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Thread: OKC Mayor Race 2014

  1. #951

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Better bus service. A noble goal to achieve indeed. Has candidate Shadid clearly identified a funding source for covering increased ops and maintenance expenses for any expanded bus service in the metro?

    That seems to be a very important issue to him regarding the streetcar. I am presuming it is an equally important issue regarding more bus service. Just curious if there is a plan somewhere online I might review to better understand the how. I already get the why.

  2. #952

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    That's a common theme we've seen in Shadid's campaign--identifying shortcomings of the current Council and saying what should be done, but never getting very specific as to how as mayor, he'd have any political capital at all to spend on anything like his proposals or even whether the solutions to the problems he's talking about are within his power at all. For example, the police department has been allocated lots of additional funds to hire additional personnel. Thus far, the Chief hasn't spent that money on new officers. That's a problem outside the powers of the Council to repair.

  3. #953

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    ... Thus far, the Chief hasn't spent that money on new officers. That's a problem outside the powers of the Council to repair.
    Is Chief hired by the City Mgr.? Memory says yes, but it's Monday and it's still early Monday at that. If that's correct, it's not totally outside the control of council. Well, it wouldn't be if the city manager actually reported to council. From the outside, it sometimes appears that once hired, the city manager supervises the council up there. And yes, I've heard that said about Norman and some other communities before as well.

  4. #954

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I believe outside of the City Manager, the Code restricts the Council from hiring or firing anyone except for maybe their own staffs.

  5. #955

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I believe outside of the City Manager, the Code restricts the Council from hiring or firing anyone except for maybe their own staffs.
    City Auditor and City Attorney are the only other two. They don't get their own staffs - staff is supplied by the City Manager's office, I believe. It's about 4 people total - one front-desk secretary, two (maybe three) lower-level assistants, and then the head assistant. Each assistant is assigned to a few council members at a time.

  6. #956

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    I get that Mid. But if as a matter of policy the council says public safety is important, it will be increased and then allocates funds but it doesn't happen, then their employee, the city mgr. is not motivating his subordinates, including the police chief, to implement policy. If the city mgr. can't or won't fix it, the council can decide they need a city mg. who will implement their policy directives (if it is a major issue with the council.)

    So they can exercise control, but yeah, it is not direct control. Again, it does requires a council willing to run their city manager and that is not always the case. Some councils get rather hands off once they put someone in place. Not a bad thing all in all. Trying to micro manage the city mgr. would create a lot of issues. But making sure major policy moves happen is not micromanaging.

  7. #957

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    And I'm sure the police department has its reasons for slow playing expansion of its police force. Perhaps academy facilities and staffs are only equipped to handle so many students at a time? Perhaps it would require a significant permanent investment to expand the academy to be larger than we need? These are unknowns to me, but most in OKC don't have a huge problem with public safety as things stand. Remember, the grips we're all hearing are not coming from the upper echelons of OKCPD and OKCFD leadership. We're hearing from the unions. Unions have their own agendas. In this case, more police and firefighters = more dues money for the unions.

  8. #958

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Ed's plan is to build world class bus shelters throughout the city with matching federal dollars. The City would keep the ad revenue rather than give 100% to Tyler Media. In his estimate, the revenue generated would pay for construction of the shelters as well as an increase in service on nights and weekends.

    This Year?s Investment in Bus Shelters Will Yield Significant Dividends to City of OKC - Ed Shadid

  9. #959

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    Ed's plan is to build world class bus shelters throughout the city with matching federal dollars. The City would keep the ad revenue rather than give 100% to Tyler Media. In his estimate, the revenue generated would pay for construction of the shelters as well as an increase in service on nights and weekends.

    This Year?s Investment in Bus Shelters Will Yield Significant Dividends to City of OKC - Ed Shadid
    I like the idea of improving the bus shelters, but the basic question is:

    Where do we build them?

    Our bus routes are ineffective and in the process of being redesigned. It seems premature to invest in permanent infrastructure until we improve the routes / bus system first. Right?

    So let's say we start throwing all of this money at bus shelters and then determine the routes are going to change (as they need to). There is a sequence to this and building the shelters now is out of sequence. Let's build the system we want first.

  10. #960

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    OKC does not need real-time advisory right now. We need a dependable bus system that hits every 20 minutes or less (especially in the core) and shelters that in addition to keeping people out of precipitation, display a stop progression (with transfer info), stop times. A route map and city map would also be appreciated.

