights for football. This weekend, I showed up and ordered my usual diet coke and chips. The waiter pointed us to the free buffet which saved us about $15 in food.

    He ended up with a $10.00 tip after getting me a coke and my friend a water.

    Otherwise, I'm with m. If the place is self-serve, a buffet, or something like that, a tip is not warranted For Sonic? Absolutely never. I can't see how someone should get paid extra to carry a bag from the restaurant to a car (which is their only job).

  5. #5

    Default Re: Waitress

    As a former waiter during college, I was in the same position as you are. I tipped very well then and still do so. I usually tip 20% or more for good to great service, for poor service I tip 15%.

    I have heard of possibly making tipping mandatory at 20%. I think this would be a big mistake. It would cause a terrible waiter to still be able to earn 5% more than what is currently customary.

    Another thing...when I was a waiter, we were only required by law to report 8% of our sales for tax purposes. So essentially you could make a lot more than that without paying taxes above 8%. I'm not sure if this is still how it works though.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Waitress

    Usually tip from 15 to 20% unless the service or food sucks

    Disagree slightly with midtowner on tipping at Sonic...Cute girl brings it out the change is hers

  7. #7

    Default Re: Waitress

    I always tip at Sonic, more so if it's especially hot, cold, rainy, etc.

    But I absolutely refuse to tip for counter service of any type, other than a attentive bartender.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Waitress

    Im not talking about fast food restaurants, Im talking about places that go to sit down and eat...its a totally different outcome in that perspective, and besides Sonic pays minimum wage!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Waitress

    And I totally agree with you, its just the people that dont get it!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Waitress

    And that is how it should be Centerback, see, you know exactly were Im coming from, buts for everyone else that doesnt understand!!! Im the same way when I go into a restrauant I tip 15% if its ok, and 20%+ if its good or great!
    I do agree that it would be a bad idea to have a mandatory 20% tip on the check!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Waitress

    If you read the definition of tipping it does not mean it's mandatory. I live off my tips, but you will not get worse service if you don't tip for the simple fact is I am proud of my work I do. If you are a waiter or waitress be proud don't expect me to tip you if you give me bad service. I mean would you tip your hairstylist for a bad haircut? I won't.... If the valet wrecked your car or lost it, would you tip them? SO if I am at a resturant and you treat me like a number or make me get my own refill, my tip to you is a little note that says QUIT YOUR JOB!!!! Otherwise since I live on my tips, I tip awesome...
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  12. #12

    Default Re: Waitress

    Quote Originally Posted by beckshot_2003 View Post
    Im not talking about fast food restaurants, Im talking about places that go to sit down and eat...its a totally different outcome in that perspective, and besides Sonic pays minimum wage!
    It's not my fault the carhop has a crappy job. I was able to do a lot better than that as a commissioned salesperson all through college and HS -- and it wasn't exactly a rocket-science type job either.

    If someone is trying to support a household working at Sonic.. well.. I don't know what to tell them except maybe "dee da dee."

  13. #13

    Default Re: Waitress

    My view is that you a pay a tip for a service. If a waiter or waitress is average, I give them an average tip, if they are rude or mean, I tip them little or none, if they are above average then tip them a little more. Too often I have found rude or mean waitresses or waiters and some that take way too long 45+ minutes for food. Why would you pay someone a tip for disservice if they are not providing the service you are expecting. I will not pay someone to be rude to me. And I agree with Mid, it's not the patron's fault a wait person is working at a certain establishment, but the workers free choice. Although a decent amount do pay less, many restaurants do not pay at $2.13 an hour but more.

  14. Default Re: Waitress

    Hi everyone. I have been reading on this board for quite awhile now, but have not been moved to post until now. I am a server in Oklahoma City at a Bricktown restaurant and I am constantly appalled at the general tipping habits of Oklahoma residents. It is not uncommon for me to be tipped well under 15 percent on the majority of my tables. I don't think people get it at all. I make absolutely no paycheck. Yes, we are supposedly payed 2.13 an hour, but all of that comes out of my check for taxes. The only money I make to live on is my tips. It is very frustrating when you work hard, try to give the best service you are capable of and still get undertipped on 70 percent of your tables. The saddest part? I find the natives to be the worst tippers. We get quite a few out-of-staters at our restaurant and they generally tip much better than my fellow Oklahomans. I find this disturbing and think it makes us, as Oklahomans, look unsophisticated and cheap. We include at our restaurant a handy tipping chart at the bottom of the check for 15, 18 and 20 percent to make it easier for the guests and at least 70 percent of the time, the tip is under 15 percent. I swear, some times I feel like chasing people out of the place and asking them what their problem is. Ok, I realize I'm brand new and all ready ranting, but people in this city need to be more aware about this tipping thing. Though I would never do it, I can understand why you hear about servers spitting in food and such.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Waitress

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    It's not my fault the carhop has a crappy job. I was able to do a lot better than that as a commissioned salesperson all through college and HS -- and it wasn't exactly a rocket-science type job either.

    If someone is trying to support a household working at Sonic.. well.. I don't know what to tell them except maybe "dee da dee."

    Midtowner, I think what Beckshot was saying was that the Sonic help get minimum wage as opposed to the far lower $2.13 that waitstaff in other restaurants earn and thus there's a presumption (at least by management) that they are not working for tips.

  16. Default Re: Waitress

    One other thing: the wait staff at buffet places such as The Golden Corral only make 2.13 as well, so they need to be tipped too.

