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Thread: Fall Coloration - 2013

  1. #26

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    My sweet wife, who snapped that shot, (and also put together The Absolutely Best On-The Trail Snack Bag EVER) clicked that PhotoMemory with that same ol' pesky, over-sensitive, PhoneCam mentioned, above.

    She also echoed my previously expressed sentiments regarding " energy infrastructure" by noting, verbally, after reviewing her artistic effort, by suggesting that "the electrical stuff should be underground because [it takes away from the Natural Beauty]". All I could say was: "Yup." I didn't add anything along the lines of: "Pick your battles . . ." or "It is what it is . . ."

    Ruby's in Purcell was a U-Turn moment.
    She was hungry. The rings and the burgers were Old School.
    And, within the context of actual reality, quite good.
    In fact, approaching perfection.
    Sort of a serendipity deal, if one thinks about it . . . =)

    Probably akin to saying something about "look at all the mistletoe in that tree" . . .

    Heck . . . She just presented me with a little token of appreciation (in honor of The Road Trip, Local) that looks like a mini Oklahoma license plate, except for it's a key fob, that has my name on the reverse side. She owns a matching one. Except with her name, o' course. =)

  2. #27

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Grabbed a second round of photos. Mostly on or around the UCO campus.

    Not quite as sunny for these shots, as it was overcast a good deal of the time -- although I suppose that gives them more of an autumn feel.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Here are three from the roadtrip:

    hmmm . . . looks like I'll have to do a little more experimenting to get them to show up full sized . . .

  4. #29

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Blue dog. . .Aspens "are" fall for me!! Spent a lot of time in the Rye/San Isabel forest are a child. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pictures!

  5. #30

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Talimena Skyline Drive (before the batteries gave out =)

  6. #31

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Lake Murray

    Atop the Arbuckles

    Turner Falls

  7. #32

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    The color was spectacular on the mountain ridges; not so much at the top. When you're on the Talimena Drive, you'll notice that due to the high altitude, the trees are dwarfed. However, the color of the hardwoods on the mountainsides was spectacular. The biodiversity of the Ouachitas is the richest in the region, and the mountains are the tallest between the Rockies and Appalachians.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Great pics, RM.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    Great pics, RM.
    Thank you. Coming from REAL Photographer, that means a lot.
    (no kidding)

    Here's another one, Again Angled From Atop the Arbuckles, shot from a pull-off next to Old 77, that could be called, "The Road Less Traveled" . . .
    (the "fall coloration" connection is that it was just to the left of the colorful pasture/grotto posted just above. =)

    (of course, a different title might be: "Don't Fence Me In" =)

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Perfect weather for a road trip. I gotta get some new tires!

  11. #36

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by cleanskull View Post
    Perfect weather for a road trip. I gotta get some new tires!
    It's cheaper to rent a car from Enterprise. =)
    Way cheaper.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Got to love them $10/day Friday - Monday rates!
    Yeah . . . Those rates are OK . . . If'n ya' ain't a-gonna actually drive anywheres. =)

    When you figure-in the mileage/per mile charges, it's less expensive to pay the regular price. ($90 plus change.)
    And, even if you add in the $25 dollar charge from AMEX for full-coverage insurance it's a better deal. =)

    Please note that, at least subliminally bearing your, Sid's, perspective vis-s-vis bicycles in mind, I was extra non-perturbed by bicyclists holding up traffic on Scenic Highway One/Talimena Skyline Drive partly for the added photo ops, plus they, that is, the bicyclists--both solo and in tandem-- were having to pedal extra hard to make it up all the hills and they didn't try to take pictures at the same time. =)

    Thank you for that.

    When I was a little kid, my granddad--who never drove his '48 Chevy panel truck (the vehicle he referred to as his "bus")--over 45 mph told me:
    "Johnny . . . Don't ever get in no hurry." (of course, he was only just an old, authentic, Okie so . . .)

    While I am impatiently attempting to figure out exactly how to best upload, download and post photos without a working knowledge of Facebook and/or SmartPhones . . . Here is a little poetic interlude on the value of the ability to capture "Light Writing" which is, of course, the definition of "Photography."
    (dang I wish them there AA batteries hadn't a gone dead on me . . . =)

    The Stolen Camera

    Since the camera was stolen,
    everything is a photograph –
    pink bloom against white stucco,
    serious face of the potato chip man
    leaning over his cart.

    In the square, gypsies with brilliant skirts
    twirl among palm trees.
    I reach for the camera, to hand it to you,
    but it is gone, stolen by a thief
    who knows nothing of lenses.

    Are you thinking of the camera?
    I ask you once,
    and you nod.
    You will not mention it.

    Two days ago you caught
    the shrivelled saint who kissed your hand,
    the twins of Bougainvillea laughing
    in their windowsill.
    Your camera had careful eyes,
    and now the pictures are stolen inside it,
    babies who will never be born.

    How would I feel if they stole my pens?
    My lips would go on making words,
    when I crossed the dappled street,
    words everywhere, steps
    or yellow leaves.

    Today we pass the monastery silently.
    maybe we are soaking up light,
    brief angles of sun on stone.
    Mabe tonight when we sleep
    all we have seen will arrange itself
    inside us, quick trails of stars,
    and we will wake glowing,
    the world in our eyes.

    Popayan, Colombia

    ~ Naomi Shihab Nye, from Words Under the Words

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    I need new tires anyway. The comfort level in my own car makes up for economic issues. The stereo is killer and momma's seat heats up.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Whoomphf . . . Dere it is. =)

    (my sweet wife had to throw in a little, artistic, non-verbal spear--beyond the theatrical gasp of horror--immediately during and after I yanked the car to the right, onto a pull-off just before the photo op, above, in order to get the SUVian tailgater off my ass and let him pass, and before proceeding, perhaps less than 100 yards, forward to the next scenic viewpoint so that I could provide her with the opportunity to mention that the shadows were better for the previous shot. she was right. and that's just another reason I love her.)

    What? Her cellphone shots were incomparably better than the battery-less camera I had earlier the previous day. =)

  15. #40

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    It wouldn't be Turner Falls without the Falls . . .

    "Hey, Mrs. Flintstone. Can Fred come out to play?"

  16. #41

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Got to love them $10/day Friday - Monday rates!
    Indeed. When the kiddos were younger, it wasn't uncommon for my lovely to be headed off one direction for camp, and I another for a different camp, or training or staffing at another camp for all or part of the weekend. Enterprise weekend rates were a dirt cheap way to let me make two or three events in a Fri-Mon window.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Nice touch of fall color at the Myriad Gardens:

    Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...8035162&type=1

  18. #43

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    So, last weekend we took a 600 mile drive to view the fall foliage. This weekend we took a 6000 step walk around the neighborhood.
    These are just a few of those steps from our house . . .

  19. #44

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    So, last weekend we took a 600 mile drive to view the fall foliage. This weekend we took a 6000 step walk around the neighborhood.
    These are just a few of those steps from our house . . .
    Yeah, a trip is great. But this year, to see some great fall foliage, pretty much all one had to do is step out the front door!

  20. #45

    Default Re: Fall Coloration - 2013

    Alas and alack. The soft leaves that were rich with red, orange, and yellow hues are giving way to crinkly browns that are de-leafing en masse.

    Still, there's a fair amount of coloration left. Old man winter hasn't arrived just yet.

    A tourist passing through OKC captured some nice fall scenes around the canal:

    Source: Artsy Oklahoma City | The WORLD discovered

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