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Thread: The Rise

  1. #176

    Default Re: The Rise

    I took these photos about a week ago:

    "Cottages" along 24th. These will be remodeled and leased as residential I believe.

    At first I thought they were installing this staircase in the future restaurant space at the far east end, but they were actually demolishing it:

    Inside the restaurant space; huge, barrel ceiling:

    More of that demolition work:

    Restaurant space along Walker:

    This will be a pizza concept by the Big Truck / Backdoor people:

    Future site of Pump Bar:

    This is the rear of the space along Walker. This is actually a separate unit from the restaurant space and will have a rooftop terrace:

    Back of building (red dirt will all be parking):

  2. #177
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: The Rise

    I don't like the rear layout of this with parking almost all up along the stores, but I understand the patrons need parking. It's too bad there's not a garage somewhere along 23rd to help out. It's needed.

  3. #178

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    I don't like the rear layout of this with parking almost all up along the stores, but I understand the patrons need parking. It's too bad there's not a garage somewhere along 23rd to help out. It's needed.
    Agree. I'm glad something is being done to improve this district but I'm not flipping cartwheels over the design.

    It's hard to imagine people wanting to sit outside the back of these buildings and stare at an asphalt parking lot.

    I do love the look of the Pump Bar, however.

  4. #179
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Agree. I'm glad something is being done to improve this district but I'm not flipping cartwheels over the design.

    It's hard to imagine people wanting to sit outside the back of these buildings and stare at an asphalt parking lot.

    I do love the look of the Pump Bar, however.
    Agreed. And I think from the front this will be an excellent renovation. The pizza place and the Pump Bar are great ideas. I just wish there were an alternative to it all revolving around a parking lot, but I get there aren't any alternatives.

    Pete, any word on who is heading up the seafood restaurant?

  5. #180

    Default Re: The Rise

    We were in Dallas this past weekend and ate lunch and dinner in Lower Greenville. Like Brookside in Tulsa, most of the buildings are very urban in design (close to the sidewalk with little to no parking in front) but they had pretty big parking lots behind the restaurants we went to. It gave people a place to park and then walk between restaurants/clubs/bars in the evening. This area could always be developed if/when the streetcar stretches to this area.

  6. #181

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Pete, any word on who is heading up the seafood restaurant?
    Yes, it's someone who is fantastic but I don't think they've yet made a public announcement and I don't want to do it for them.

  7. #182
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Yes, it's someone who is fantastic but I don't think they've yet made a public announcement and I don't want to do it for them.
    Cool, thanks.

  8. #183

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Agreed. And I think from the front this will be an excellent renovation. The pizza place and the Pump Bar are great ideas. I just wish there were an alternative to it all revolving around a parking lot, but I get there aren't any alternatives.

    Pete, any word on who is heading up the seafood restaurant?
    The roof terrace will be looking onto the pizza place and pump bar...so essentially it will be looking onto other activity and people so I dont think it will be bad at all. Besides, any rooftop is better than no rooftop.

  9. #184

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Yes, it's someone who is fantastic but I don't think they've yet made a public announcement and I don't want to do it for them.
    Local or out of town?

  10. #185

    Default Re: The Rise

    I was hoping the new apartments would go on the land to the west of the pizza place and the pump bar. Hopefully residential will be built there in the near future.

  11. #186

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    I was hoping the new apartments would go on the land to the west of the pizza place and the pump bar. Hopefully residential will be built there in the near future.
    Apartments are being built north of The Pump bar, between 24th and 25th.

  12. #187

    Default Re: The Rise

    Tuck, are you excited for this to go in next your new office?

  13. #188

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Yes, it's someone who is fantastic but I don't think they've yet made a public announcement and I don't want to do it for them.
    Long John Silvers?

  14. #189

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by tuck View Post
    Apartments are being built north of The Pump bar, between 24th and 25th.
    I was well aware of that and that was my point. I'd rather see apartments built west of Pump instead of on the block as shown above in the picture that I'd already seen ;-)

  15. #190

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Mississippi Blues View Post
    Long John Silvers?
    No way. Something nicer. Like Captain D's...

  16. #191

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    I was well aware of that and that was my point. I'd rather see apartments built west of Pump instead of on the block as shown above in the picture that I'd already seen ;-)
    There are a lot of smaller, older and very cool little apartment buildings east of Walker and north of 23rd.