  17. Default Re: Waitress

    Though I would never do it, I can understand why you hear about servers spitting in food and such.
    Hi and welcome to the board.. I always tip at least 15-25% depending on service.

    I don't get the Sonic tipping though.. why don't they just use drive-throughs?

    Anyway, I was wondering how a 'server' would spit in the food after not getting a tip? Usually, dinner is over. But, that is pretty horrifying to think about. I saw the movie Waiting and left the room because it was so gross.

    But, I agree that tipping should be anticipated when dining out.. and budgeted in.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. Default Re: Waitress

    Karried, often times, these non-tippers are regulars! Yes, they have the gall to return again and again and the waitstaff knows exactly who they are when they return. I've never seen the movie "Waiting" because I heard it was just plain bad, but I've heard of some of the hijinks in the film and it does very rarely happen in real life.

  19. Default Re: Waitress

    Quote Originally Posted by beckshot_2003 View Post
    Many people dont know but, waitress only get paid $2.13 an hour. If you add that up for every two weeks it isnt that much money. People dont realize that when they leave $2 for a tip on a $20 check thats not paying the bills. We make our money by you (OKC) when we are actually tipped...If you have any comments or questions on how to tip a waitress fill free to comment!
    The ranting waitress
    If I get lousy service, then I do not tip, nor does the waiter or waitress deserve one. If it is good or exceptional service, then I will tip according to how I feel the service was.

    T.I.P.: To insure PROPER service. Not, fork it over, buddy.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Waitress

    Quote Originally Posted by okcguy View Post
    Karried, often times, these non-tippers are regulars! Yes, they have the gall to return again and again and the waitstaff knows exactly who they are when they return.
    In defense of regulars- My Friday lunch treat to myself is a local pizza buffet. Servers maintain my beverage and haul my dirty dishes away. The servers KNOW they will get a 45% tip, and I never have bad service

  21. #21

    Default Re: Waitress

    This is America. If you are not satisfied with your pay there are several options.

    1) Serve your people better in order to earn bigger tips.

    2) If there is an outcry from servers, perhaps management should raise the cost of the food in order to pass a higher per hour wage to their servers.

    3) Quit and get a better job.

    Fact of the matter is, tips are not required. That said, I'll double the tax and round up for average service. If they're good I give 25% or so. Bad? Nothing.

  22. Default Re: Waitress

    The thing about tipping is that a lot of times the waitstaff doesn't have control over things like how long it takes to get the food out, how the food is prepared etc.

    I don't think they should get penalized for those situations in which they can't control.

    One time we went to a Mexican restaurant at Quail Springs Mall. The service was some of the worst I have ever, ever had. We got one basket of chips and salsa for a party of 8 - we waited for our food for nearly an hour. We didn't get refills on our water or drinks.. it was horrible. When the food arrived, it was tepid, the waiter spilled red jello all over my children's chicken fingers, I asked for a condiment, he never brought it.. just on and on.

    The manager came by to see how we were doing.. tee hee.. since you asked! I told him all of the above but I mentioned that I didn't want to get our waiter in trouble and that it was apparent that they were short staffed.. long story short, the manager was so apologetic, gave us our dinner free and coupons for return visits.. really made up for it.

    We went back again to much improved service and better food. They have really tried hard and now I go there frequently.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  23. Default Re: Waitress

    1) Serve your people better in order to earn bigger tips.

    I do my best to give good service to everyone. When I encounter a bad tipper (which is often), it wouldn't matter if I did card tricks, back flips and sat down and spoon fed them...a bad tipper is a bad tipper.

    2) If there is an outcry from servers, perhaps management should raise the cost of the food in order to pass a higher per hour wage to their servers.

    This will never happen and besides, with all the cheap customers, it would only hurt business in the long run as people would stop eating out because of the high prices.

    3) Quit and get a better job.

    First of all, waiting tables would be a decent paying job if everyone tipped the minimum of what is customary in America. I hate it when people say to quit and get a better job as some sort of solution to the tipping problem. I have an idea, tip when you eat out! Then I wouldn't need to quit.

    You're right, tipping is not required, but fact of the matter is that it is an American custom and you look bad and should feel bad if you don't. No one is saying to tip for bad service, but if it's acceptable, do the right thing and tip at least 15 percent.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Waitress

    Waiters don't automatically deserve 15%. You have to earn it.

    They're already getting paid and went into the job knowing what the hourly rate was.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Waitress

    By definition a gratuity is something extra, a bonus, so it's not required. I'll tip for good service and if it's outstanding I'll overtip but I do not feel obligated to tip. You have to earn it.

    I used to have a friend who had waited at several area restaurants over the years and he always felt he had to be the tip police and once even paid my tip because I refused to. That's his problem.

    I take exception to waiters or waitresses who want to take it up with me, the customer, about how little their hourly wage is. That's something between the waiter and their employer, they need to leave me out of it because it's not my fault the pay is so low. I hate when the wait staff feels that a tip is obligatory no matter how they do their job.

    And now it seems like everyone feels they "deserve" a tip. When my wife gets her hair done they have a tip jar. I've been into several business that have tip jars at the counter when they are already being payed to do a job. I think I'll put a tip jar on my desk and see if my bosses will tip me each time they come into my office.

    Waiting tables is kind of like minimum wage, it was never meant to be able to support a family. I hate to sound harsh, but stop whining and get over it.

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