Toby Roland says that Joe C. will be on KREF 1400 AM at 8:30AM Tuesday.
Perhaps he will clarify some of the information on this thread.
Toby Roland says that Joe C. will be on KREF 1400 AM at 8:30AM Tuesday.
Perhaps he will clarify some of the information on this thread.
I was able to hear most of it.
There was nothing specifically mentioned about any football stadium projects.
Joe.C talked about the new student housing project and about some of the various possibilities of a new OU TV network.
He didn’t say this but he seemed to be suggesting that it would be about 13 months before OU could launch its version of a TV network.
I believe they are also going to show things like commencement and any events where there are notable speakers and whatnot...
Improve and/or expand--is there a demand?
Gaylord Family Memorial Stadium:
After a review today by the University of Oklahoma Board Of Regents, the OU Athletics Department is set to begin a feasibility assessment for improvements at Gaylord Family – Oklahoma Memorial Stadium.--Feasibility Study Set For Memorial Stadium - Oklahoma Sooners
“We’re initiating a comprehensive review of one of the most tradition-rich sporting venues in the country and our ability to attract and train the country’s top student-athletes and serve the best fans in college football,” OU athletic director Joe Castiglione said in a news release.
The coming assessment will consider virtually every aspect of the stadium’s features and operations, including team facilities, fan amenities, concessions and the press box.
Oklahoma developed its football stadium “Master Plan” in 1993, with early projects including the Barry Switzer Center, west-side suites and turf replacement, among others.
Funding for the 2013 Master Plan update is already available from the Athletics Department capital fund.--
Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium expansion capacities:
1925 - 16,000
1929 - 32,000
1949 - 55,000
1957 - 61,826
1975 - 71,187
1980 - 75,004
2003 - 81,000
2004 - 82,112
We are currently among the top 20 largest football stadiums in the country; listed as the 19th largest:
List of American football stadiums by capacity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FYI.... this designing company will be involved.
Take a look at some of their work
Populous - Drawing People Together
It's likely that we will see something very impressive done
Populous has an outstanding portfolio.
Institutional leaders have a good feel for the development in many of Oklahoma's universities and colleges. Quality at OU has been impressive under Boren's leadership.
There' s money in the OU Athletics' capital fund and I'm sure there are donors who want to get something done. Our last major stadium renovation was 2003. The feasibility study will give us the signal to 'go' or 'no go' on what our market can handle.
Sooner football has enjoyed a string of sellouts; let's not lose perpective that records come and go from winning to losing streaks.
Sure tickets are available for those of have to sit outside the stadium and wait. Loyal Sooner football faithfuls will always be there for this university and team regardless of the situation. We know that there are some who wear the attire; where are they when the team loses? As Grandma use to say, "Ain't nothing jumping but the peas in the pot; they wouldn't be jumping if the water wasn't hot."
OU48A, it is time for renovation and a modest expansion to reward the fans who are steadfast. In my years of watching college football this is my observation about the fair weather fans; their bandwagon quickly becomes the turnip wagon.
Hmm...i don't know if "modest expansions" are cost effective. I've heard some extreme notions to suggest that the current west deck (built circa 1974) be taken down and rebuilt to match the east side plus add the new pressbox. To me, that would be monumentally expensive, not increase (in fact, might even decrease) capacity.
The only places to expand are north and south, and that's endzone. Don't think there's much value to be had with endzone seats. And I'm not sure who is going to be willing to subsidize a largely endzone-oriented expansion if endzone seats are all they are likely to be promised - meaning that, if they do, there's a good chance you'll see the folks who pay for such a theoretical expansion pushing out current folks in "seats between the 20's" right smack IN to that new (albeit theoretical) endzone. That'll go over REALLY well
If they're bringing in the heavy hitter design folks to look at the entire stadium complex, who knows what might emerge. I'd fully expect 1) A new pressbox with suites, 2) an overhauled/restructured/bowled south endzone. Heck, I wouldn't mind if they upgraded the big S endzone video board to *full* hidef(most folks don't realize it isn't).
I'd love to see some additional amenities like escalator access to the upper decks and overhauled west-deck concession facilities.
Always fun to see them planning upgrades to the stadium. Remember watching them add the west deck when I was a kid; added the oddball south endzone just before I started school down there, then added the east deck, brick facade, and extended perimeter about a decade ago. Next round of upgrades should be really great.
Laramie you are so right about the fair weather bandwagon fans and their turnip wagon.
But when we have seen thousands of empty seats at other university's for decades at a time, for most games, and in small stadiums, we need to remember that they would only love to have our problems and our high expectations.