    Some have already been spruced up and I walked all through that neighborhood a couple of weeks ago and noticed a bunch of younger people. And as I had previously mentioned, coming out of Back Door BBQ one Friday night, I noticed a big crew of 20-something dudes walking from some of those units towards 23rd; probably headed for Grandad's.

    Some smart investor should start snapping up those buildings, updating them and then rake in some nice rents. That area is the next big thing IMO and there are already a bunch of younger people buying the small homes in that area (Jefferson Park / Paseo).

  17. #192

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    There are a lot of smaller, older and very cool little apartment buildings east of Walker and north of 23rd.

    Some have already been spruced up and I walked all through that neighborhood a couple of weeks ago and noticed a bunch of younger people. And as I had previously mentioned, coming out of Back Door BBQ one Friday night, I noticed a big crew of 20-something dudes walking from some of those units towards 23rd; probably headed for Grandad's.

    Some smart investor should start snapping up those buildings, updating them and then rake in some nice rents. That area is the next big thing IMO and there are already a bunch of younger people buying the small homes in that area (Jefferson Park / Paseo).
    I agree whole heartedly. I had at one time looked at the NW 25th & Robinson area. I really love that area and the bungalow type quarters. I love the historic interiors more than anything.

  18. #193

    Uptown/23rd Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    I agree whole heartedly. I had at one time looked at the NW 25th & Robinson area. I really love that area and the bungalow type quarters. I love the historic interiors more than anything.
    I know the owners of the buildings you are referring to around the 25th and Robinson area. The important thing to remember with this area is restoring the homes properly. Part of the problem we are trying to overcome in Jefferson Park/Paseo is the connundrum of fixing houses that were cheaply upgraded decades ago. They have to be made to look cool again. If you have an original bungalow, save everything original possible and do quality renovations on the what can't be salvaged.
    Last edited by neverontime; 10-17-2013 at 02:32 PM. Reason: Fixing errors

  19. #194

    Default Re: The Rise

    I am really interested in buying in Paseo/Jeff Park next year and I have noticed a lot of flips coming on the market. You can tell because they were bought at bargain basement prices 6-9 months ago and look as if they have been completely gutted and remodeled. Its great that some outside investment is occurring here; but given how shoddy some flips can be I am unsure whether to consider this a good thing.

  20. #195

    Default Re: The Rise

    If it's a flipper that has done more than a few homes, they will have a reputation that can be evaluated.

    When I was buying a home, one location we looked at was a flip from a few years ago in Crestwood. My Realtor was able to locate information on several other homes renovated by the same guy, and I was able to get a feel for the quality. That house was beautiful, and the only reason I didn't buy it was because of street noise, not something associated with the renovation.

    Flipping puts money in the houses and improves the neighborhood. Fortunately, most flips that I have seen locally keep as much original detail as can be kept for a reasonable price.

  21. #196

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Tuck, are you excited for this to go in next your new office?
    Of course!

  22. #197

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Pete, any word on who is heading up the seafood restaurant?
    See this new thread:


  23. #198

    Default Re: The Rise

    Is there any word on which soft goods store will be going in? Also, any news on when tenants will move in etc? I live right around the corner and pass by every day. It seems as though most of the junk has been removed from the inside but there no progress on the facade yet. The parking lot area is cleared out nicely, though. Will Good Egg's seafood joint have the rooftop?

  24. #199

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Rajah View Post
    Is there any word on which soft goods store will be going in? Also, any news on when tenants will move in etc? I live right around the corner and pass by every day. It seems as though most of the junk has been removed from the inside but there no progress on the facade yet. The parking lot area is cleared out nicely, though. Will Good Egg's seafood joint have the rooftop?
    Welcome to the forum!

    I understand there will be a men's clothing store going in; higher end jeans and the like, similar to Gil's on N. Western. I know one other casual clothing store is considering leasing as well.

    As for the seafood restaurant, no, they will not be taking the rooftop. That's attached to the space directly behind them, facing the parking lot.

  25. #200

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Welcome to the forum!

    I understand there will be a men's clothing store going in; higher end jeans and the like, similar to Gil's on N. Western. I know one other casual clothing store is considering leasing as well.

    As for the seafood restaurant, no, they will not be taking the rooftop. That's attached to the space directly behind them, facing the parking lot.
    Hey, thanks! I can't wait. My girlfriend and I live in a Positively Paseo home that she purchased in 2008. We walk by "The Rise" every day with our dogs and we've always dreamt up the perfect tenants for it and the other spaces around us. We're excited to see whats to come!

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