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Thread: TapWerks

  1. #1

    Bricktown3 TapWerks

    Had friends in town from L.A. and they thought that Tapwerks looked like fun, so we hit it early on a Saturday. When we arrived, there were very few people there and we sat at the bar. We tried multiple beers and the bartender was very good about giving us samples of anything we wanted to try. I was very pleased to see that they now have my favorite on tap-Stella Artois. It's wonderful!

    The food, however, was another story. The chips, queso and salsa were excellent. One friend had salad and soup and her salad was very wilted. Another friend and I split the cheese pizza-I actually think it may have been a frozen pizza; barely edible.

    The verdict? Great bar! Love it to try beer, but if you're hungry, go somewhere else to eat first.

  2. #2

    Default TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Had friends in town from L.A. and they thought that Tapwerks looked like fun, so we hit it early on a Saturday. When we arrived, there were very few people there and we sat at the bar. We tried multiple beers and the bartender was very good about giving us samples of anything we wanted to try. I was very pleased to see that they now have my favorite on tap-Stella Artois. It's wonderful!

    The food, however, was another story. The chips, queso and salsa were excellent. One friend had salad and soup and her salad was very wilted. Another friend and I split the cheese pizza-I actually think it may have been a frozen pizza; barely edible.

    The verdict? Great bar! Love it to try beer, but if you're hungry, go somewhere else to eat first.

  3. Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    I agree, escan. Kellekokid and I went there later on Saturday night after the single's event. Great beer choices, but not a good meal venue...appetizers are probably the best bet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Yeah, they've never done good food, imo. I think I once had shepard's pie that was okay. Maybe we should just stick with the bland food. After all, it is modeled after an English pub.

  5. Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    The emphasis, as it should be, is on the brewskis.

    That said, I've schlepped visitors to Tapwerks, and they seemed to enjoy the place.

  6. #6

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Their appetizers are great actually.

  7. #7
    Randy Guest

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    I'm sure the different beers killed your taste buds. Maybe all of you should check into joining AA. It sounds like all of you probably drink too much.

  8. #8

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Randy, personal attacks are against the TOS.

    For the record, I drink exactly enough.

  9. Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    I drink nothing stronger than pop.

    Then again, pop would drink anything.

  10. #10

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Getting a new sign:

  11. #11
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    That's awesome.

  12. #12

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Haha what happened to that Randy character? What a ray of sunshine!

  13. #13

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cub17 View Post
    Haha what happened to that Randy character? What a ray of sunshine!
    Word on the street has it "he" became a cosplay addict . . .

    Now, isn't that special . . .

  14. #14

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Randy is now a "guest".

    Which is OKCTalk speak for banned with extreme prejudice.

  15. #15

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Randy is now a "guest".

    Which is OKCTalk speak for banned with extreme prejudice.
    See what happens when you start bad-mouthing beer!
    Me, I love beer!

  16. #16

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

  17. #17

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Any chances of something being built on either side of TapWerks? Would be nice to fill in that streetscape wall -- those empty spots on both sides always kind of bug me.

    I understand that renovating/repurposing existing buildings in Bricktown is cleary the priority. But it would be nice to see some infill too.

  18. #18

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    Any chances of something being built on either side of TapWerks? Would be nice to fill in that streetscape wall -- those empty spots on both sides always kind of bug me.

    I understand that renovating/repurposing existing buildings in Bricktown is cleary the priority. But it would be nice to see some infill too.
    Wow, I agree with this! I think part of the problem is that those "empty spots", in so many places in Bricktown, are huge moneymakers for the Brewer family.

  19. #19

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Wow, I agree with this! I think part of the problem is that those "empty spots", in so many places in Bricktown, are huge moneymakers for the Brewer family.
    Imagine if they went up...

  20. #20

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    holy cow... am i the only one seeing comic sans in the painted sign? why didn't they just use the same typeface as the new hanging sign? -M

  21. #21

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    I think that's the old version? They were painting over it when I drove by about a half hour ago.

  22. #22

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    thank goodness. -M

  23. #23

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Wow, I agree with this! I think part of the problem is that those "empty spots", in so many places in Bricktown, are huge moneymakers for the Brewer family.
    Same Brewers that are holding the train station for ransom, I presume? Not my favorite people then.

  24. #24

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    Any chances of something being built on either side of TapWerks? Would be nice to fill in that streetscape wall -- those empty spots on both sides always kind of bug me.

    I understand that renovating/repurposing existing buildings in Bricktown is cleary the priority. But it would be nice to see some infill too.
    I agree 100%, but those lots do serve our office and the tenants in the buildings across Sheridan during the day and they are at capacity. Don't make us walk in the cold winter months!

    In all seriousness, the parking lot North of ACM needs to be mixed use, multilevel garage at base with residential above. Then this would give adjacent parking for the conversion of the floors above at 101 E Sheridan to residential...

  25. #25

    Default Re: TapWerks Ale House-Bricktown

    I love "liking" posts on here from 2006. This board is really great.

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