I would agree that its time for significant renovation's to reward loyal fans and that a small expansion is appropriate...
A small expansion is likely with a new press box.
When others who we are in competition with OU are doing a better job with what they have to work with OU needs to maximize its brand better than it's being done. By making a statement with the stadium as many others have done, very effectively, it helps OU on that goal.
Oklahoma University's football program will invest in its base by building those upcoming young Sooner fans and making space available; these are the future season ticket holders & donors as the old guard fades into the sunset. Texas A & M and Nebraska had to expand into those end zone areas; we increased seating capacity when we added the west side upper deck and removed those old green bleachers in the south end zone with a more permanent structure.
I understand the short-term economics of expanding and the big donors who support the program.
Our biggest challenge is simple, our fan base has been spoiled.
There are always going to be episodes and sequels to up and down years within major college football. You can kill your fan base by catering to the fair weather fans; they are the ones who sit in the stadium as though they were at a fashion fair. The Who's who among the elite--those fashionable seasoned butterfiles who give you that snooty look when you're screaming.
Boone Pickens Stadium in Stillwater is one of a handful of major stadiums in the United States with goals at the east and west ends. Oklahoma State is building their fan base; although they sound like a rodeo crowd--they are loud and enthusiastic.
But current expansion plans for OMS must be tempered by something Oklahoma has *never* previous;y faced: Competition.
Many of those "up and coming" young Sooner fans are also OKC Thunder fans. And some of those fans are also the empty seats in the student section.
The disposable income factor will be something OU must consider in this wave of upgrades in determining how much financing might be available and how many tickets they are likely to sell as a result. That's what makes this round of updates more difficult - modest expansion may be the smartest from a ticket sales perspective, but not from a cost-per-seat perspective. Very difficult balance. Nebraska doesn't have that problem. Texas doesn't have that problem as they have virtually limitless resources.
That's why it seems to me that a minimal capacity increase coupled with a grand new pressbox + suite arrangement is the most likely outcome of the next round of updates....put simply, suites === revenue.
Just got back from OU/Tech game where they announced it was their 91st consecutive sold out game. I understand that doesn't mean every seat was taken but that does mean that every seat was bought. Plenty of tickets for sale on the street.
Maybe they should just put a retractable roof over it.
Who is to know what's authentic on the streets today? Several people got duped buying Thunder playoff tickets on the streets; you're putting yourself at risk of becoming some kind of crime statistic.
Scammers Selling Fake Thunder Playoff Tickets
IMHO the University of Oklahoma needs to concerned itself with building its fan base with some kind of modest expansion. Are there 10,000 potential ticket buyers on a waiting list? If so, there are probably another 5,000 who didn't put themselves on that list.
The heck with a 91st consecutive sellout. Are we going to win a prize, trophy or economic recognition for consecutive sellouts?
A 100,000-seat Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium is our next direction; something to accommodate fans wanting to obtain tickets without putting themselves at possible risks.
is there any survey, anywhere, to support roughly a 25% increase in seating capacity?
My friends and I have bought tickets outside the stadium pretty much every game for years without any problems.
OU does not need to add seats, certainly not to 100,000. Continue to improve the stadium, but the stadium size seems perfect right now. As long as $94 tickets are sold on the street for $20-30 no expansion is needed. Expanding prematurely could result in empty seats and tickets with little value.
Not to my knowledge.
Glad to hear that you are able to purchase tickets on the streets with no problems. Once you're encountered a bad experience like myself, then you become more aware of people attempting to scam and you become more cautious.
I'm pretty sure virtually every seat is sold to season ticket holders. Those being sold on the street are usually resales. I don't know what it's like now, but a few years ago I was told there were 10,000+ people on the waiting list for season tickets. When they report a sellout it's tickets sold, not bodies in seats. Same holds true for the Thunder, although their wait list is smaller.
Never buy tickets from a guy with a fist full of tickets.
Lots of people do buy OU tickets successfully with deep discounts and have done so successfully for years.
Rarely is finding a cheap ticket very much of a problem for most people.
Joe C and Stoops have indicated that when OU rebuilds its press box that it would include a small stadium expansion. Joe C said that this would add approximately 1,500 new seats with the current plans. Obviously these plans could change.
But at this time and until the demand warrants I'm not in favor of any expansion beyond the press box expansion... Without the parking and transportation issues being successfully addressed its unlikely that the demand would ever increases by enough to ever warrant a large expansion.
Something I would like to see OU do,,, and a lot more stadiums are starting to do this …..
Add a heating system to the fields surface....
It would do a lot to keep the grass growing, looking good, unfrozen and make it a safer playing surface...
This would be something that OU could sale to its recruits.
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