  11. #961
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    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    I celebrate the progress we have made as a city, not denying it. I am just saying that there is still more to do. Unemployment numbers do not measure quality of life for the working poor. I would also argue that local communities have the best opportunity to address poverty by harnessing the social capital of neighborhoods, non-profits, religious communities, and small businesses. We have seen how effective the federal government is in addressing these disparities, even from a Democratic President. No doubt, the poor enjoy leisure time but not all have the same access to downtown amenities. Perhaps increasing evening and weekend bus service would help. As the urban core has become gentrified it has displaced less affluent families to the inner ring of older suburban neighborhoods.

    We all celebrate the progress Oklahoma City has made in the last two decades. I'm so proud to call Oklahoma City home.

    We live in a world were they hear a FEW success stories about someone getting out of poverty and making it one or two levels above; this makes them believe that
    there are opportunities for all. Some of them will go so far as to tell you that they had a hard and difficult life. They have no idea what povety is about other than a dictionary definition. Unless you have lived in povety--you can only visualize that stony road. Let us not forget those veterans in our city; those forgotten ones who served their country and some who died only that others would have a better life.

    We live in a society where things are getting better. As you mentioned; communities can step up by addressing these disparities. The working poor aren't looking for a hand out--they are looking for a break. Those of us who are comfortable with our situation; why should we care?

    Could any concentration of wealth at the top be too much? | MinnPost

    Who said life is/was fair? Niccolo Machiavelli's summed it up in "The Prince," that this is a 'dog eat dog' society; does some of that hold true today? The answer lives within our own true hearts.

  12. #962

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    Ed's plan is to build world class bus shelters throughout the city with matching federal dollars. The City would keep the ad revenue rather than give 100% to Tyler Media. In his estimate, the revenue generated would pay for construction of the shelters as well as an increase in service on nights and weekends.

    This Year?s Investment in Bus Shelters Will Yield Significant Dividends to City of OKC - Ed Shadid
    Awesome ideas. As councilman, he is just as able to work on that project as he would be if he was mayor, so why has this not already happened?

  13. #963

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    The new bus routes will be revealed by the time any investment in bus shelters. In fact, the routes have pretty much been determined. Final tweaks happening on a couple routes and then off for approval. For many of the routes, the shelters could go in today with no risk.
    Thank you for the info.

  14. #964

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Awesome ideas. As councilman, he is just as able to work on that project as he would be if he was mayor, so why has this not already happened?
    *More Able.

    If he's mayor, he can't even effect his ideas in Ward 2 like he is planning to do (and I love hearing that my councilman is going to invest in my ward's mass-transit infrastructure).

  15. #965

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    What kind of contract do we have with the existing bus furniture provider/advertiser? Can the city add stops and keep the revenue? Can we break the contract?

    People have been talking about the need for bus shelters long before Ed Shadid decided he cared. There was even a design competition in the recent past. I applaud him trying to improve them, but don't think that makes him more worthy of the office of mayor than Mick Cornett. I would also like to hear the details, and how the city's prior contract affects his plan.

  16. #966

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    What kind of contract do we have with the existing bus furniture provider/advertiser? Can the city add stops and keep the revenue? Can we break the contract?
    The city can always break its contracts. There may be a question about what it'll cost, but if we're talking about trading a few hundred thousand in revenue for millions, it's kind of a no brainer.

  17. Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I like the idea of improving the bus shelters, but the basic question is:

    Where do we build them?

    Our bus routes are ineffective and in the process of being redesigned. It seems premature to invest in permanent infrastructure until we improve the routes / bus system first. Right?

    So let's say we start throwing all of this money at bus shelters and then determine the routes are going to change (as they need to). There is a sequence to this and building the shelters now is out of sequence. Let's build the system we want first.
    Easy. If they are designed thoughtfully enough, they could be modular/portable units that could be relocated and reconfigured as necessary to accommodate any potential changes.

  18. #968

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    What kind of contract do we have with the existing bus furniture provider/advertiser? Can the city add stops and keep the revenue? Can we break the contract?

    People have been talking about the need for bus shelters long before Ed Shadid decided he cared. There was even a design competition in the recent past. I applaud him trying to improve them, but don't think that makes him more worthy of the office of mayor than Mick Cornett. I would also like to hear the details, and how the city's prior contract affects his plan.
    Ed says the advertising contract issue can be dealt with and has been ignored for some time. He also wonders why nothing has happened since 2005 following the design competition. This is an opportune time to address the issue because of federal matching dollars.

    Also, COTPA has identified the highest priority locations in each ward in need of bus shelters.

  19. Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Krisb, as I have said, my mind is not decided about the mayoral campaign, and it probably won't be for a few months. There are things that I like, and dislike, about each candidate ... although I'm leaning towards voting for Cornett (not that I like him better ... I actually like Cornett less than I do Shadid, who I actually do like).

    But, I've got to hand it to you. You seem to have weathered the onslaught of criticism here very well and appear to be no worse for the wear. Under the circumstances (i.e., many if not most forum members here having already decided their votes and several being quite vocal about it), I've got to give you an A+ for stamina, broad shoulders, and the like. Keep it up!

  20. #970
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    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Agreed, Mick is a chamber tool and toady of barons for sure. He was willing to forever change council protocol and not delay the MAPSIII timeline vote until Dr Shadid could get back in town after his flight was cancelled. MAPIII hijacked the process and will make any future votes difficult I would imagine. Will our barons cover the operating deficits the cc is going to generate since it's mostly their quality of life it's going to improve?
    No, we DON'T agree. It is Shadid that jeopardizes the future of progressive and beneficial actions like Maps, not Mick.

  21. #971

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    ED SHADID IS WORKING TO KILL THE STREETCAR. Information has come to light about some rather dirty dealings in the last 24 hours. This guy doesn't support the people. If he did, he would support their will. He will be voting against the streetcar tomorrow and has sold out to kill this project. He will have to answer for this from the voters, and they will be well informed.

    WATCH ED VOTE AGAINST THE STREETCAR TOMORROW. It will happen. And stay tuned for the fact check of his arguments.

  22. #972

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    Krisb, as I have said, my mind is not decided about the mayoral campaign, and it probably won't be for a few months. There are things that I like, and dislike, about each candidate ... although I'm leaning towards voting for Cornett (not that I like him better ... I actually like Cornett less than I do Shadid, who I actually do like).

    But, I've got to hand it to you. You seem to have weathered the onslaught of criticism here very well and appear to be no worse for the wear. Under the circumstances (i.e., many if not most forum members here having already decided their votes and several being quite vocal about it), I've got to give you an A+ for stamina, broad shoulders, and the like. Keep it up!
    Thanks for the encouragement. I believe there is wisdom in listening to many voices and not always accepting the consensus view without dialogue. I have seen the strengths (and weaknesses) of both candidates play out. The main reason I am a Shadid supporter is his concern for quality of life for everyone in Oklahoma City and his responsiveness to neighborhood concerns, including my own. I am not anti-Mick, but pro-Ed...if that makes any sense.

  23. #973

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    What are these neighborhood concerns that everyone talks about with Shadid? That to me is a vague area, one also which could encompass many things that a mayor (or council) for that fact maybe can't even help.

  24. #974

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    The concerns include crumbling neighborhood infrastructure, crime, lack of sidewalks, parks improvements, and placemaking opportunities. Traditionally mayors have not "meddled" in the affairs of neighborhoods. Which is why I am intrigued by the prospect of a mayor inviting neighborhoods to the table. I will give you one example: My own neighborhood has been encouraged by Councilman Shadid and our traffic commissioner to "dream big" with our vision of connecting our neighborhood to Will Rogers Park via sidewalks and crosswalks. Things are in the works because of their efforts and we feel like our voice is valued.

  25. #975

    Default Re: OKC Mayor Race 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    The concerns include crumbling neighborhood infrastructure, crime, lack of sidewalks, parks improvements, and placemaking opportunities. Traditionally mayors have not "meddled" in the affairs of neighborhoods. Which is why I am intrigued by the prospect of a mayor inviting neighborhoods to the table. I will give you one example: My own neighborhood has been encouraged by Councilman Shadid and our traffic commissioner to "dream big" with our vision of connecting our neighborhood to Will Rogers Park via sidewalks and crosswalks. Things are in the works because of their efforts and we feel like our voice is valued.
    This word...it kills me. Maybe I'm just not into urban buzzwords like some are. To me, I think of "placemaking" and I think of stuff already in action via MAPS.

    Infrastructure encompasses many things. Are you concerned with your water/sewer service? Storm drainage?

    Crime is a touchy one, but one in which I don't believe is solved by more cops or better equipment. I think it has more to do with sociological issues, but that's for another forum and another thread.

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